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A Letter to President of Somaliland Mr. Riyale, Lord Eric Avebury

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hadhwanaag 2007-08-12 (Hadhwanaagnews)

To: H.E. Dahir Rayale Kahin

The President of the Republic of Somaliland

Hargeisa, Somaliland



Dear Mr President,


As a long term admirer of Somaliland's record as a beacon of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in a region where these qualities are in short supply, I was alarmed to read of the arrests of Dr Mohamed Abdi Gaboose, Engineer Mohamed Hashi and Mr Jamal Aideed on July 28. These three gentlemen were architects of Somaliland's freedom, and are surely entitled to exercise their constitutional rights to freedom of expression and of association, and the right to take part in the government of their country, which are found in Articles 19-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



Whilst the constitution of Somaliland provides that there shall be only three political parties, there is no law that I am aware of which says that the current three parties will always be the three accepted under the constitution. The constitution like all others also guarantees the right to association and the persons who have been arrested are arguing that they are simply exercising their rights to form a political association and to be given a chance to compete freely to become one of the three political parties allowed under the constitution.


May I respectfully urge you to release the three gentlemen, and to convene a representative assembly to determine how to secure maximum popular participation at the forthcoming elections, by a process that would determine which three parties have the greatest support and whose candidates' names should therefore appear on the ballot papers. I need hardly emphasise the damage to the cause of Somaliland's recognition that will result from failure to resolve this problem by discussion and agreement, rather than arbitrary detentions.


In the longer term, Somaliland may wish to consider whether it is necessary to place any constitutional limit on the number of parties. In most democratic countries the electors tend to support just a few parties, though others may put up candidates without harming the process.



Yours sincerely,


Lord Eric Avebury

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A well meaning but slightly patronising letter! Still, I have no problem with Rayale being patronised. He deserves to be.

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As I said before. A BIG mistake by Riyaale and UDUB. They havnt won any fans these past few weeks and those they had are now questioning that stance.


Get on with the elections already,,, :D

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^^ Don't be in a hurry for that, saaxib. I can see and understand why you wont vote for UDUB. But what's really important is why you would vote for either of the other two? What promises turned your head? ;)

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I cant sit here and say Kulmiye or UCID will better than UDUB but its obvious now that a change is needed. People have had enough. I believe Kulmiye is the best bet for a party to bring about what needed most. A semblance of justice for all and much needed development of other parts.


Cant tell you whats been promised ;)

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^^^A head of something something or another. Ngonge don't worry I'm sure he'll give you your title once he is in place.


Patronising indeed, not to mention hint of threat/ blackmail. If I was Riyaal and someone sent me that.... :D

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What has the guy done apart from:


* extort people at Berbera Port

* earn 400k a year (the highest paid president)

* arrest people/journalists/political opponents without good reason

* not sign the 2007 budget delaying funds to schools/development projects

* not go through parliament on a number of issues


etc etc

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^Those are leadership skills especially former members of the last regime in Mogadisho.


Show a little gratitude yaa North. You flew their peaceful and had fresh orgi meal.

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Well don't know about Berbera post extortion ..



Don't expect Siilaanyo and Faysal (and others) to reduce their salary scale even if it is higher than this. No one says NO to the money :D


I think some of them were arrested with a good reason. Mistakes can happen too. Government must do mistakes when it is working.


The 2007 budget is delayed by the Parliament (dominated by the opposition) not him. He is beggin them to approve the budget and if they don't blame the parliament for not having an elections in 2007 as planned.


When they failed to pass the Gov. budget, the new electoral committee and a number of issues necessary for the execution of the government's tasks, then expect him doing his own. He should have go through them though.

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