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War deg deg ah Qarax Weyn oo ka dhacay baydhabo

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Gaari Mark II ah oo qofkii waday isku miidaamiyey halka laga soo galo magaalada Baydhabo iyadoo laba gaari oo kalana uu wali qarax ka soconayo warka oo dhamaystiran iyo sawiro goor dhow baad arki doontaan Inshaa Allah..



lets see who wins ......sheekado way billab tay

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Baydhabo 30, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Qarax weyn oo sawaxankiisa gil gilay magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka baay ayaa gorodhaweyd ka dhacay deegaanka Baar-Bakiil ah ee duleedka magaaladaasi.


Qaraxaan ayaa sida wararka lagu helayo waxa uu ka dhashay gaari yar oo sida la sheegay ahaa nuuca ay ku safraan dadka isaga kala goosha Muqdisho iyo Baydhabo, iyadoo aan la xaqiijin in gaariga uu ahaa mid walxaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay.


Qaraxaan ayaa waxa uu geeystay dhimasho iyo dhaawac iyadoo aan la garaneyn tirada rasmiga ah ee wax ku noqotey qaraxaasi, waxaana dhaawacyo badan oo laga soo daabulay halka qaraxa uu ka dhacay la geynayay magaalada Baydhabo.


Ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Militariga dowladda ayaa isku gadaamay deegaanka baar Bakiin oo ah Ctrl laga galo magaalada Baydhabo, kuwaasi oo baaritaan ku hayo waxyaabaha sababay qaraxaan.


ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo qaraxyo ay kadhacaan xarunta dowladda, iyadoo 18 kii bishii September ee la soo dhaafay labo gaari oo walxaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay lagu weeraray kolonyo uu watay Madaxweynaha Somalia, xilli uu ka soo baxay xarunta baarlamanka oo codka kalsoonida loo qaadayay xukuumadda RW Geedi.




Max'ed Caddaawe


Shabelle Media Network Baay

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MOGADISHU, Somalia - Three suicide car bombs exploded outside Somalia's government base of Baidoa, killing at least six people, including the drivers, a senior official said Thursday.


A witnesses said many people were wounded.


"Three cars have arrived at government checkpoint and as the police tried to check them, they exploded," Deputy Defense Minister Salad Ali Jelle told The Associated Press.


"The three drivers were killed on the spot and three others who were with them," the minister said by telephone. "We have captured three who were with them who have tried to flee. The dead include non-Somalis, they are al-Qaida supporters."



No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.


Photographer Mohamed Adule Hassan told the AP that the explosion occurred on the outskirts of Baidoa and that he saw three bodies.


"There were flames everywhere," added Seyla Maryan, another reporter at the scene. "There were many injured people. I could not count the number of bodies."

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Somalia has entered new age. Baxar siteen aa lagu jiraa. My condolences to the relatives of all the civilians who lost thier lives.


The extent of the damage doesn't seem to be as bad as the last one. Only three confirmed dead so far.


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^^ Amiin.


I guess Meles never learns; trying the same trick twice :D . Well, if this act was meant to implicate the UIC then, I say, what a futile exercise! Meles, try something else-

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Gaari Mark II ah oo siday waxyaalaha Qarxa ayaa halka laga soo galo magaalada Baydhabo oo ah Bar koontorool oo ay joogaan Ciidanka Booliiska waxa laga fuliyey Qarax aad u weyn oo aan kala go' lahayn iyadoo markaad toban daqiiqo joogtaba aad arkayso qarax kale oo dhacaya.


Sida uu ii xaqiijiyey mid ka mid ah Askartii halkaasi shaqada ku lahayd ee ka tirsan ciidanka Booliiska Dfkmg ayaa waxaa uu iiga sheekeeyey sida ay wax u dhaceen waxaana uu tibaaxay in gaarigan Mark II ah ay baarayeen ka dib laga shakiyey islamarkaana uu darawalkii ogaaday in lagu fahmay deetana uu isagii isku dhex qarxiyey.


Mar aan tagay halka qaraxu ka dhacay ayaan ku arkay dadkii saarnaa sedexda gaari qaarkood ay ku naf waayeen oo uu dab ku socday iyadoo ay indhahayguna qabteen dad lasoo qabtay oo dhaawacyo ku yiilay oo aanan garanayn Afsoomaaliga balse aanan cadayn karin waxa ay yihiin dhalashadooda waxaana wareysanayey ciidanka halkaasi gurmadka u tagay.


Qaraxa ayaa marba marka ka dambayso sii siyaadayey intaad dul taagnaa qaraxa ayaa waxa ka dhacay afar qarax oo is xigay mid ka mid ah ciidanka Booliiska oo dhinacayga taagnaa ayey lugta ka jabisay isagoo durbadiiba ku dhacay dhinacayga waxaan u yeeray gaari nooca qoryaha lagu rakibo waxaana u sheegay in mid ka mid ah ciidanka booliiska uu dhaawacmay markaana lasoo qaaday.


Tirada Rasmiga ee ku geeriyootay ayaanan la garanayn balse waxaa indhahaygu qabteen dad aan ku qiyaasay ilaa sedex qofood oo yaala banaanka gaariga oo aan filayey inay yihiin dad saarnaa gaariga inay ku qurbaxeen halka gaarigu ka ololayey, waxaa iyagana jira dad kale oo istaagnaa meesha oo geeriyooday oo tiradooda gaaraya ilaa laba qofood.


Ma cadda tirada rasmiga ee halkaasi ku geeriyooday balse waxaa soo baxaya dhimasho intaasi ka badan, Qaraxaan ayaa ah kii labaad ee ka dhaca gudaha magaalada Baydhabo iyadoo 18kii September qarax kaa la mid ah lala beegsaday Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Fkmg ee Somalia Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


Somaliweyn Media Center

Baydhabo Office

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Originally posted by Paragon:

^^ Amiin.


I guess Meles never learns; trying the same trick twice
. Well, if this act was meant to implicate the UIC then, I say, what a futile exercise! Meles, try something else-

What makes you smile? Why can't you wait for the identities of the terrorists? The rest has been there for 16 years, only the new arrivals bring new culture and methods of fighting. The only new arrivals are in Mugadishu. But I don't know if its them or their guests invited by shiek IndaCadde?

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What makes you smile? Why can't you wait for the identities of the terrorists? The rest has been there for 16 years, only the new arrivals bring new culture and methods of fighting. The only new arrivals are in Mugadishu. But I don't know if its them or their guests invited by shiek IndaCadde?

What makes me smile? I smile because a Somali proverb has rung true in my mind; the proverb says: Nin Abeeso koriyow, adigaa u aayi, which roughly translates to: 'He Who Natures a Puffadder, only you would regret it!'. Now, the TFG invited Meles, the Wolf, into their midst and occassionally, he bites. It is what Somalis call 'Nabsi' biting back at them. They deserve such treatments- as the stooges they are.


On the new arrivals, I think you should turn the microscope on your Woyane brothers enjoying buffet at the expense of reer-Baidoa. They are the new arrivals (and mind you, they control the airport of Baidoa). They control the roads too, the hospital and the town itself now. There are no other new arrivals man, only them have the time or freedom to fit 3 vehecles with bombs and drive them into the midst of people unstopped by even the guards!


PS: Where is PM Gedi? Away, isn't he? or is he still in Baidoa... welcome to CSI BAIDOA

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^^ A celebration bang? Or a bang to drive Meles' Message home- when was the vote passed and what time has the blast occured? Any idea? We need to consult East African time to learn about the time differences.

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believe it or not, everything that happens in Somalia is not caused by ethiopia. I have said before and will say again, those terrorist in xamar are taking Somalia down a taliban like road. How sad that Somalia is being turned into a jihadi front and all some of you can think of is Ethiopia. How sad that some of you fall for the propaganda of those terrorist who say they are fighting for Islam yet blow themselfs up and other muslims in the name of religion that tells people not to cut green trees let alone kill other muslims. At the end of the day, Islam is in no need of their or any other human's defense and killing your self is one few sins whose punishment is eternity in hell.

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Now quit the preaching, Naxar. You are not at a higher moral group to be granted time on the podium. Not yet at least. Have you forgetten that the so-called terrorists in xamar have no good relationship with Meles. Remember, the ethiopians are your uncle's acquaintances :D . So, what does that make your argument, erm, Islamically? ;)

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I dooon't know, which is more unislamic: people blowing themselfs up and taking other muslims or my "Uncle" whose close to meles. If you really have to ask, you may need more help then I thought paragon.

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Naxar, ah! I see you have been brief smile.gif . 'Terrorists are blowing up people; they are here, they are there - they are everywhere !! Help, please help, Meles'. I guess that is the hymn sheet given to many TFG supporters. Well, have I got news for you, Naxar. There are no terrorists, I tell. The bombs in Baidoa are imitations, very bad ones at best, engineered by none other than your protector Meles Zenawi.


The people being blown to bits? Just poor by-standers, reer-Baidoa. It is unfortunate they are under ethiopia occupation. But still, Meles' mechanization to create a more dynamic condition of war isn't succeeding. He can blow bombs in Baidoa or he could air bomb villages in Central Somalia. Nothing'll work for him. Get that from me, Naxar.


Now all unbecoming behaviours seem to come from the TFG; inviting Gaalo (thusly becoming Gaala-raacyo) and keeping silent while bombs are targeted at innocent civilians. So you see, I don't need any help son. In fact, I have this feeling that your conscience is calling out for help! It is reflecting its own condition to others- they have a term for this syndrome, Naxar. I read it in some book! :D

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