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The End of the lousyTFG

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It is official! they are running away like chicken....Baydhabo is under attack as we talk. Eat your hearts and maybe commit suicide for the revolution can't be stopped

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USC/ICU knows wat happend to them in the RRA war against father-son warmongers Aideed of USC/ICU backed by Eritrae. They got kicked out terribly bad. Same thing will happen. Federalists will win over fascism and evil, thievery and savagery of courts aka USC/ICU

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

USC/ICU knows wat happend to them in the RRA war against father-son warmongers Aideed of USC/ICU backed by Eritrae. They got kicked out terribly bad. Same thing will happen. Federalists will win over fascism and evil, thievery and savagery of courts aka USC/ICU

You think a bunch of Warlords/TFG can rule and bring peace, take long look at Ethiopia.


Observe the land and people, economic and development and tell me is that what you call a nation, just because you have a government and president doesn’t necessarily mean you are fit to be called a nation.


If we let these warlords lead us then we will have a nation who has a population that is malnourished, with disease all over the place, people are poor and illiterate, the government is corrupted and they care only for themselves and not the people.


I rather have a country who is without a government than one who has a government that doesn't cares for its citizens!

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Originally posted by mystic:

You think a bunch of Warlords/TFG can rule and bring peace, take long look at Ethiopia.


Observe the land and people, economic and development and tell me is that what you call a nation, just because you have a government and president doesn’t necessarily mean you are fit to be called a nation.


If we let these warlords lead us then we will have a nation who has a population that is malnourished, with disease all over the place, people are poor and illiterate, the government is corrupted and they care only for themselves and not the people.


I rather have a country who is without a government than one who has a government that doesn't cares for its citizens!


Let me assume you don't know, instead of accusing you of telling untruth on purpose about todays ethiopia.

You are absolutely right, ethiopia was illiterate, famine and starvation, civil wars everywhere etc.


A lot has changed of late. Those who want to change the situation have come to power. Just to give you a small example without going far distance from somalia:

In the Somali region there was only one high school until the federal government was established. Now believe it or not there are 26 and a university is being constructed to open next year, there is a college already and a number of technical institutions.

Everyone has local government to take care of local issues and nobody is being dictated from Addis Ababa.

The federal government itself was set up by agreement of the regions and the regions agree what the federal government powers are.


Ethiopia is moving fast. What you may hear the negatives are from the past. It takes time to completely defeat and burry the past and make the present visible for the future. The foundation is everywhere and by all accounts it looks solid.

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Please as far as i am concerned Ethiopia is still considered one of the poorest nations on earth, who has a high rate of HIV/AIDS.


As for the Somali-region in Ethiopia you government has caused enough suffering to my people!


Tell your president to worry about his own people, before he decides to enter the inner-politics of Somalia and its people.


Sense you are an Ethiopian what are you doing on this site?


Don't you Ethiopians have your own sites?

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Mystic you are right ethiopia does have the highest HIV.AIDS rate in sub-sahara.Somalia may be a poor country but compare to ethiopia its ten times better then that shitty country.

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