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Gordon Gekko

Ranneberger: Asmara group lacks support from people

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Madaxda Golihii Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo xubnihii laga xayuubiyey Xildhibaanimadda Barlamaanka Federalka, oo la sheegay inaysan wax taaageero ah ku dhex lahayn Mujtamaca Soomaaliyeed.


Ambassador Michael Eagle Ranneberger, ayaa hadalkaasi ku sheegay Wareysi Khaas ah oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya oo uu siiyey Idaacadda Somaliweyn, wuxuuna sheegay in dadka isku urursanaya kulankaasi ay doonayaan inay burburiyaan dadaalka loogu jiro Shiweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia, waa sida uu hadalka u yiri.


“Waa hagaag, Dadkaasi waxay isugu soo urureen sidii ay u dumin lahaayeen dadaalka loogu jiro Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia, taasi waa arrin jirta, laakiin kuma guuleysan doonaan, waayo ma haystan Taageeradda, waan ku celinayaa mar kale, ma haystaan taageeradda cid ka mid ah qabaa’illadda iyo jufo-hoosaadyadda Beelaha Somalia,mana awoodi karaan inay guuleystaan” ayuu yiri Ambassador Ranneberger.


Where is the love?

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Well he is wrong to say that ,,,,,


The Asmara group is mixed of kinda isku dhex karis ,, someone like Sh. Sharif has more support than A Y has in the country but he is sitting with a crew of loosers like H Aideed who value nothing in their people for the moment.

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Jacaylbaro you are right again.

He would say wouldn't he? If Sharif was in power. There is noway he would go down the road of selling out the country to the Americans. The 'Asmara' group - god I had that name. It should be changed to something like the 'The Movement' have the popular support of the majority of the people. And that is a fact.

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lol...Isagu ama haka soo horjeedo ama ha taagero xor buu u yahay fikirkiisa laakiinse Toloow Ranneberger ma Soomaaliduu u hadlaa? Mise qabiillada Soomaalida ee uu sheegayo ayuu ku abtirsadaa?


Ragga qaar ayaaba aniga ila wareersan warkiisa meelahan la wareegaysa, mise nin maraykan ah baa saan yiri bay naga tahay?

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Sharif has more support than A Y has in the country

Interesting statement. I'd like you to be more specific here and preferrably back this statement up with some legit data. You used a very abstract word, namely country, which means Sharifka has more support than A/Y and Riyaale.


I dont think you can say the usual "No Somaliland is another country I'm talking about Somalia only" because speaking of support to the ICU, SLanders do got love for them:


Somaliland is traditionally the heartland of the AIAI, and support is quite high for the ICU in Somaliland territory, and conflict may occur in the future


Wikipedia Rise of the Islamic Courts Union (2006)


But Somalia doesnt only consist of Mogadishu and Somaliland so I'd like to see statistics or anything on the support for the ICU in other parts of the country. Preferrably support from the civilians, not the businessmen that created it.

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Waa hagaag, Dadkaasi waxay isugu soo urureen sidii ay u dumin lahaayeen dadaalka loogu jiro Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia, taasi waa arrin jirta, laakiin kuma guuleysan doonaan, waayo ma haystan Taageeradda, waan ku celinayaa mar kale, ma haystaan taageeradda cid ka mid ah qabaa’illadda iyo jufo-hoosaadyadda Beelaha Somalia,mana awoodi karaan inay guuleystaan” ayuu yiri Ambassador Ranneberger

This is a load of rubbish. These are the utterances of a desperate Ambassador who's about to be relocated, over his incompetency, to some remote country in central Asia. He's simply trying to delay the harshness of the life awaiting him.

Both he and Frazer have been a complete failure in their efforts to isolate the leadership in Asmara, whether consisting of the ICU or former parlamentarians' from the crumbling TFG. Their rumblings have withered down to nitpicking, as is evident in this post.


Ranneberger along with plantation runner, Frazer, have been outmaneuvered. Their last ditch attempt to appease the group in Asmara by exerting pressure on the TFG (i.e. forcing them) to invite the leadership of the ICU to the reconciliation conference, was dead on arrival. Having secured this much heralded concession from the TFG, the relationship with the group in Asmara was supposed to get better. Right? Wrong!


The group in Asamara announced the invitation dead on arrival. Why? Simple - important conditions set out in previous communiques were not present. Namely, that Ethiopian troops withdraw from Somalia. The clear vision and resoluteness of this group has suprised many.


Following this news, Frazer gave a rather dejected sounding interview to the BBC. The comments in this post and recent ones by Frazer are mere outings of frustration. They shall perish in their rage as their plans vanish before their eyes.


I've left this point late due to its conspicuousness. Shrouding a thousand layers of falsehood will not conceal it: The ICU leadership and the honorable parliamentarians in the aptly named 'Free Parliament' have the utmost support of the Somali people. They shall continue to have this support as long as their goal remains the expulsion of the occupying forces.



Links on the now defunct invitation:


DKMG ah oo sheegtay in maxkamadihii islaamka ay ka soo qeybgali karaan shirka dib u heshiisiinta.


Islamists Invited to Somali Reconciliation Talks

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Sharif has no support outside the clan media of Xasan Dahir. Indeed even his clan see him as no more than a puppet for Xasan Dahir and IndaCade.


Yusuf hate him or not has the full support of his clan which is a major grouping in Somalia.


The other Somali's also respect him for his no nonsence stance when it comes to unity and security.


He alsoproved through two elections in Puntland and in Nairobi of his popularity with outside clan members. For example A/qasin who was lauded to be popular at the time got 14 votes while Yusuf gwon every round gaining 189 votes in the end.


Hence the old man has proven in elections and military support that he has long standing support.

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I don't doubt that AY received the number of votes he did receive. The real contention is with the legitimacy and fairness of the election process. Was electoral fraud a factor? In an election as important as it was purported to be, why weren't there election monitors present?

The reality is that those 'elections' were neither observed nor scrutinised by another outside party, state or NGO based.


They were elections where Zenawi gathered a bunch of warlords, proclaimed a non-existent process, pre-determined the results and used the aftermath to achieve some long-held goals. Its that simple.


Do you really believe that those elections stood up to requirements? And here's a no-brainer - just who or where was the constituency?

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^^^The election was fair and free the night before when many pundits predicted that A/Qasin or Adow would win.


This changed when the Somali parliment gave their choice to Yusuf Yey, in a landslide.


Consider that Yusuf's clan only had 12 out of 275 and that Jama Ali and Jini Boqor voted for Adow. This means that out 180 other votes camefrom outside his sub-clan, what a mandate?


The elections were held ina neutral ground and the process was long and difficult, two years in fact. If it was all a ploy then why the pretence and the difficulty?


The elections were scrutanised by the international community who funded the political reconciliation conference spending millions, housing feeding and transporting delegates.


The valadity from certain clans specially Mogadishu came with the crushing victory of Yusuf A man from Puntland who in their opinion had no right competing.


Well the Somali parliment had other ideas and priorities.

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Let Abdullahi Yusuf do a speech in a packed Muqdisho stadium. Then let the Shariff do one, then you will see who has more support.........

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^^^lol. hypotheticals aside, Yusuf has been to every major Somali city outside the secessionist enclave and was welcomed in Beledweyne, Jowhar, Baidoa, in all of PUNTLAND and now Mogadishu.


He has a mandate and populisam was never his agenda. The man does not say what you want to hear but the truth

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The man has a mandate by the people

As for your question LA and its people have always welcomed, supported the national leader, who is after all one of their own. :D

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Yes A/Y visited may cities in the neighboring Somalia but he was always coming by an ethiopian hilicopter and guided/sorrounded by tanks. It is a visit by force so it is Ok. :D



Honestly speaking Sh. Sharif (although i don't support him personally) has more supporters than this regime not only in Mogadishu or his clan territory but outside that limit. For Example, the A/Y's own clan supported the ICU when A/Y was the president. It was expected the contrary but you can imagine his own sub-clan supporting Sh. Sharif.


Outside Somalia, YES he has a wide support in Somaliland, Somali galbeed in Ethiopia and the Somali region in Kenya.


If A/Y has more support than Sh. Sharif then he wouldn't need ethiopia to back him against the ICU ,,, that is clear and cut.



Let Abdullahi Yusuf do a speech in a packed Muqdisho stadium. Then let the Shariff do one, then you will see who has more support.........

:D:D ,,, that is a good one .... tartan ha la qabto meesha bal looooooooool

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