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Somaliland: End of Livestock Crisis

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Hargeysa (Qarannews) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa xaley ka soo saarey go’aan khilaafkii ka taagnaa dhoofka xoolaha ku sugan magaalada Berbera.


Madaxweynuhu waxa uu go’aamiyay qodobo ay ka mid yihiin in la fasaxo xoolaha waqtigan ku sugan Berbera, iyo in muddada ka hadhey sannadkan aan la keenin xoolo dambe, ciddii keentaana iyadu ka masuul tahay.


Warsaxaafadeed arrintan ku saabsan oo uu xaley madaxweynuhu soo saarey oo nuqul ka mid ahi uu soo gaadhay shabakada qarannews ayaa waxa uu u qoraaa sidan hoos ku xusan:


“Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Wuxuu Go’aamiyay :-


1.In xoolaha hadda jooga Dekada Berbara la Fasaxo.


2. In Mudada shanta bilooda ee maxjarka ka hadhay furitaankiisa aan la keenin xoolo dambe ciddi keentaana ay iyadu masuuliyadeeda iska leedahay.


3. madaxweynuhu wuxuu magacaabay guddi ka kooban wasiirada Ganacsiga Cismaan Qaasim, X,Xoolaha Idiris Ibraahim ,Arrimaha Gudaha Cabdillaahi Cirro, Duulista Hawada Cali Warancadde oo Arrimaha Xoolaha xidhiidh kala yeealata rugta ganacsiga iyo ganacsatada xoolaha.”

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Final decision from the President:


1. The merchants are allowed to export the current livestock in Berbera.


2. Until five months from now, no one is allowed to bring livestock other than the licensed company.


3. The President appointed some of his ministers to follow the issue and discuss it with the trade center.

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3. The President appointed some of his ministers to follow the issue and discuss it with the trade center.

Why appoint Ministers, isn't there Wasiirka Macdanta iyo kheyraadka who will deal all those issues, and not Wasiirka Duulista.



Maxaa meesha keenay Wasiirka Duulista, or Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha(kan muxuu ka ogyahay xoolo la dhoofiyo) waxan dhan hal Wasiir lee sameen karo and not several ministers.



Meesha logistic problem baa ka jira, that is why horumarka uu la tukubayaa ama u la liicayaa.



Arrimaha iyo umuuraha la iskuma qaso, hawlaha waa la kala leeyahay ee yaan la isku dhax qasin.


Finally, tan kaloo ugu daran waxaa waaye, madaxweyne ayaaba ka hadlayo, shaqadiisa maba ahan, wasiir baa iska leh hawshaas.



Intaas iga gaarsii abuukaa

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It is more than what you think. You are using the logic sxb but sometimes it is different. Nin tuur leh siduu u seexanayo ayaa loo seexiyaa.

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Bal hadaba ii sheeg tabta loo seexiyo iyo waxa differentiga ah, waayo waxaan meesha ku soo qorey waa wax jiro oo Soomaalida dhan halis ku ah taasoo ah in hawlaha la kala leeyahay ayey isku qasaan.



Adoo wasiirka Caafimaadka ah hadaan ku dhaho ka warran waxaad bixisaa lecture ku saabsan arrimaha Sportska, soo shaqadaas ma lahan Wasiirka sportska!

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Maya tan way ka duwan tahay waana mushkiladda soomaali oo dhan haysata meel kasta ha joogeene. Sometimes (in the normal world) waxa hawlahaa lagu dhameeyaa si official ah oo cidda ku shaqada leh uun baa loo dhaafaa.


Lakin in the upside-down world aka Soomaalida meeshay rabaanba ha joogeene marka xaaladu meesha xun gaadho cidda wax laga dhegeysan karo uun baa loo diraa title ka uu doono ha watee.


markaa this is the Somali way not an official way of dealing with this last crises ............

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Haddi dadka xoolahaa dhoofiyaa arrintan aqbalaan its their loss.The president has no right to stifle the export of livestock by anyone.Creating a monopoly for someone who isnt from Somaliland is the most idiotic thing.The reason the dumbb azz president keeps talking about this issue is because he has direct interest in all of this.He shares the profits with the person who now has the only license to export livestock from Berbera and He is not even from Somaliland....

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