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A Prominent African scholar to visit Somaliland

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Professor Ali Mazrui to visit Somaliland



Dr. Mohamed –Rashid Sheikh Hassan=


HARGEISA, Somaliland, 19 March 2006 (Awdalnews Network)-- Professor Ali Mazrui, the distinguished, historian, political thinker, Islamic scholar, and philosopher will arrive in Somaliland 21st March for an official visit. Prof. Ali Mazrui has written many books and articles on world history, Culture, Islam Politics, political thought, Sociology literature etc. His books and articles have been translated into many languages. He is at moment Director of Institute of Global Cultural Studies, based in the United States, which he played a big role in its foundation and establishment. His contributions to the African cultural history through a UNESCO project of re-writing the African cultural history have been regarded as a unique.


According to Ali Mazrui (1990), culture serves several fundamental functions in society. These are: (a) It is a prerequisite for perception and cognition: how people envisage the world is basically conditioned by one or more cultural perspectives that they have been exposed to. (b) It provides conditions of human behaviour: what makes an individual respond behaviourally in a particular way is largely due to cultural origins. © It provides a methodology of evaluation: What is good or bad, moral or immoral. (d) It gives a basis of identity. (e) Culture is an elaborate system of communication of which language is the most important aspect.


In analysing the African Society, his theoretical concept and model of ‘The Triple Heritage’ has been an original and widely referred and red by students on African Societies, Ali Mazrui (1990) described this model ‘The Triple Heritage’, as follows. The triple heritage consists of the impact of three legacies: indigenous values, Islamic influence and the impact of Western culture. On Islam Mazrui (1997), has argued that there are two main issues: Islamic expansion and Islamic revivalism. The former involves the spread of Islam, "in search of new worlds to conquer" and the conversion of non-Moslems. Revivalism is the "rebirth of faith" among those who are already converted. Countries such as Sudan and Saudi Arabia have revived their legal systems and other features of the Islamic way of life, aspects of which go back fourteen centuries. Islamic movements in countries like Algeria, Egypt, and Afghanistan are also seeking revivalist goals. A similar sacred nostalgia is evident in other religions, such as among born-again Christian sects in the United States and Africa.


During the Kenyan political and economic crisis, in the 1970s and 1980s, Professor Marzui was seen as the best candidate to replace the former President of Kenya Mr. Daniel Arab Moi, and help Kenya to overcome this crisis.


Professor Ali Mazruri has an enormous influence on the world stage, the African continent, African Diaspora, African Americans and he has many followers and listeners throughout the world. What he says on Somaliland definitely will be given a close attention and be listened by many policy makers and governments; therefore, his visit to Somaliland is a milestone.


Among the books written by Professor Ali Mazrui include: - :


Mazrui, A.A. (1990) Cultural Forces in World Politics. London: James Currey.

Mazrui, A.A. (1993) “African Islam and Comprehensive Religion: Between Revivalism and Expansionâ€. In N. Akali; R. Motem (eds.) (1993) Islam in Africa: Proceedings of the Islam in Africa Conference. Ibadan: spectrum Books Limited. Pp.247-265.

Mazrui, A. A. (ed.) (1999) General History of Africa. VIII Africa since 1935. Oxford: James Currey Ltd / California / UNESCO.

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Mr Mazrui is a great and very talented African scholar, I have watched a series of programs he did for the BBC in the eighties or late eighties If im correct.


Proud to see him visit Somali inhabited area in the former republic of Somalia.


Massive Wlc .....

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Originally posted by Tukaale:

Proud to see him visit Somali inhabited area in the former republic of Somalia.

LOL. Welcome to the fray Tukaale. Your views have been noted. :D

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Welcome me to where? I thought to have became familiar with these boards by now? am I still acting strange?


I was expected to see that heavy hut, my mistake may be it went past me during my dissappearance.


Thanks for your hospitality thou

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Prof. Ali Mazrui is among Africa's best known names in the academia field. His visit to SL is indeed a landmark.


He is among an ever growing pool of academics and well known figures that support Somaliland and its quest for independence. We hope his stay in Hargeisa solidifies that support.



Shactiro badanidaa inaar :D


Even when someone is being politically correct, they don't seem to escape your radar.





Guurtida iyo Wakiilada oo Maanta Kulan wada jir ah Yeelanaya

Hargeysa(Jam)- Labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka Somaliland (Guurtida iyo Wakiilada) ayaa maanta kulan wada jir ah ku qaabilaya Prof. Cali Mazuri oo ah aqoonyahan caana oo shalay gelinkii dambe soo gaadhay Magaalada Hargeysa. Labada gole ee Baarlamaanka Somaliland waxa la filayaa inuu Prof. Cali Mazuri khudbad u jeediyo, taas oo uu kaga hadli doono arrimo dhawr ah oo khuseeya Somaliland. Prof. Cali, oo shalay ka soo degay Madaarka Cigaal Airport, waxa soo dhaweeyay Masuuliyiin ka tirsan xukuumadda Somaliland, aqoonyahano reer Somaliland ah iyo dad kale. Prof: Cali Mazuri wuxuu qoray buugaag iyo qoraalo fara badan oo ah dhinaca taariikhda aduunka, dhaqanka , siyaasada ,arimaha bulshada ,suugaanta iyo luqadaha. Waxa buugaagtiisa loo turjumay luqado fara badan, wax uu hadda madax ka yahay machadka lagu magacaabo cilmi baadhista dhaqamada aduunka oo ku yaala wadanka Marykanka (Intitute of Golabal Culture). Prof: Cali Mazuri waxa kaluu xubin ka yahay mac-hadyo faro badan .oo waaxyaha dunida ku kala yaala. Waxa kale oo jaamacadaha dunida uu ka bixiyaa duruus ku saabsan caalamka cusub iyo Carro-Edegeynta (globalization). Duruusta uu ka bixiyo jaamacadaha aduunka waa qaar aad loo xiiseeyo.

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