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An interesting news about Sool Easterm Sanaag issue

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Somaliland iyo Puntland oo iska Kaashanaya la dagaalanka Argagaxisada, Iyo Puntland oo ka hadhaysa Sool iyo Sanaag Bari"




Hargeiysa (Bnn)- Dowlada SL iyo dowlad Goboleedka PL oo colaadi dhinaca xuduudka ahi ka dhaxayso ayaa la filaya inay iska kaashadan dagaalka ka dhanka ah argagaxisada.


Madaxweyne Rayaale oo dhawaan Magaalada Adis Ababa kula kulmay Raysal wasaare Meles ayay kaga wada hadlayn sidii SL iyo PL iskaga kaashan lahayeen la dagaalanka argagaxisada taas oo si weyn ay u daneenayan Ethiopia iyo Maraykanku.


Madaxweyne Rayaale ayaa sida ilo xogogaal ahi inoo sheegayn u sheegay Meles in dowladiisu ku filan tahay inay Xuduudaheeda sugto balse buu yidhi ay Maamulka PL jabhad soo hubeenayo,


Rayaale wuxu ku dooday in isagu uu awoodo in uu Somaliland dhamaanted ay sugaan amaanka isla markana ay ka hortagan argagaxisada balse buu yidhi ay PL fursad siinayso.


Kulankaas waxa la iskula Gartay in Maamulka PL uu ka baxo Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag Bari taa badalkeedana ay SL la yeelato iskaashi iyo wada shaqayn,


Sidoo kale Meles wuxu la kulmay Cabdilaahi Yuusuf oo uu muqdisho kula kulmay, Afarta Qodob ee ay ka wada hadlayn Meles iyo Cabdilaahi qodobka afraad ayaa kusaabsana sidii PL ay uga bixi lahayd Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag Bari isla markana SL ay Wada Shaqayn Dhab ah la timaado.


Siday ilahasi noo xaqiijiyeen Madaxweyne Rayaale wuxu ogolaaday in lagusoo wareejiyo Sool iyo Sanaag bari taa badalkeedana uu Maamulka PL ay gacan ka siinayan la dagaalanka waxa loogu yedho Argagaxisada,


Wali ma cada in PL ay aqbashay qorshaha cusub ee maraykanka iyo Ethiopia wataan balse siday ilahasi tibaaxayan Cabdilaahi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay inuu ka hawl galayo sidii PL uu ay u aqbali lahayd Qorshahan.


Waa markii ugu horeysay ee Dowlada itoobiya iyo maraykankuba ay isku dayaan inay xaliyaan khilaafka Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag bari kuwaas oo ay isku hayaan SL iyo PL waxanay labada dowladoodba waa Maraykanka iyo Itoobiyee u arkan Muranka iyo Soohdimaha aan aad loo ilaalin inay sahli karaan in kooxaha kasoo horjeeda ay gabaad ka dhigtaan ama hub usoo maro.


Haday tani u suurto gashana Maraykanka iyo Itoobiyaba waxay noqonaysa guul weyn oo kasoo hooyeen Gobolka Geeska iyo dagaalka ka dhanka ah waxay ugu yeedhan argagaxisada mar hadii ay xaliyaan Muranka SL iyo PL.


ilaa hadaaya ma cada waxa dowlada Cabdilaahi Yuusuf ay sharuud uga dhigayso in Somaliland lagu wareejiyo Goboladaasi balse Xogaha aanu ka helnay Kulankii Meles iyo Abdilaahi Yuusuf waxay sheegayan in Mabda ahaan la isla qaatay in lafuliyo hawshaas.


Borama News Network

Hargeysa Office

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Waa markii ugu horeysay ee Dowlada itoobiya iyo maraykankuba ay isku dayaan inay xaliyaan khilaafka Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag bari kuwaas

Waa aduunyo gadoon. Reer Sool and Sanaag are better start their ministate rather than operate under Yeey and Riyaal...Zenawi's Biatches.Heck they could send their little Biatch to Adis.

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Somaliland iyo Puntland oo iska Kaashanaya la dagaalanka Argagaxisada, Iyo Puntland oo ka hadhaysa Sool iyo Sanaag Bari

Zenawi's plan has all its pieces falling into place. Some around here speak of Yey as a "master strategist" when Zenawi has proved to be the real master strategist. He's the only leader (within or without) that I can think of who has managed to play Somalia like a piano. Compared to Zenawi, Yey is a geriatric pawn.

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^I find your inputs rather interesting, all you seem to present all the time are personalities, compare between them and always comment their typical daily behaviours or character, all the time discuss and critique or praise their thinking ability and level of intelligence... waa yaab! Ma intaas ayaad ku koobantahay oo meel kale magaartid?


No wonder they say, Great minds discuss Ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.


Discuss about this latest event or better yet if you could share great ideas... the stage is open for all kinds people anyway

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^^^^ I see that I hit a raw nerve. Which part bothered you the most, that Yey is a geriatric or that he's a pawn?


I'll let your great mind discuss this idea and I'll stick to calling Yey what he really is: a washed up geriatric warlord turned Zenawi pawn.

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Kulankaas waxa la iskula Gartay in Maamulka PL uu ka baxo Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag Bari taa badalkeedana ay SL la yeelato iskaashi iyo wada shaqayn,

This seems to be nothing more than a wishful thinking from the seccesionist camp, Puntland will not and cannot give away this regions, the SSC people are against SL idea and thats why they won't join that mafia group.


Siday ilahasi noo xaqiijiyeen Madaxweyne Rayaale wuxu ogolaaday in lagusoo wareejiyo Sool iyo Sanaag bari taa badalkeedana uu Maamulka PL ay gacan ka siinayan la dagaalanka waxa loogu yedho Argagaxisada,


Wali ma cada in PL ay aqbashay qorshaha cusub ee maraykanka iyo Ethiopia wataan balse siday ilahasi tibaaxayan Cabdilaahi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay inuu ka hawl galayo sidii PL uu ay u aqbali lahayd Qorshahan.

:D This part is just funny, you can see all the wholes in this report, lol @ Riyaale wuxuu ogolaaday in laguu wareejiyo, as if he was going to deny that, and in return Puntland will receive what? loooooooool the funniest bit, SL inay kacaawiso aragagixisada :D Somaliland ma Super power ayay noqotay? I think SL is the US of Africa :D


Puntland have no interest to have any form of allience with the Secciossints, even their ideologies cannot come to terms, all its interested is to have peace with them and the focus is within the state and the South, SL will be for the future and only a Somali government will deal with them...


Forget about this terrorist propaganda, there are no active networks in both areas of these Admin, and Ethiopia,TFGs focus at this moment in time is Mogadishu and the upcoming conferece...


SL keep your dreams to yours...

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^^'parts' of the SSC regions saxib 'parts' and the people residing there (in the disputed 'parts') would have joined PL by now if that was the case. Fact of the matter is they dont trust PL and also dont want to be seen as advocating for seccession. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. But do carry on,,,,,,,

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I still cannot tell if this is true as the website is repeating the same old version of waxa laga soo xigtay and ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ,,,, but if this is true then the world is taking the right step to secure the right borders according to the new call of Africa to arrange the colonial borders of Africa.


I'm glad that this is going without a bloodshed ..... it is a proof that disputes can be solved without killing anyone.

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"but if this is true then the world is taking the right step to secure the right borders according to the new call of Africa to arrange the colonial borders of Africa."



As far as the partition of Africa and the delimination of its borders are concern they are generally considered to have been arbitrary acts,by many Africans,the Colonial powers then imposed the conditions without references to locals...Or are you saying the SL folks had an input in this process?


Lets ponder on this statement......."a Union of Somalia states will project more effectively the Somalian personality."


alright!, I changed the words of Nkurumah on his dream for Africa.

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That is a nationalism prospective only good for somalis but let's see the world if they really look it in that way ,,,,,,,,


simply look at this math:


SL ppl want their independence + The world don't want a united somalia again = SOMALILAND WILL BE RECOCGNIZED

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is there more than argagixiso her? Do you mean Riyaale, agree with federal thing? Riyaale camp is too small in somalia politics, no one really take too serius, Malazawi can count them anyway.

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