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Puntland: Karkaar region severly effect by Drought

July 30, 2009 · Comments (3)

By: Ali Osman

Horseed Media


On Thursday, a press release by Puntland authorities called for more aid from the international community and aid agencies in drought effected areas, in Karkaar region.


Osman Buh, the Mayor of Gardo city, the regional capital, told Horseed Media, that lack of water is severely effecting the livelihoods of many pastoral people and also people in major towns including, Gardo city.


“…most of the water wells are drying up,… the equipment in water wells are rusty ….while we still endure the prolonged drought in the region….” Said Osman Buh, adding that there was no sufficient waterfall from the latest G’u rain-season, putting more pressure on the remaining water wells in Gardo.


Eng.Abdi Said Osman, the manager of HODMAN, water company in Gardo, says there is lack of equipment in most water stations.


Eng.Abdi, told Horseed Media that they were doing what they could, to supply water to the thousands of cattle and pastoral people coming from other drought effected regions. But he says there is simply no enough water for everyone.


“….the main water station used to produce 60M3 per day,…now it is down to 40M3 per day. while the need is much higher up to 120M3 per day…” says Eng.Abdi, manager of Hodman water company.


Earlier this year, the Food Security Analysis Unit of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO/FSAU) for Somalia warned that drought-affected populations in Somalia, faced a continuing deterioration in their food security and nutritional situation as a result of the unusually prolonged and harsh dry ‘Jilaal’ season.


Horseed Media

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like i said, buying water pumps and food would have been better, than competing and imitating something you could never be. Somaliland. I dont have to say mumal gobled, dowlada somaliland.


In our parts we dont give a dam.




plain and simple.

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Would be interesting to see how the faroole regime deal with this looming severe water and food shortages in Puntland.


edited on XX advise. Our thoughts are with Puntland government in these difficult times.

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I admit it is sometimes amusing to watch the childish antics and extremes puntlanders and somalianders go to on this site to one up each other.


but this is a new low even for the fringe wing-nuts of .. I don't think I have come across a thread a puntlander openly gloating and cheerful at the prospect of a disaster befalling his brethren from the north-west.


miyaydaan muslimiin ahayn ? maxay ku kasbadeen walaalhiina inaad sidaas ugu faraxdaan dhibaataada soo gaadha ?


iksu noqda nimanyahow such pettiness and ill-will towards your brother is not good for you

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These kids have lost their mind. Meel aan lagu kaftamin ayeey weligood gogosha dhigtaan. Duf ku baxa.


Allaha u sahlo reer Karkaar iyo umadda kaleba.

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With the NW Somalis, they must desperately show that no other region in Somalia has any progress. So with the successful celebrations yesterday, they had to post this to try and project Puntland in a bad light. Even though just last week NW Somalia's admin was asking for interational help to fight a drought, this resulted tribal fighting over land. Everyone knows there will never be any elections because they are incapable of transfering power over peacefully, YOU WILL SEE, NO ELECTIONS. But anyways the lack of water is hurting all of Africa, especially in the horn.



Eng.Abdi, told Horseed Media that they were doing what they could,
to supply water to the thousands of cattle and pastoral people coming from other drought effected regions.
But he says there is simply no enough water for everyone.

I'm proud that reer Qardho have opened their doors to other pastoral farmers and are sharing what little they have. Other places would have sent armed men to chase them away. Put the spirit of Puntland has always been that of a welcoming people.

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Actually Burco and all regions below including sool and sanage are inflicted with sever drought. Ilaahay Ramaxaanka ah baa dhulka qaboojinkara. Allow raxmad khayr dhulka ka buuxi, aamiin.

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The irony is you will never see Duke post such a topic as this even if this one is worth our attention more than four men in simple uniform marching on a basketball court. icon_razz.gif

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Someone once said negative press or good press, press is press. I am well aware of Gaaroodi's hate oriented and primitive reasoning for posting this, but that makes him look small. Gabbal does not need to shed light on it. What surprises Gabbal is the fact that the one man who saturates the forum with Puntland news has never once given attention to the real and human situation in Puntland. What does that tell you? I'll tell you it surprises Gabbal!

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Gabbal, adeer you are talking out of Hiiraale's *** again. The Duke has highlighted on a number of occasions the important issue of the droughts and thus you have no point other than being angry towards Puntland and your own impotence.


Just so you know the issue of drought and how to help is one close to my heart

drought in MUDUG/Puntland

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