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Akhas Caleek Yaa Rayaale ............

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Madaxweyne Rayaale oo maanta qasriga madaxtooyada ku qaabilay Fanaanad Taanya iyo Maxamed Himilo



Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, waxa uu maanta qasriga Madaxtooyada ku qaabilay wefdi ka socda Qurba jooga dalka Norway.


Wefdigaasi oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Fanaaniin, Wakiilada Somaliland iyo Madax kale oo ka tirsan Somaliland, waxa ku jirtay gabadha reer Norway ee magaceeda la yidhaahdo Taaniya, gabadhaasi oo ku caan baxday in ay ku heesto heeso badan oo Af-soomaali ah, iyadoo u dhalatay dlaka Norway.


Wefdigaasi waxa Madaxweynuhu ugu mahad naqay socdaalka ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland iyo sidii diiranayd ee ay ugu soo dhaweeyeen isaga iyo wefdigiisuba markii ay booqashada ku tageen dalka Norway sanadkii 2007-kii.


Wefdigaasi oo ay hogaaminaysay Fanaanada Taanya, waxa ay Madaxweynaha iyo xukuumada Somalilandba ugu mahad naqeen sida diiran ee kalgacalka leh ee lagu qaabilay intii ay joogeen Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo casuumada sharafta leh ee loo fidiyay, waxana ay Madaxweynaha gudoonsiiyeen hadyado ay ku sharfeen, laguna xasuusan doono socdaaladoodii ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland.


Wefdigaasi Maanta Madaxweynuhu qaabilay, waxa kale oo goob joog ka ahaa Wasiirka Hidaha iyo Dhaqanka Mudane C/risaaq Waaberi Rooble, C/samad Maxamed Cabdillaahi oo isaguna ka mid ahaa qurba jooga reer Norway iyo Fanaanka caanka ah ee la yidhaahdo Maxamed Himilo, isla markaana waxa xafladaasi soo dhawaynta ah ka qayb galay Wakiilka Somaliland ee Norway Mudane Maxamed Maxamuud Aadan "Linin" iyo Wakiilka Somaliland ee Ireland Mudane Cabdi-fataax Siciid Axmed Guuleed iyo Xoghayaha Gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha Mudane Axmed Maxamed Ciise.

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Not the right time sxt ,,,, not the eight time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,


and not something worth a "press release" from Cadani Mooge .....

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Was this a press release from his office or general reporting by the media?


I agree, this ain't worth the ink of "press Release" if that is the case.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Press release from the Government's spokesman ,,,, imagine



There is nothing wrong with them visiting the Palace but press release signed by the spokes man is beyond ******.


Like you said, his timing is horible!


Rayaale must stop listening to Huda and Moha!

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lol, holding that stick with that suit makes him look like a pimp.



JB is just mad cuz Riyale beat him to it before he could return from Garowe. :D Bruv, if she is not married you should make her a proper a Somali dee. ;)



ps. I blame this all on shariff though. next week, farole might shake hands with some white women. :D

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Originally posted by Laba-Alifle Inshaar:

Most Somali men back home tie'ka Kalxantay ka xidhaan.

lol maa aragtaa, shaadka ka wayn


Laakiin odaygu waa nuuraya, Tolow waa waxa u meesha uga tegi waayey.

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^Have you been there lately? Walaahi adba hadaad tagi lahayd meesha kamaan tagteen saaxiib. The quality of life is way better. You must have the financial means to sustain productive life though.

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Originally posted by Fabregas:

ps. I blame this all on shariff though. next week, farole might shake hands with some white women.


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