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Puntland Peace Talks

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Here's an interesting article about Somali women in the military. Thought you might enjoy it :D


"Throughout the postindependence period, the Somali armed forces relied on reserves to help defend national security and preserve internal stability. In 1961, for example, the government created the Women's Auxiliary Corps. Qualified enlistees underwent a five-month period of basic training and instruction in typing, record keeping, and related subjects. During their two-year enlistment, Somali women worked in a variety of positions associated with administration, personnel, and military welfare. Most Women's Auxiliary Corps personnel served in army headquarters in Mogadishu or in subordinate headquarters in the field."

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Thanks BN.


That was really good article on Somali military.


Here is another one from the same site.






Armed Forces: As of January 1991, Somali National Army and all related military and security forces disbanded; indeterminate elements reconstituted as clan militias and irregular regional forces.


Major Tactical Units: Until January 1991, Army ground forces organized into twelve divisions composed of four tank brigades, forty-five mechanized and infantry brigades, four commando brigades, one surface-to-air missile brigade, three field artillery brigades, thirty field battalions, and one air defense battalion. Poor serviceability of obsolete equipment of Soviet and United States origin. Somali Air Force organized into three fighter ground attack squadrons; three fighter squadrons; one counterinsurgency squadron; one transport squadron; and one helicopter squadron. None believed to be operational in 1992. Small, poorly equipped naval force not believed to be operational.


Major Military Suppliers: Exclusively supplied by Soviet Union until 1977 when Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation was terminated. Subsequently Somalia improved relations with United States and received average of US$36 to $US40 million per year of United States military assistance between 1983 and 1986. Levels of military aid during 1980s insufficient to avert deterioration and collapse of Somali armed forces by 1991.


Military Costs: Military expenditures totaled about US$44.5 million annually for 1980-90 decade. Military procurement supported largely by foreign financial assistance and military aid.


Paramilitary and Internal Security Forces: Somali Police Force, People's Militia, and National Security Service disbanded as of January 1991.

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BN & DAD both of you are talking women in nations military force, i agree with u that it's our duty (men and women) to defend our country, but i'm talking about clan militias, it's a shame women and all other honourable community members to involve this bloody clan war. 12 yrs now and we're still fighting each other ...for what? Anigaa kaa aabe fiican :D mise anigaa kaa hooyo fiican? :D if someone asks me why you're fighting each other i simply say i don't know :confused: because even the one who's fighting don't know why?

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Brilliant to see political differences being sorted out between the two camps. Though it should have never happened to start with,I am glad to see it finalised.


What caught my attention more than anything else is the beauty of the presidential palace in the picture both inside and outside. Absolutely gorgeous - look at the lawn, the interior design and the leather seats.


Let us hope our brothers in the Southwest and Banadir follow suit.


Well done to all parties for their agility, committment and dedication to a peaceful end of the conflict.

Best of luck!

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Xafladii Saxiixa Heshiiska Puntland oo Sabtida la qabanayo

- Friday, May 16, 2003 at 10:35


Bosaso, (Radio Midnimo)- Shir maanta ay yeesheen Golaha Xukuumada Puntland oo uu shirgudoominayey Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta lagu qabtay xarunta Madaxtooyada magaalada Boosaaso.


Shirkaan oo ahaa mid albaabadu u xiran yihiin ayaa ugu danbeyntii waxaa ka soo baxay in la qabto galabnimada Sabtida ee fooda inagu soo haysa xafladii gunaanadka barnaamijkii nabadeynta Puntland ee mudaba soo jiitamaysey.


Lama sheegin sababta ay horay ugu baaqatay xaflad la qorsheynayey in la qabto galabnimdii Talaadada ee ina dhaaftay, waxaase muuqday in ay jireen caqabado salka ku hayey qaybsiga awoodaha Maamulka oo markii horeba aan si rasmi ah la isula meel dhigin.


Barnaamijka nabadeynta oo xiligaan galay wejigiisii ugu danbeeyey ayaa dadku sugayaan in lagu soo bandhigi doono xaflada gunaanadka waxyaabaha salka u ah heshiiska labada dhinacba isku waafaqeen oo ilaa iyo iminka aan ciddina wax war ah ka haynin.


Radio Midnimo

Boosaaso, Puntland, Somaliya

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Waa Ilaah mahadii haddii reer Puntland ka heshiiyeen dagaalkii ahliga ahaa, waxaana rajeynayaa in soomaalida kalana ku dayato.


Nabad iyo barwaaqo

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nice to see our people taking step ahead toward peace and may allah show the same path the rest of our people all somalis


****guess what guys,me and ade muse used to sit side by side learn tafsiirul quran back in early 90s make allah make him righ leader who cares his religon 1st, 2nd his people,,,,,,,,,

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Halkan hoose ka aqriso heshiiskii buuxay ee lagu kala saxiixday Bosaso


Bosaso, (AllPuntland)- Xafalad balaraan oo lagu soo gunaanday wadahadaladii nabada Puntland ayaa galabta lagu qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada Magalada Boosaaso.



Xafaladaan waxaa ka soo qayb galay boqolaal dadwaynaha reer Boosaaso ah, kuwaasoo iskugu jiray siyaasiyiin, madax dhaqameedyo, culuma'udiin, aqoonyahano, haween iyo dadweyne kale, waxaa kale oo xaflada ka soo qayb galay madaxda gobolka Bari, golaha xukuumada iyo baarlamaanka oo u hogaminayo Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cabdulahi Yusuuf Axmed, waxaa iyaguna ka soo qaybgalay xafladaasi mucaaradka oo uu hogaaminayay General Cadde Muuse oo ayna weheliyeen xubno ay ka mid yihiin Col. Khaliif Ciise Mudan, Col. Cabdulahi Siciid Samataar, Maxamed Warsame Faraax iyo xubno kale, dadka xaflada goobjooga ka ahaa oo aad u badnaa waxaa ka mid ahaa madax kooxaha Somaliyeed ee Koonfurta ka socday kuwaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Cabdullaahi Shiikh Ismaaciil, Hilowle Imaam Cumar iyo Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed (Gacmodheere) iyo xubno kale, sidoo waxaa xaflada goobjoog ka ahaa wakiilo ka socday hay'adaha qaraamadda midoobey oo uu hogaminayo madaxa isku xirka hay'adaha Qaramada Midobey ee Somaliya Mexwell Gayler.



Munasibadaan oo dhamaan dadkii ka soo qayb galay faxadi ka muuqatay wajiyadooda ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Boqor Cusmaan Aw-Maxmuud Maxmed oo ka sheekeeyay wax tarka nabada iyo dedaalkii ay uu soo mareen raadinta nabada Puntland, Boqorku wuxuu sheegay in ay ku gulaysteen hindisahoodii ahaa in ay nabad ku soo dabalaan khilaafka siyasadeed ee ka dhexeeyay dadka walaalaha ah ee reer Puntland.



Boqorka ayaa u mahadnaqay Cabdulahi Yusuuf iyo Jen. Cadde Muuse oo uu uga mahadceliyay sidii ay u tixgalinayeen hadalkoodii isla markaasna ugu dhaga nuglayeen ka shaqaynta nabada.



Boqor Cusmaan oo hadalkisii sii wata waxaa uu yirii "Anigoo ku hadalaya magaca shacabka iyo madax dhaqamedka Soomaaliland waxaan si wayn ugu mahad naqayaa dadwanayha reer Puntland gaar ahaan reer Boosaaso oo si wayn u soo dhaweyay nabada isla markaasna u guxaay nabada sida uu geelu ugu guuxo waxa uu jecelyahay".



Waxaa hadalka markiisa isna qaatay Suldaan Siciid Suladan Cabdisalaan oo isaguna u mahad celiyay xukumada iyo Madaxwaynahay Puntland Cabdulahi Yusuuf iyo Cadde Muuse sida ay uga go'day nabada isla markaasna wuxuu Suldaanku ku booriyay inay garbaha wada qabtaan nabada.



Labada Isim waxay mahadnaq balaaran u jeediyeen beesha Axmed Harti (Dashiishle) oo ay ku amaaneen doorkii muuqday ee ay ku lahaayeen ka soo shaqaynta heshiiskaan lagu guulaystay.



Waxaa isna ka hadalay xaflada madaxa hay'adda UNDP Mexwell Gaylar oo isagu sheegay in uu ku hadalayo magaca xoghayha guud ee Qaaramaada Midoobaay iyo magaca shacabka Soomaaliya oo u ku sheegay in aay ka mid yihiin beesha Qaramada Midoobay, waxaa uuna sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay heshiiskan ka dhacay Puntland isla markaasna wuxuuu sheegay in uu fure u noqon doono dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya ee ka socta dalka Kenya.



Waxaa kale oo isna dadkii halkaas ka hadalay ka mid ahaa Cabdulahi Shiikh Ismaciil oo ku hadlay magaca martida Soomaaliyeed ee goob jooga ka ahaa xaflada wuxuuna sheegay in talaabdani ay dhiirigalin u tahay shirka Nairobi, wuxuu dadka reer Puntland ku guubaabiyay inay adkaystaan nabada.



Waxaa hadalka qaatay Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yasiin oo ku hadalayay magaca Isimada Puntland, Ugaasku wuxuu hanbalyo wayn u soo jediyaya isimadi ku jiray hawsha, wuxuuna dadka kula dardaamay adkaynta nabada.



Waxaa hadalka qaatay Jen Cadde Muuse oo sheegay in u madaxwaynaha Puntland uu dulqaad badan siiyay intii lagu dhex jiray wada hadalada nabada, kaasoo uu shegay in uu madaxwaynaha Puntland kulaa hadalay hadalo adag isla markasana usan dan kagalin, taasina waxaay ii cadaysay buu yiri in ay dhab ka tahay nabada oo uu sheegay in Cabdullaahi isagu markii hore uu bilaabay xiriirka wada hadalka nabada, Jen. Cadde wuxuu sheegay in labada dhinacba ay ku jiran dad ka soo horjeeda nabada, kuwaas oo uu sheegay jananku inay marar badan qatar galiyeen geedi socodka nabada.



Waxaa isna markiisa hadalka qaatay Cabdulahi Yusuuf Axmed oo uu mahad celinayay isimidi reer Sanaag ee hormuudka u ahaa heshiiska nabada, Jen. Cadde iyo waxgaradkii kale ee gacanta ka gaystay heshiiska, waxaa uunaa balan qaaday in u hirgalin donoo isla markaasna dadajin donoo hirgalinta qodobada nabada, waxaana u ku dhiiriagaliyay Isimada in ay ka hawlgalan meelkasta, wuxuu Cabdullaahi ugu baaqay dadka reer Muqdisho in ay ku daydaan Puntland oo nabada ka shaqeeyaan.



Cabdullaahi waxaa kale ee uu sheegay in u kashayqaynayo sidii nabad buuxda laago aslaaxin lahaa Soomaaliya, isla markaasna hubka looga dhigi lahaa kooxaha Soomaaliya, loona dhisi dawlad Soomaaliyeed.



Xafaladu intii ayan dhamaan waxaa bilado ku gudoonsiyay Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cabdullaahi iyo Jen. Cadde hay'ad xaga nabada u ololaysa oo ka socota wadanka Swden, waxaana gudoonsiiyay Cabdiraxmaan Budul oo hay'adaas ka socday oo sheegay in ay tahay biladahani kuwo ay ku mutaysteen hawsgha nabada ee ay qabteen, sidoo kale waxaa iyagana shahaadooyin kuwaas la ujeedo ah goobta lagu gudoonsiiyay labada Isim ee heshiiskan ka soo shaqeeyay.



Xafalada galabtay waxaa lagu kala sixiixday qoral saddex bog ka kooban oo ay wadaa sixiixen Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cabdulahi Yusuuf Axmed iyo Jen. Cadde Muuse iyo waliba Isimada oo sixiix ku lahaa qoralka heshiiska.



Xaflada oo ku dhacday jawi aad u sareeya waxaa suugaan ka hadlaysay qiimaha nabada iyo dhiiri galinta heshiiska kusoo bandhigay fanaaniinta Puntland.



Heshiiskaan maanta la saxiixay qodabadiisa waxaa ka mid ahaa, qodobo qeexaya habka maamulka ay wax uga yeelanayaan mucaaradku waxaana ka mid ahaa kuwo loo qorsheeyay inay mucaaradku yeeshaan Saddex Wasiir, Laba Wasiir ku xigeen, 3 Agaasime guud, Labo Agaasime waaxeed, Laba Gudoomiye gobol iyo 2 dagmo Hal maareeye dakadeed ama Garoon diyaaradeed Taliye ciidan.



Ciidamada Mucaaradka ayaa lagu kala dari doonaa Daraawiishta iyo Booliiska Puntland.


Heshiiska ayaa waxaa kaloo ka mid ah in mucaaradku ay qayb ku yeelandoonaan ergada shirka dib u heshiisiinta Somalida, sidoo kale waxaa heshiisku sheegayaa in jiritaanka jabhada mucaaradku ay dhamaatay marka heshiiska la saxiixay.



Heshiiska nabadaynta Puntland ee galabta lagu saxiixay Boosaaso ayaa lagu wadaa inuu soo afjaro qalaalaase siyaasadeed oo gacan ka hadal markii dambe isu badalay oo labadii sano ee la soo dhaafay ka taagnaa Puntland.



Xasan M. Jaamac


AllPuntland, Boosaaso

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Puntland Peace Accord








Referring to the two letters of confidence Given to us by the President of Puntland State the Honourable Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and General Mahamoud Muse Hirsi (Ade), Chairman of Puntland Salvation Council (PSC).




Having observed the difficult political situation, the dispute that prevails and the misunderstanding that exists in the interpretation of the Governance in Puntland.




Having been Given the Mandate to help and mediate and come up with a viable solution acceptable to the parties in conflict and to re-institute lasting peace and to creat fraternal atmosphere among the people of Puntland, we have decided on this Saturday the 17th of May 2003, the following:-




That Puntland Salvation Council (PSC) shall be integrated to the Puntland Administration and be given the following positions from the Administration:




A)Council of Ministers




Ministers 3




Assistance Ministers 2




Director Generals 2




Directors 3




B) Puntland Forces




The PSC shall be given one of the two Command Posts of the Puntland forces, namely Darawishta or the Police.




To give one of the two main Economic stations the Airport or the Port to PSC.




To integrate the officers of PSC to the Darawishta, the Police and the Prison Custodian forces.




To integrate PSC militiamen with the Darawishta Forces.




With the Exception of:




- Sick Persons


- Persons with out Rifle.


- Persons Affiliated to Political Groups




C) Regional Administration




PSC should be given at least 2 Governor Posts.




D) District Administration




PSC should be given at least two district posts




E) It is pertinent that Regional participation in higher Administration posts of Puntland be equitably shared:- We have therefore decided that the Supreme Court President of Puntland Administration should be given to Bari Region.




F) PSC Should be given affordable compensation.




G) Having made adequate consideration to the dire desire of the Population of Puntland in order to acquire a Democratic system of Administration and with in an autonomous law and Procedure, a free and fair local Government elections should be conducted as early as possible.




H) To strengthen the unity, the brotherhood and full cooperation among Puntland Population, it is pertinent to form a committee of harmonisation that will look into how best to re-establish the past joint endeavours and working system.




I) It is a pre-requisite that those selected personnel to any Administrative or Political post should have the capability and the qualifications required to carry out their duties diligently.




J) SRC Conference in KENYA




Three Delegates should be allocated to PSC to attend the on-going Somali National Reconciliation Conference in Kenya.




H) Since all conflicts and hostilities in Puntland have ended and the PSC are fully integrated into the Puntland Administration as a result of this agreement of the 17th of May 2003, the Puntland Salvation Council ceases to exist immediately after signing this Peace Deal.




K) The agreement would function immediately after the signing by the two sides




L) This agreement is signed on Saturday the 17th of May 2003.








Puntland Administration

Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed,

President of Puntland State


Puntland Salvation Council

Gen. Mahmoud Musse Hirsi(Ade),

Chairman of PSC






Witnessed by Witnessed by


Boqor Osman Aw-Mahamoud & Suldan Said Suldan AbdiSalan





Puntland Opponents Sign Peace Deal


UN Integrated Regional Information Networks


May 19, 2003




The administration in the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland and opposition forces signed a peace deal on Saturday aimed at ending conflict in the region, a local journalist told IRIN on Monday.


The talks which have been under way in Bosaso, the commercial capital, since 10 May, between the Puntland administration of Col Abdullahi Yusuf and the opposition led by Gen Ade Muse Hirsi, "ended with the signing of a power-sharing agreement between the two sides", said Muhammad Sa'id Kashawiito, of the Bosaso-based Midnimo radio.


Under deal the opposition will have three ministers, two vice-ministers, two governors, two mayors and the commander of either the police force or the army, Kashawiito said. Furthermore, the opposition militia will be integrated into the Puntland security forces.


"As of Saturday the opposition ceased to exist," Puntland's acting information minister Abdishakuur Mire Aden told IRIN. "The agreement brings to a close a dark chapter in Puntland's history."


According to Kashawiito, the people of Puntland welcomed the peace agreement which ends two years of conflict and power struggle in the region.


"On Saturday night, people were celebrating to welcome the agreement. Everybody hopes this is a new beginning for Puntland and an end to factional fighting," he said.


The deal between Ade Muse, an ally of the rival claimant to the Puntland presidency, Jama Ali Jama, and Col. Abdullahi Yusuf, was brokered by Boqor Usman Aw Mahmud and Sultan Sa'id Sultan Abdisalam, both elders from the disputed region of Sanaag, said Abdishakur.


Meanwhile, Jama Ali Jama, who was not involved in the peace talks told IRIN that "in principle I welcome any peace initiative".


"However, I hope the process will be all inclusive involving all those that can contribute to peace in Puntland," he added.


Jama warned that the agreement should not "violate" the Puntalnd charter. "If the charter is not respected the peace deal will not work," he said.


Controversy over Puntland's leadership has been increasingly vocal since June 2001, when Abdullahi Yusuf, whose presidential term ended then, claimed that the region's parliament had extended his mandate.


In November 2001, a number of Puntland traditional elders elected Jama Ali Jama as president for a three-year term in the hope that this would end the leadership wrangle. Abdullahi Yusuf recaptured Bosaso from Jama Ali Jama in May 2002.

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A peace agreement was finally signed yesterday in the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland. The deal between President Abdullahi Yussuf and the rebel leader, General Adde Mussa includes provisions for power sharing in the government, merging of the two armies and holding of general elections. Well, reactions from the deal have been coming in from the two sides and from Puntlanders themselves, Robert Walker reports from Bosaso;


( Somali music background).


Robert Walker:The signing of the peace agreement was cue for celebrations on Puntlanders tired of two years of bitter fighting over the region's leadership. Following intense negotiations, opposition leader, general Adde Mussa says that he is now satisfied of the final deal


//General Adde Act//


The problem is finished. The hostility is almost finished and I'm sure everything will be ok and they must fulfill everything in the agreement. So I don't have any doubts.


// end of General Adde Act//


Robert Walker: Puntland's peace deal is being hailed as proof that Somalis can make peace without external involvement. Traditional elders painstakingly shuffled between the two sides and so consensus was finally achieved. President Abdullahi Yussuf believes Puntland now offers lessons for the rest of the country.


//President Yussuf Act//


Puntland is now united and as united we shall go to the National Reconciliation Conference in Kenya and I think we demonstrated to the other Somalis that making peace is possible if there is will and honesty in order to make peace in the whole of Somalia.


//end of President Yusuf Act//


Robert Walker: Meanwhile, in Bosaso, after days of waiting for the negotiations to end, there was optimism that the conflict is genuinely over.


// voice of Puntlander #1 act//


I'm so delighted and I think this is a great step taken by the politicians and the community of Puntland and I think that it is a message for the rest of Somalia to follow it.


// voice of a Puntlander #2 act//


As we know, in Puntland, this time was first time that it got conflict and now it is going to be solved.


Robert Walker: But the real test may come next year when President Abdullahi Yussuf's term in office expires. It was at the end of his previous term in 2001 that the succession crises erupted into fighting. Puntlanders will be waiting to see whether the process of choosing their leaders in 2004 turns out to be an open and peaceful one. Whatever lies ahead, for now Puntland is celebrating its new peace.


( another Somali music background Act)


HASSAN AROUNI: Robert Walker


sent that report from Bosaso in Puntland


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