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A Letter to President of Somaliland Mr. Riyale, Lord Eric Avebury

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Eric Avenbury






A lot of Somalis are closely following the courtship the secessionists in the north west of Somali Republic have been trying to embark with you for a number of years. You have never, not at least in public, even hinted, let along said, that you are helping this mad scheme of dismembering the Somali Republic. In fact, Lord Triesman and you are in the forefront of British House of Lords who always recommend to the British government to take every possible steps to help Somalis resolve their difference through negotiations and in peaceful means.


But having said that, what incites me to write to you this is the fact that you have blatantly overstepped international protocol and violated courtesy between nations to mutually respect their sovereignty. Sir, you have disrespected the Somali people wherever they are by writing in your blogspot those worlds: “H.E. Dahir Rayale Kahin

The President of the Republic of Somaliland

Hargeisa, Somaliland” on August 7, 2007.


Sir, I can not address you “Lord” unless you correct your behavior. Tell me Sir, where and when the British people under the leadership of the British government agreed to the dismemberment of the Somali Republic and allowed you to treat part of her sovereignty territory as an independent nation in the family of nations?


Sir, I think the appropriate action for you now is to erase these words from your blogspot and apology to the Somali people.


Sir, you can ignore my calling. I know that. But, let me remind you that historically the Somali people bear what we call in Somali “gudub” (kind of grudge with no enmity and can be resolved through peaceful means) against British colonial governments. Your predecessors gave away our lands to the Ethiopians. You shouldn’t let the Italians come back to the south after the WWII and thus you should have kept us under one administration until independence.


And now if you start to sweet-talk to the secessionists who in their miscalculations want to destroy the fabric of Somali society, for few votes in the dark alleys of the city of London, the “guudbs” against you is going to spike.


A man is a man when he accepts his mistakes and apologies about them. Apologize and erase the insulting words from blogspot, Sir.


Ali Nayruus


This complain against Lord Avebury is also posted in Somaliaonline, politics section, under A Letter to President of Somaliland Mr. Riyale, Lord Eric Avebury thread.

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Nayruus walee si fiican buu u calaacalay ..... :D



So you are shocked coz the called the President as The President of the Republic of Somaliland ??


Yeah that is the right title ......... cry or qarax if you want

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A lot of Somalis are closely following the courtship the secessionists in the north west of Somali Republic have been trying to embark with you for a number of years. You have never, not at least in public, even hinted, let along said, that you are helping this mad scheme of dismembering the Somali Republic. In fact, Lord Triesman and you are in the forefront of British House of Lords who always recommend to the British government to take every possible steps to help Somalis resolve their difference through negotiations and in peaceful means.


But having said that, what incites me to write to you this is the fact that you have blatantly overstepped international protocol and violated courtesy between nations to mutually respect their sovereignty. Sir, you have disrespected the Somali people wherever they are by writing in your blogspot those worlds: “H.E. Dahir Rayale Kahin

The President of the Republic of Somaliland

Hargeisa, Somaliland” on August 7, 2007.


Sir, I can not address you “Lord” unless you correct your behavior. Tell me Sir, where and when the British people under the leadership of the British government agreed to the dismemberment of the Somali Republic and allowed you to treat part of her sovereignty territory as an independent nation in the family of nations?


Sir, I think the appropriate action for you now is to erase these words from your blogspot and apology to the Somali people.


Sir, you can ignore my calling. I know that. But, let me remind you that historically the Somali people bear what we call in Somali “gudub” (kind of grudge with no enmity and can be resolved through peaceful means) against British colonial governments. Your predecessors gave away our lands to the Ethiopians. You shouldn’t let the Italians come back to the south after the WWII and thus you should have kept us under one administration until independence.


And now if you start to sweet-talk to the secessionists who in their miscalculations want to destroy the fabric of Somali society, for few votes in the dark alleys of the city of London, the “guudbs” against you is going to spike.


A man is a man when he accepts his mistakes and apologies about them. Apologize and erase the insulting words from blogspot, Sir.


Ali Nayruus

Yaab baadan daaku. I cannot believe you are campaign against an old man, who wrote a silly letter to show his support for few people who have been arrested unlawfully. Surely there are many other worthy causes you can campagin for. Hiding behind the mask of many somali people will not get you anywhere. Do something worthy with your time. :rolleyes:


You could at least be nice/ polite to him, instead of trying to be high and might :rolleyes


JAc, Why don't you send him a letter to thank him for his letter and for the way he addressed your president baal. Just to support the old man!. lool


This world is going mad!

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^^Come on now, you know Nay'tionalist' wakes up every day and thinks Somaliland. Regardless of what the TFG and Ethios are doing in the south, its all Somaliland for him. He is a true 'nationalist' afterall.....


ps would you think of changing the sitting room colours if the kitchen next door was on fire??? Some people think paint has structural advantages :D

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If I was a self labeled and confessed nationalist, SL and its affairs will be the least of my worries :rolleyes: I would already have an overflowing plate.


It makes no sense to set your sitting room & spare room on fire, when the rest of the house is already burning, while claiming to be trying to save the whole house.! Either you telling a lie and you are not a nationalist, but want the whole house to burn or your strategy needs adjusting.

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What a cringe worthy, laughable, ridiculous and embarrassing piece of writing you had there, Nayruus!


If you must write a letter to the man and air your frustrations, at least attempt to make it interesting and witty, saaxib.



All you needed to have done was to show a bit of courtesy (by showering him with false praise), ridicule (by pointing out where he went wrong) and opposition (by gently stating your position). I'll admit that you tried to do all of the above, but, like a child baking cookies, you were too eager and burned the lot. :D



Would have been much better had you thanked him for his concern and subtly told him to bugger off out of Somali affairs. All your letter achieved there (apart from bringing a smile to an old man's face) was reinforcing his support for Somaliland. Oh! Maybe that was your aim all along. You do show flashes of genius every now and then.



Write him another one, saaxib.

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U kala qaad and show a flash of it when I am addressing the saan cadaales. Is that your advice, NGONGE? Nah. Saxiib, Sayid Mohamed suspected that some of us have such ugly and morally depraved traits when dealing with their masters. Some children drop the bad habits and other can’t. The flashing part is yours, NGONGE :D

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