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Confused: Somalia chooses a new president????

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Somalia prepares to choose a new president

Somalia, Politics, 5/31/2003


The Somali tribes are preparing to elect the leader for the United Somalia Republic party, Abdul Nour Ahmad Dourman, as a president of the country in succession for the current President Abdi Qasem Salad Hassan whose term of office expires in July.


Dourman who has US citizenship returned back to Makadishu and announced he is carrying a new project for rebuilding and unifying Somalia. Before his return to Somalia, he made contact with several Arab leaders and officials in the USA.


In a press statement, Dourman stressed his determination to unify all lands of Somalia, noting that his policy to achieve this is represented in having a citizen referendum in which all Somalis can take part to determine the shape of the state.


The leader of the united Somali Republic party explained he had started internal consultations to arrange the process of assuming the authority. He rejected considering his pursuit to assume authority as a "peaceful coup," rather an attempt to fill the political vacuum in the country.


He said that everyone knows that the previous government was a provisional one and did not have enough of the confidence of the Somali leaders, noting the dangers of the current situation in Somalia.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

:confused: Did I miss something?


Who is this guy?

I'm as lost as your are. I have never heard of this guy. :confused:

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Libaax said

Did I miss something?


Who is this guy?

I guess he's the new the new Hamid Karzai of Somalia.CIA lackey.

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A case of careless journalism, Nomads redface.gif


The first sentence should tell you how careless the journalist is.


The Somali

Somali is an ethnic group with clan-families.


There is no such thing as a "United Somalia Republic Party" :rolleyes:


This piece is not even worth looking at redface.gif

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Ina libaax sankataabtey LOL .sxb magac cajiib ah ayaad wadataa! you know the opposite of libaax sanka tabtay (brave) is libaax sanka-ka toogtay (coward. Waxaa somaliya jiri jirey nin la yiraahdo ina libaax sanka taabtey!


anyway taasi waa kaftan: back to somalia electing a president. Somalis are not electing a president but sanctioning the installation of a warlord as a president. It seems that killing many innocent lives could entitle you to become a president!


I have seen the name of this guy and many others who are said to be "contesting" the office of the senior warlord. He is I assume a national of MN who came from somalia in 1992.


There appears to be scamble for Hasan geni's words "madaxweyne mar i dheha". only this time it could read "Madaxweynu isu sharaxay mar i dhaha!"


Ilaahow maad dhul gariir ku ridid dadkaasi burcada oo doofaareey iskugu yimid! The blood suckers want the suffering of the somali people to continue!


This dude would join an exclusive club . the murderers club which includes:


Xusen Ceydiid (senior warlord) wanted for the suffering of the people of xamar, bay and kismanyo.


Cabdullahi yusuf (killed more somalis than any other living warlord). He personifies a person who loves money, murder etc.


Gebiyow (the cannibal). His corporate idea is cannibalism. he not only kills innocent somalis but loves the act of standing on their carcasses and boasting about it!


The ones who are not contesting but are said to be fore-runners .


Suudi yalaxow who uses shoe size metophors to describe human beings...tests the war worthiness of his army by firing on innocent people. His adversaries Fiish, etc


Shaati gaduud (showed that he was as vicious brutal than any other warlord!


Morgan (Lord have mercy! one of those who belong at a trial in arusha). his killing spray begun before the civil war. His respect for human beings is the same as having a scotch whiskey!


These and other warlords deserve to be caged in a zoo before they go to hell because that is their destination!

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Originally posted by Entrepreneur:

Waxaa somaliya jiri jirey nin la yiraahdo ina libaax sanka taabtey!

Entrepreneur, that would have to be my grandfather. The only man who ever dared to do so. Anyone else carrying the name, is not the rightful owner of that title. :D

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Apparently, this guy's story is not a careless journalism. He is claiming to be the new president of Somalia. Waar anagaa yaab aragnay. :confused: :confused:




Madaxweyne maalin kaliya lagu doortay Magaalada Muqdisho

Jimco, 06 June, 2003


darmaan.jpgHal jilib iyo labo madaxweyne? Timirtii hore ayaaba dab loo waayay iyo ereyo kale oo kuwaan la mid ah ayaa durba ka soo yeertay dadka Muqdisho qaarkood kadib markii shalay guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Midnimada Jamhuuriga Soomaaliyeed Md. C/nuur Axmed Darmaan Madaxweyne aan xilkiisu waqti loo qaban loogu doortay EX Xaruntii Ifka Xalan ee agagaarka wadada Warshadaha ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Inta badan dadka Muqdisho wax badan kama ogeyn ku dhawaaqida madaxweynenimo ee C/nuur Darmaan, marka laga reebo taageerayaashiisa oo beryahaan ku howlanaa qabanqaabada kulankan loogu doortay C/nuur Axmed Darmaan Madax weynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya.


Halkaan ka dhageyso warbixin uu Xasan Bariiso (BBC) ka soo diray doorashadaan


Isla markii lagu dhawaaqay Madaxweynenimada ninkaas odayga ah waxaa durba madaxtinimadiisa dalka soomaaliya ee xiligan dhayalsaday dad badan oo ku sugnaa goobta madaxweynenimada loogu doortay C/nuur Darmaan, kuwaasoo aan ka mid ahayn taageerayaasha jidbeysan ee Xisbiga Midnimada Jamhuuriga.


Dadka aan la dhacsaneyn qaabka iyo sida sahlan ee madaxweynenimada loogu doortay C/nuur Axmed Darmaan ayaa is-weydiinayay waxa uu dalkaan burbursan iyo dadkiisan is-diidan u qaban karo nin dalka dibadda uga maqnaa in mudo ah isla markaana aan heysan kalsoonida shacbiga intiisa badan iyadoo weliba ay u sii dheer yihiin hogaamiyayaal hubeysan oo midkastaahi doonayo in uu u taliyo inta kale.


Waxaa jirto hadal heyn ku saabsan in ku dhawaaqidan madaxweynenimo ee C/nuur Darmaan looga gol leeyahay in lagu qulbo shirka dib u heshiisiinta soomaalida uga socda dalka Kenya oo mar dhow loo ballansan yahay in ay wax ka soo baxaan, inkastoo warar kale oo la isla dhexmarayana ay sheegayaan in qorshuhu intaas ka ballaaran yahay ayna wax ka ogyihiin qorshaha ku dhawaaqidda madaxweynenimo ee C/nuur Darmaan dalal ajnabi ah, kuwaasoo uu taageero ka filayo marka loo dhaariyo xilka ay taageerayaashiisa ugu doorteen magaalada Muqdisho oo ah meel ay ka shaqeyn weyday dowlad KMG ah oo haatan waqtigeedu sii dhamaanayo oo markaasina dadka intiisa badan ay aad ugu xiiso qabeen markii lagu soo dhidbay Tuulada Carta ee dalka Jabuuti sanadkii 2000.


Si kastaba, ololahaan Xisbiga Midnimada Jamhuuriga Soomaaliyeed uu ka wado magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili ay inta badan qabqablayaasha dagaalka ee looga il waayay arinta Soomaaliya iyo qaar ka mid ah ururada bulshada rayidka ay ku shirsan yihiin dalka Kenya muddo 8 bilood ah, waxaana inta aysan dhamaan bishan la rajeynayaa sida qorshuhu yahay in baarlamaan uu ka soo baxo shirkaas, kadibna madaxweyne lagu sii doorto, kaasi oo isagana sii magacaabi doona ra'iisul wasaare soo dhisa xukuumaddiisa.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Did I miss something?Who is this guy?

I can't seem to keep up with somalia's presidents ,it's like every week they have a new president to announce :rolleyes:

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Oh my! The chap even looks like a black Hamid Kaazai, I can't wait to see him wearing those robes! :D . Lets see what moves he makes, he could be better than the warlords, but i've got a feeling he won't live long enough to see next year. :(

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Propogand to discredit the Peace Talks :mad:


Would not be surprised if Ethiopia, or another enemy is behind this.

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lol@@@@@Horn Afrique,


Walahi Hats of to you man. I honestly find you humorous LOL....they way you shout

" Ethopia" at every poss opportunity is just SOMTHING. Funny stuff--best comedy line on SOL.



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i have a gut feeling he will be the next saddam hussein ..... did he contact the US government :confused: .....did the school of america's train him :confused: we all know they train dictators.....ok forget what i said earlier it was just a gut feeling right :D .....but to be honest he will do alot better than the warlords that we running for presidency.... ;)

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Can it get more corrupt than this. It ain't funny for real.



Madaxweyne maxaa loogu Magacaabay?

Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 07:20


Muqdisho, (AllPuntland) - Warar AllPuntland ka heshay ilo diblaamaasiyadeed ayaa sheegaya in ujeedada dhabta ah ee ka dambaysay arinta Soomaalida oo dhan ka yaabisay ee is magacaabida madaxweyne nimada Cabdinuur Axmed Darmaan ay tahay sidii lagu soo dayn lahaa lacago la sheegay inay ku xaniban yihiin dalka Maleeshiya.


Warka ayaa sheegaya in Cabdinuur Axmed Darmaan uu ka tirsanaan jiray raggii DKMG/Carta dalka Maleeshiya uga soo samayn jiray lacahaga been abuurka ah.


Waxaa jirtay lacag been abuur ah oo DKMG/kooxda Carta loogu sameeyey dalka Maleeshiya xili ku aadan wakhtigii dawladii Cali Khaliif Galayr, lacagtaas intaan la keenin Somaliya ayaa Cali Khaliif Galaydh xanibay xiligii uu meesha ugu saraysa marayay khilaafkii Cali Khaliif xilka looga qaaday ee u dhexeeyay isaga iyo madaxweynihiisii Cabdiqaasim Salaad.


Darmaan, oo asagu ogaa xiriirka loomaray samaynta lacagtaas iyo rag gacansato ah oo ay siku xiran yihiin ayey istustay inay lacagtaas soo qaataan, inta ay bixiyaan wixii ka harsanaa kharashkii samaynta lacagata sharikada samaynsaa ku lahayd.


Markii ay Maleeshiya tageen ayaa shirkadii lacagata samaysay waxay u sheegtay in siidaynta lacagtaan uu xanibay ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, laguna siidaynkaro oo kaliya saxiixa ra'iisul wasaare ama madaxwayne Soomaaliyeed oo kaliya!


Darmaan iyo raggiisii waxay shirkadii ku yiraahdeen keenida saxiix madaxwayne Soomaaliyeed wax wayn naguma ahan ee naga suga intaan saxiixa ka keenayno! dabadeedna Xamar bay ka soo dageen, waxayna is tuseen in Darmaan loo magacaabo madaxweyne uuna sidaas magaca Madaxweyne ku saxiixo fasixida lacagta ka xaniban, iyadoo markiiba lagu dhawaaqay Cabdinuur Axmed Darmaan inuu yahay madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliya sharikada lacagta samaynaysay saxaafada loo marsiiyay jiritaanka magaca madaxweyne cusub si uu u sahlanaado aqbalida saxiixa Darmaan.


Warka ayaa ku soo gabo gabeeyay in la filayo in maalmaha soosocda la meel mariyo qorshaha lagu hindisay magacaabida Darmaan.




AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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