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Mogadishu Security Plan: Civil Security Force

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Dear Admins/Moderaters,


Were is the topic titled: ''Mogadishu Security Plan: Civil Security Force '' ?


Is it deleted? If so, on what grounds?

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lol...meiji barnaamijka baafinta bogagga la waayey iga dheh saaxiib, maxaa kuugu yaalley hallaguu soo celiyee?

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Thanks for the clarification. Insha Allah all data will be recovered.



PS: Abwaan, it was about Ciidamo Madani in Mogadishu city.

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I will repost some of the analysis concerning the subject in this topic.


I hope the admin/mods recover the whole topic since it was about a very important subject.

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The topic started with a news article that was welcomed by many people, including myself:


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Odayaasha ****** oo ugu baaqay dadka Muqdisho in ay sameeystaan ciidamo madani ah oo suga ammaankooda.


Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Odayaasha ****** ayaa ugu baaqay dadka Muqdisho in ay sameeystaan ciidamo madani ah oo suga ammaankooda.



Gudoomiyaha golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada Beelaha ****** Max’ed Xasan Xaad oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ugu baaqay dadka degan magaalada Muqdisho in ay sameeystaan ciidamo madani ah oo ay isaga difaacaan kooxo uu ku sheegay in ay si bareer ah u dilaan dadka.



Xaad waxaa uu sidoo kale sheegay in looga bixi karo dhibaatada ka taagan magaalada Muqdisho xiligan in dadka ay isku abaabulaan Xaafad,Degmo iyo heer magaalo isla markaana aysameeytaan ciidan iyaga u gaar ah oo shareecada islaamka ku saleeynaya sugida ammaanka.



Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada Beelaha ****** Max’ed Xasan Xaad waxaa uu canbaareeyn dusha uga tuuray dilaalka loo geysanayo dadka bulshada wax galka u ah oo uu ugu danbeeyay dilkii shalay galinkii danbe loo geystay sarkaal ka tirsanaan maxkamadaha islaamiga oo lagu magacaabayay Max’ed Max’uud Jimcaale (Caga weyne),waxaana uu falkaasi ku tilmaamay mid dhabar jab ku ah nabada,xasiloonida iyo ku dhaqanka Shareecada islaamka.



Hadalka Max’ed Xasan Xaad Gudoomiyaha golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada Beelaha ****** ayaa waxaa uu ku soo aadayaa xili maalmihii u danbeeyay magaalada Muqdisho ay ka jireen dilal iyo weeraro loo geysanayo dadka wax galka u ah bulshada Soomaaliya taasi oo aan illaa iyo hada si dhab ah loo ogeyn cida ka danbeeysa.

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The best news in years!


Mogadishu society should free itself from the artificial division and animosity political armed factions have kept the city since 1991.


The inhabitants of the city should never become hostages or sitting ducks between warrying factions but should secure their neighbourhoods by creating a citizen militia that has a limited mandate:


- Protect the neighbourhood and its inhabitants/property from damage.


Neighourhoods can co-operate with each other to secure the higher layers of city organisation.


A bottom-up approach that is led by the people that matter.


Only through that process can the inhabitants of Mogadishu free themselves from the countless factions that only strive for political power with zero consideration for the well-been of the city and its inhabitants.


Mogadishu society and its security should be free from:


- The religious warlord factions (ICU, Alshabab, Xisbi islam)


- The foreign-created regime.



Only through taking matters in their own hands can those living in Mogadishu secure their future.


Civil Defence Force is the right step towards the creation of a democratic city administration for Mogadishu that will pave the way for the restoration of peace and stability in Somalia.

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What does this mean? Does it mean more militia like one would suspect at first sight? Or something deeper?


Its meaning goes further then simply more militia's,


-It means the isolation of the political opportunists who have their own private militia's.


-It means the independent organisation of the security of the people.


-It means that people will secure themselves as citizen's been part of xaafad, degmo and eventually city. For the first time since 1991, Somali citizens have the opportunity to organise their security on non-clan basis.


- It means that political opportunists will not shell or fight in neighbourhoods were Somali families live who try to cope with the harsh reality of anarchy and poverty.


- It means that the political opportunists will be deprived of any significant meaning since their ideology had no appeal from the beginning on and since they nowadays ruined/squandered the only thing that made them popular: peace and law.


Who needs religious warlords and foreign created regimes if the people can secure their own lives and take matters into their own hands?


What use do they have but prolonging conflict and keeping the people hostage by their endless game for political power?


The independent organisation of security based on a citizen, non-clan basis is the first crucial step towards the creation of citizen, non-clan based political institutions in Somalia.


Mogadishu society has a lot to gain when the Security Plan materializes.

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Isn't Mogadishu city still segregated and dominated by certain subclans?


Would the Civil security force than not become ''reer hebel defense force''?








Neighbourhoods in Mogadishu have become mixed as a consequence of the economic interdependence and exchange of the various sections of Mogadishu city.


Another thing that aided the process of mixing were the countless conflicts which led to mass displacements and re-settlements.


The famoust green-line and the large-scale clan fightings is something from the past.


During the Ethiopian occupation the people of Mogadishu have all faced the same brutality and were all affected one way or the other.


During the 18 years of anarchy perpetuated by political opportunists the inhabitants of Mogadishu all wished for one thing: peace and law


During the 18 years of anarchy perpetuated by political opportunists the inhabitants of Mogadishu have all been affected by the senseless clan fightings, and as such de-linked themselves from participating in clan conflicts. Hence, why a large scale clan war as the tragic 4 months war never again occurred in Mogadishu city.


As a consequence of that past and shared desires and problems the inhabitants of Mogadishu have:


- Lost hope and support for any political group/faction


- Realized their common desires and destiny


- Become resilient and bounced back after every disaster


- come to the conclusion that they need to take their destiny in their own hands.



The logical step should be the enlargement and re-naming of the current clan-based elders council into a city-based elders council.

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