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Memoirs of A Repented Anarchist

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A Letter From Cag Bakayle



Former Chief Of Anarchist Union


As The Chief Anarchist of Somalia, I hereby declare that I have repented, and from today, I am a soldier for the Islamic Courts Union for the unity of our people. I am ready To Fight Against Ethiopians.


I was a warlord, I sold my soul for 4000 Dollars to vote against my conscious, finally, I am free at last, now I want to live in peace with myself first, I want to tell the truth as much as I can remember ( please be careful, being a warlord may have affected the details, I am sure the big picture is close to reality, but I cant guarantee the fine lines )


Today, I would like to Share with my readers my deep thoughts on current events and its past drivers (Excuse my hastily prepared historical account )






A Fleeing President Siad Barre, right after the collapse of his government was quoted saying that " His Foreign handlers have instructed him to take off his shirt, which he did, then they asked him to to take off his pants, which again he did, then he was asked to take off his underwear, which he refused"


The metaphor was about how our " leaders" are handled by foreign entities and when they refuse to comply to these orders, somehow, they are downgraded from a Hero status to a villain running for his life.


Just before the 1977 war with Ethiopia, The Soviet Union, the then "balancing Super Power" asked Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen to form a strategic Union of Socialist pro Soviet bloc in East Africa. The idea was a deeply designed idea to breakdown Somalia and then make it part of Ethiopia, Ethiopia, A Christian nation was seen as the ideal nation to inherit whole of Somalia, first the Europeans granted Ethiopia the Western Somalia region, a fifth of all of today Ethiopian Territory, ( Ironically named the 5th Kilin or 5th region ) of Ethiopia.


The Soviets with close collaboration with the Israelis asked Siad Barre to join the union of the three nations ( Ethiopia, Yemen, Somalia). Siad Barre was no fool, he understood that this was a trick and a stepping stone by making a phony union with Ethiopia, while Yemen was acting as the dummy variable that will be removed from the equation once the three unite, and then, its only Ethiopia and Somalia in the equation, Ethiopia eating up Somalia and reducing it as the 6th region of Ethiopia.


Siad Barre was adviced, if he does not accept the "Trinity" ( Three in one) proposal, his country will be no more, and as a result, Siad barre after the popular uprising in Hargeisa against his regime, threatened the nation, that if he is not left to rule the nation, Somalia will be no more, perhaps, the nation made a mistake by not standing behind a dictator, who was otherwise shrewd politician and a killer of wadaads.


Somalia was designed to become the 6th region of Ethiopia, but because Siad Barre was stubborn, after refusing the proposal, Somalia was dismantled by local entities on behalf of a shadowy organization with far reaching interests in the region, whose master plan was interrupted by a mysterious plane crash in Madacascar, killing the architect of the new IGAD., another dummy variable for the same objective of the dismantling of Somalia as a nation, (which is seen by shadowy powers as a threat to the region, just like how Germany was seen as a danger to all of Europe) . Like its predecessor, the Soviet engineered union of (Ethiopia, Yemen and Somalia), it also failed.



To destroy Somalia, Siad Barre's Handlers instructed him to make a new law duped : The family law ( In reality destruction of the family unit, just like in liberal western nations, a stepping stone to create a faithless creature manipulated by the mighty Dollar), The law which purportedly makes women equal with men in all family affairs, in effect giving women more rights then men to divorce, and also to share inheritance"equally", to "liberate women." When the imams of the masjids protested in public and rejected the purported false equality as it conflicts with Islam's fundamental fabric of social structure in which the male is a guardian and protector over women. Upon hearing the news of the uprising, Siyad Barre's handlers asked him to waste the imams, so in an early morning in 1975, 11 Somali Religious Scholars where shot dead in public to signal the commencement of a national curse beginning with the death of many others that day as two jets flying as a show of force collided above a populated residential area in Mogadishu killing and wounding hundreds. From that point on, Islam was on the rise in all parts of Somalia, and more crimes against humanity were committed against Somalis, specially Calkaio and Somaliland, the last of which was the Mogadihsu destruction.


To cover up that blunder, and also to preempt the plan for the Shadowy organization, Siad declares a covert war against Ethiopia using the Western Somali Liberation Front as a camouflage, the Somalis overran Ethiopians so well that the Somali Infantry was bombarding Diridawa.


The Shadowy Government sounded an alarm, and in no time, seemingly strange bedfellows, Soviets, Cuba, Yemen, libya, and Israel collectively came to the rescue of the Ethiopians in that war, each nation with a particular interest in the outcome. When it was over, the second most powerful army in black Africa was reduced to a ragtag army of the least rating, limping back to Mogadishu, the remaining highly decorated war heroes were killed dubiously by Siad's dreaded secret army or the Shadowy Government.


Looking back, there is no doubt that Siad Barre was a true nationalist who had a sense of nationalism absent from the Anarchist TFG Warlords, and some class ( he has never been accused of corruption, or stealing of public funds, Aden Adde is the only other President with unblemished Administrative record in that regard) , Siad Barre kept his underwear clean, which was one reason he was abandoned by his handlers, considering that the same handlers came to rescue his opponent Mengistu Haile of Ethiopia taking him to Mozambique, who was also overrun simultaneously by the Tigre movement that is in power today in Ethiopia.


In the late sixties to the early seventies, in a military barrack, in Mogadsihu a young soldier was summoned for interrogation as he was caught red handed praying during the training time on public grounds. That young soldier was taken to the officer in charge;


Officer: You are accused of refusing to follow Military orders


Young Soldier: No, Sir


Officer: You were asked to sit down but you got up and deffiantly prayed in full view of all soldiers?


Young Soldier: No Sir


Officer: How can that be?


Young Soldier: You see Sir, In the Military law, if two conflicting orders is given to a subordinate, the subordinate must follow the order of the higher ranking officer, right?


Officer: that's Right, but who was there to give you permission to override our orders to sit down.


Young Soldier: Allah did, it was ASR prayer time, Allah asked me to pray, and the Officer asked me to sit down, i obeyed Allah


That young soldier was Sheikh Dahir Aweis, The Chairman of the Islamic Courts Union, the man accused by Washington to be Al Qaida. Aweis has since denied, and Washington has no proofs. Another claim by Neocons like Iraqs nuclear weapons and the Niger Unanium transfer to Iraq. And the hundreds of prisoners in Guantanamo without any crime except for having long beards.


Sheikh H. Dahir Aweis was also a war hero of the 1977 war with Ethiopia, he was decorated and upon his return from the War was presented a Medal of Honor by Siad Barre, but the Sheikh asked his Commander of the Police force , to relieve him of his duties so he can lead a civilian life again. But his Commander, could not accept the resignation of a national Hero, so he took him to Siad Barre.


The President asked Colonel H. Dahir Aweis reason for resignation. Young Colonel H. Dahir Aweis answered :


" I want to devote my time to preach Islam"


To His eternal credit, Siad Barre decreed to Mr. Ismaciil, the Commander of the Police force, to let Sheikh Dahir devote his life to preach Islam freely, and still remain in the armed forces with full pay.


Perhaps, that fateful order alone may atone for Siad Barre's crimes for his gruesome murder of the scholars, perhaps not, but after thirty years, the Hero of that war and the young preacher is once more at odds with the Same Ethiopian Army , this time with the help of a compatriot Somali intoxicated with power, a past Military Commander and army deserter, who ironically left his barracks at Baidoa in 1976 with the hope to come back as President of Somalia with the Ethiopian help and since then making Ethiopia his ally and protector to topple Said Barre regime, or anyone else. Which explains why the Ethiopians are adamant about the prolonging the Somali stalemate of national reconciliation and unity.


Abdullahi Yusuf after thrity years and 360 dergrees turn is back in square one, where he left it at Baidoa, with Ethiopians as his allies against his own people, selling his national honor for love of power and phony presidency. If History is right, he is back where he started, but without the youthful looks of yesteryear, in effect he is a captive to his own lie, nowhere to run from his people and Islam, everywhere he looks, there is the dreaded Hijab and a beard, as brilliantly depicted by Amin Arts Cartoons.


From the day Siad Barre executed the eleven Imams, onwards, Islam as an alternative solution to Somalia's woes was brewing, both inside and outside of Somalia. Today, Somalis are the most visible Ethnic group practicing Islam in most western nations, and at home, the back-to Islam movement has laid down the most strongest roots, islam, is simply the defacto system in Somalia, anyone who wants to rule Somalia, needs to learn Islam first, time has changed, Somalia is a bridge between Seventh Century purity of Islam on one hand, and a society empowered by the latest Telecom and IT enabled technologies on the other, Somalis are no Taliban and any parallel with the Taliban is a sure way of misreading the events on the ground. Another Iraq for Ethiopia and friends.


Siad Barre is gone, but the Hijab, which he banned is everywhere today, made possible by the stubbornness of Somalis. Now, If the whole world decides to ban Sharia law in Somalia, All Somalis even our secularists will convert to Sharia sympathizers, What business does the EU, UN, IGAD and Ethiopia has to do with our internal legislation? The Necons accusation of the ICU and their support of Ethiopia's aggression against the fragmented and weak Somalia is another example of the international mess that the next administration in the White House has to clean up.


For 15 years, a civil war that no one could explain its drivers destroyed Somalia to the skeleton. Somehow, weapons were always available for warlords upon short notice, and poor Ethiopia was used as th supplying conduit of armaments to all factions and warlords regardless of their affiliations. Tribalism was the thread that was pulled to tear apart the national fabric of a proud nation, until last night when the BBC for the first time broadcasted the actual crossing of Ethiopian army to Somali territory to aid a government without constituents against constituents WITH a practically functioning local government, the Islamic Courts Union who restored hope to a forgotten people.


Since 1990, Hundreds of Somalis emigrated to many destinations worldwide, waiting for the day that they can go back home safely, but that day never seemed to come, every time peace appeared in the horizon, the poor bird was shot down, ( by unknown assailants) three failed Somalis governments later, a group of Somalis took it to the streets of Mogadishu wining back their streets and cleaning it literally of filth, crime and the warlords, who made money creating misery cycles. Today, Mogadishu is peaceful at last, you can travel across Mogadishu unaccompanied without the technicals convoys from Kaaraan to the liberated Afgoyes control checkpoint with no fear.


The residents of Mogadishu are happy as of this writing, but as usual, the party may not last long, Ethiopian Army are finally doing their proxy job for the Shadowy Hidden World Government without the warlords this time, a job that the TFG failed to maintain (Terror, Looting, Crime, Misery, Famine, Rape, and senseless killings by the warlords)


Somalis. though could not have been united against a worse historical enemy, we Somalis reserve the right to kill each other, but when outsiders kill Somalis, we get furious, from Somaliland , Puntland, to Kisimayo, Somalis blood boils, and from overseas, volunteers will flow to defend the motherland, Somalis today are determined to defend their land, and in doing so, clan politics is forgotten, Somalis cant wait the confrontation with the Ethiopians, If this war breaks out, Ethiopia will break apart like the Soviet Union did after their 1979 incursion into Afghanistan. Ethiopia, a poor nation with hundreds of nationalities , who just ended a non conclusive bloody war with Eritrea, separated by many barriers such as languages and religions is as vulnerable as the Soviets, only the Soviets were dominated by the Majority Russians, the Tigre in power in Ethiopia are a tiny minority compared to the Russians who make up the single largest majority in the former Soviet union.



Tribal Chief: Cag Bakayle


Formerly of the Anarchist Union

Baidoa, Somalia

-------------------------------------------------- ----

Best Explanation Of Current Mystery!




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I share your sentiments saaxiib. This looming war will be different; it will no longer be a civil war. It will be a necessary and Jihaadi war! TFG in Baydhabo, like Qanyare before them, has committed a fundamental error in aligning them selves with the defeated warlords. Their time is up!

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A great article brother

Indeed Somalis from every corner will unite behind this inevitable war. I have a funny feeling that it is not only the TFG that will bear the brunt of the confrontation the Tigri leadership weakness will become transparent and maybe the majority in Ethiopia will rise.

Inshallah soon Somalia will be a nation which implements full Shariah law, and Inshallah no man made law will take precedence over the divine law in the beloved horn.

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Thierry bro



That is right bro, Ethiopia is entering a dark tunnel with no exit except a total fragmentation of an empire that was kept together by foreign interests for many years, it has a choice of forging a lasting peace with Somalis who make up one of its ethnic groups, or it will risk a free fal from grace, the Tigree seem to prefer to break Ethiopis apart with these wild adventures.




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I don't know why pple are creating a cult around sheikh dahir aweys.I think its wrong to do that.To begin with he didn't fight in ethiopia alone,and he ain't the only soldier to have been decorated,he ain't the only soldier to have not participated in the inter tribal wars and he ain't the only soldier who is in to religion.According to an audio interview in some somalian website,when asked about his rank he said ''we were those awaiting to be promoted to gaanshale and gaanshale means a major''.Almost in every where,they write that he was a colonel in rank and i dont know why they do coz the man said otherwise.And in that same interview,he wasn't a member of the special forces or the military but was a member of the ''nabad sugida' and said that he was trained similar to the military .Simply,what am saying is,to admire a man is one thing but to build a cult around him is another thing. And getting back to the real issue,if ethiopians invade us,they will only unite us. ;)

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Xalane, They already have Western Somalia, how about even if they don't invade we still go there and get our land they they have occupied for 100 years back.


Whatever happens it will be war and they will loose.

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Salute to the Lieut!



The Ethiopians may be just what what we needed to bring us closer.


I have edited the article and added some new interesting accounts, your feedback and correction if any of the old guard is reading the historical accounts of Cheif Cag Bakayle.




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Since this thread appeared over two years ago, many events took place in Somalia and the world to change events to the disadvantage of the shadowy world government, the Ethiopians invaded Somalia with orders from their sponsors, subsequently, the ICU melted away unscathed without losing their strength to a well armed and financed Ethiopian army, The Shabaab Movement, a component of the ICU resistance movement regrouped to continue the struggle against the CIA sponsored Ethiopian Mercenaries, The Ethiopians couldnt take the heat by the resistance, to retaliate, they mericlessly bombarded civilians areas of Mogadishu causing thousands of fatalities and injuries, rape and destruction of the infrastructure that was built by the people in the absence of a government for the past 17 years. Their goal being, to install their Warlord Government as a slave of a slave of slave.


The Ethiopians in dire need of face saving exit out of somalia mess, asked their sponsors in Washington for help, but the best help they could get from a cash strapped Super Power was a US law to deligitimize the Shabaab resistance movement that gave the Ethiopians a run for their money ( Mercenery money ). The US subsequently listed the Shabaab Resistance Movement as a terrorsit organization ( affilated with non existent CIA created Al Qaeda ) Thus, Al Shabaab kids are suddenly declared to be a threat to American National Interest in Africa. ( Being in US Terror list is not a big deal, Nelson Mandela and his ANC Party Members were in the list as late as this year 2008 ).


After two years, the Ethiopians who initially won the battle of Mogadishu, lost the war to occupy all of Somalia on behalf of American Interest (The Land Of The Free who wants to enslave the rest of the world ).


America is fast losing its credibility worldwide in the UN and with its Eurppean allies, too many lies to swallow, so being broke after the financial meltdown of Wall Street, it can't rescue Its ailing auto industry let alone rescue Ethiopia which it taught its dummy lessons from the Iraq occupation, which in turn are also failing, we have a case of a bad teacher and a good loyal student here.


So now what? asks Meles


Well, we need the UN to allow American troops in to Somalia, answers his boss.


How? asks Meles


Well, we need to create an international problem emanating from Somalia, then we will ask the UN to allow our Marines to capture these culprits since no one believes the "terrorism" theory anymore.


You mean the drug trade which we created together? asks Meles


Dont be silly, the drug trade will continue in Somalia, we are broke, that is the only way we can finance our regional expenses from the Qat and other drug cashflows, and also from the " Oil Exploration Funds " of American Oil Companies who are willing to pay for our services, that way we get two revenue streams; one from drugs, and the other from Amercian oil companies with an investment stake in Somalia.


I still don't get it? wonders Meles


We will have the whorelords create an international outcry to justify an American invasion of Somalia. We will create a new menace called Somali Pirates, we will give them all the technical support they need, including, but not limited a complete cover to capture any ship along the 3200 Kilometer Somali coasts, we can even guide them to capture oil tankers as far as 4500 kilometer near Madacascar. This Piracy Business cover shall continue for six months to capture close to 150 ships of different flags which will force a UN Security council resolution allowing American troops into Somalia so we can set up a new Somali Government headed by Moderate Islamist to divide them like Iraq. Then we will have them sign the Oil law, once the Oil Law is signed, we will have the American Marines guard the Oil fields and other vital navigational strategic areas for US Navy.


Our immediate strategy is to allow the Somali Pirates hit the Russians and the Chinese interests too ( Security Council Memebers ) to bring them along, that way, we can use a unanimous UN Resolution to give us the legal cover, international funding to give us funding from Piracy affected nations, and American Marines to go into Somalia and capture the notorious Shabaab leaders to destroy their resistance so that we can install a new Moderate Islamist led government back, of course with your supervision.



OK, what is in for me? asks Meles



A lifetime protection against Crime Against humanity you committed in Somalia, a retirement in any country of your choice since there will be a rebellion in Ethiopia soon demaning Democracy and of course, a good commission from the drug money from the Warlords.



Inspired by:


Honorable Cag Bakeyle


Retired Somali warlord

Present Peace Maker and a

Born Again Wadaad!

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Originally posted by Abu_Diaby:

We might even see "anarchists" with beards and red scarfs soon.

Ahlul SUnnah is the name in town these days, nur. Look out for more like Ahlul Wasatiyah. ;)

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Warlords! They never seize to amaze me! Barre Hirale was on BBC News Somali Service the other day saying that he was an ally of the ahlul Sunno wal jameeco (note the somali accent) lol




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^^Barre is very interesting character. he sounds a bit credible when he talks through the airwaves.


Warlrods never cease to amaze indeed.

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" This looming war will be different; it will no longer be a civil war. It will be a necessary and Jihaadi war! TFG in Baydhabo, like Qanyare before them, has committed a fundamental error in aligning them selves with the defeated warlords. Their time is up!"


By Xiinfaniin

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