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Now Alshabaab are the ones being sloughtered.

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Originally posted by nuune:

quote: this is where the real bloody battle is going to be.

You said that with smile on your face sitting in your chair and enjoying your fellow countrymen butchering eatch other!!



All you could do is condemn all acts that both sides are doing.



It is not a time for "I support this & you support that"



Wadanka wuxuu marayaa marxalad aan waligeed soo wajihin, dadka ha loo soo duceeyo iyo in uu dagaalkan fitnada ah istaago.


This is my expression of the seriousness of the situation. These people are defending themselves from the al-shabaab offensive, so when someone is transgressing, and to me it is clear al-shabaab/HI are transgressing, they should be called out on and we shouldn't be lukewarm with some kind of moral equivalence.

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Hold on.... Arent these the the same pics from who claimed that they were al shabab fighters posing with a captured vehicle. And now waagacusub seem to be using them. Sumthing weird is going on or one of these sites r lying big time!

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Yeh i know r careful in reporting their news but on the other hand those fighters on the pics look more like ahlusunna rather than shabab fighters. Im a bit confused...

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some disturbing facts of reality:


if you don't behead these monsters, not prisoners, they will behead you, your family and desecrate your graves.


beheading them will lead you more and more down the same path as the monster you want to destroy.


all in all, i fear that the poor sufis have been pushed into an impossible corner and there seem to be no right choices.

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No, its not two wrongs, just pionting out the difficult situation this guys are in. if it was me, i would line all the shababs up, gather few blinded solders and let them shoot. no questions asked. the greater evil would to let these brain washed lunatics loose among the innocents. yet i lament that fact that such actions will forever change the outlook of these former pious muslims who shunned all things worldly, let alone violence. some one needs to advice the culima of these guys to be humane even when they have to execute and to drop their weapons and return to their ways when they are done defending the defenseless. Somalis have said a long time ago, waranle and wadaad, their mixing is a dangerous thing.

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Shabab will be destroyed sooner or later, it's best they just cutt their losses because their no place in the world for their brand of islam.


Long live ahlul sunnah forces...and it's time to take islam back from these khawarij dogs of hell which they have stained with the religion so they can advance their own political agenda.

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Originally posted by nuune:

quote: this is where the real bloody battle is going to be.

You said that with smile on your face sitting in your chair and enjoying your fellow countrymen butchering eatch other!!



All you could do is condemn all acts that both sides are doing.



It is not a time for "I support this & you support that"



Wadanka wuxuu marayaa marxalad aan waligeed soo wajihin, dadka ha loo soo duceeyo iyo in uu dagaalkan fitnada ah istaago.
Well said.

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