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Dhibaatooyinka Maamulka Soomaliland Ka Wadaan Gobolka Sool Uma Dul Qaadan Doono

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"Dhibaatooyinka Maamulka Soomaliland Ka Wadaan Gobolka Sool Uma Dul Qaadan Doono" Mr. Eric Laroche..


Xiriiriyaha arimaha gargaarka Qaramada Midoobay u Qaabilsan dalka Soomaaliya Mr.French Eric Laroch ayaa isaga oo ku sugan Magaalada Geneva isla markaasina ka hadlaya arimaha ka soo cusboonaaday Dalka Soomaaliya ayuu sheegay in ay Maamulka Somaliland doonayaan in ay xoog ku qabsadaan Degaano.


Aan laga doonayn oo ay dadka degani diidan yihiin isla markaasina ka soo hor jeedaan nidaamka ay wataan,wuxuuna ku tilmaamay Mr.Eric in Arintaasi keeni karto dagaal mar kale ka qarxa Gobolka Sool,oo isu roga dagaal sokeeye ama beeleed,ninkan ayaa sheegay isla markaasina Mamulka Daahir Riyaale ugu baaqay in uu kala baxo Magaalada Laascaanood Ciidamadiisa.


"Waanu la soconaa in aan maamulka Somaliland laga rabin Gobolka Sool,dadkuna ay si cad uga soo hor jeedaan,raga isla gobolka ka dhashay ee ka socda dhinaca Maamulka Somaliland dad aad ayay u diidan yihiin oo dooni maayaan Magaalada Laascaanoodna waxaa ka jira Mudaharaadyo rabshado wata oo looga soo hor jeedo Qabsashada Gobolka Sool,iyada oo dhinaca kale ay jiraan dad rayid ah loo taxaabay Xabsiyada Somaliland ka dib markii ay muujiyeen rabitaankooda "ayuu yiri Mr.Eric Laroche.


Mas'uulkan ayaa Shir Jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtay Magaalada Geneva sheegay in ay jiraan Tacadiyo ay dadka Gobolka Sool u geysteen Maleeshiyaadka Dagaalka ee maamulka Soomaaliya sida iyada oo xabsiyada loo taxaabay dad waayeel ah iyo haween aan waxba galabsan ka dib markii ay ka hor yimaadeen nidaamka Maamulka Somaliland ay ku doonayaan in ay ku khasbaan siyaasadooda.



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Mr.French Eric Laroch must in open manner report exactly what is happening in LaasCaanood. He knows thousands of the city residents have been driven from their homes. He knows that there was never a civil war in that city and the people there had been in living in peace until the SNM militia came and raided the homes of innocent Somalis who do not undoubtedly want to do nothing with idea of dismembering the Somali Republic.


Mr.French Eric Laroch must recommend to UN to stop immediately giving Riyaale’s SNM gangs all aid resources, monetary or otherwise until they remove their militia from the land of the pure Somalis.


I recommend to LA owners to organize class action suite for the families with children and the elderly who are now displaced internally and suffering in the countryside AGAINST United Nations and its workers that deal with the Somali files. Mr.French Eric Laroch is the figurehead. I believe these families if they come together and unite their voices they have a case against the UN nations and EU mainly U.K. Here is a simple question we must ask ourselves. When these organizations donate money to Riyaales SNM gang, who makes sure that the gang do not buy guns and ammunition or even use theme for training of their militia, what they call national army.


Where are the sons and daughter of LA in Diaspora? You have a strong case against UN and EU. Pass the hat and hire a New York lawyer. Collect all the names of the people the SNM gang have driven from their homes. You heard yesterday on Somali BBC that lot of them are suffering in the bush. There is no doubt that SNM gang have misused the funds given by the international community and the check and balance was not put in place to make sure that these funds have to be used for good cause. If sacs of rice are given in Hargeisa, who makes sure that they don’t end up in BIRJEEX, the military compound in Hargeisa…… smile.gif

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