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Ulema rulling on collaborators (read at your own discretion)

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^^ Somalitalk had it 3 days ago, yaa Duke! ! So if it's the authenticity of this fatwa that you doubt and question, consider yourself corrected and informed.


Khalaf, i hear you adeer the complexity of somali politics is bit confusing. But the case of Ethiopian invasion should be clear and obviois one for all.


Emperor, You are not forthcoming adeer. Eritrea is not on Somali soil. Never has been. Has no border with it. How is it you resort to such a weak armor is beyond me!


What we have here is an internationally financed foe whose troops are stationed in the midst of our cities. The tanks that maneuvering in Xamar does not belong to the tfg. They are the symbols of Ethiopian invasion and I very much doubt that even defunct tfg can throw them out even if they want to. That’s why it requires a genuine movement to be borne and delivered to resist and ultimately drive them out.

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That is why I said it was a selective case, forgetting the help from another Christian,


Emperor,Think hard about this statement! Really,think harder...

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^A geniune movement, nicely put there!


Sxb I have not said Eriteria was in Somali soil neither did I said they invaded it, you know my question - Come one answer it if you wish...

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Faarax I did all the thinking, perhaps im too damb to get to your stage so help me and get the facts through my skull by being wise and convincing.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

What was your question, Emperor

He has no question,LOL. Wuxuu lehyahay gaal waa gaal,kii musliminta wehliyah iyo kii diliba :D


Faarax I did all the thinking, perhaps im too damb to get to your stage so help me and get the facts through my scull by being wise and convincable.

Stop Thinking hadaba LOL. War ninku waa sidee? Let see,when the Prophet(saw)was helped by non muslims,what did he say(do)?

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Sxb try to make sense

War ileen tano kale,sowdigan hada iri "I did all the thinking" and you still cant understand?


How do you tell me to make sense? Adiganba wax ba fahminee? :D

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^Sxb we shouldn't go around circles, let's not forget the topic at hand


If you have anything to tell me please do so...


Yes I did said I didn't understand you - from your own perspective


Caruur meesha majoogto dabaaqtanka iska daa

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^^Emperor, you are indeed more intelligent and well-informed fellow to know that Eritrea is just a staging area for the Arab and Muslim world and for those who want to help the Somali resistance. The short plan is to show the tfg and its supporters that there is a genuine and real opposition, and armed one at that, against their alliance with Ethiopia so that they would come to the negotiation table as a part of this conflict, and not as its sponsors. The long-term plan of course is to drive Ethiopia out of Somalia quite violently if they refuse to leave peacefully. So as you can see having Eritrea on board is permissible in this case as it only serves the goals of Somalis and not the other way around as the case of Ethiopia is.


I know you imply and talk as though there is a parallel between those who are sleeping with Ethiopian enemy and those who sought the help of Eritrea to drive Ethiopian occupation out. That’s just bogus adeer. And you know it. Eritrea has no imperialistic ambition in Somalia. It does have a beef with Ethiopia, but definitely not with Somalia.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Sxb we shouldn't go around circles, let's not forget the topic at hand


If you have anything to tell me please do so...


Yes I did said I didn't understand you - from your own perspective


Caruur meesha majoogto dabaaqtanka iska daa

I am glad you understand the seriousness of the topic sxb. Hadee run kaa tahay that you are actually questioning the validity of Eritria's involvement,then you are not being daacad.


Eritrias not in Somalia,Eritria didnt kill Somalis(Muslims),marka why are you questioning their support to an enemy is beyond me. Dee waa runta carurr meesha majoogtee,ee isku xishoo nin wax garad baa tahaye.

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lol@all somali in bed with Ethiopia. nice one Khalaf. Ethiopia ayaa inagu niikinaysaa. Kadaa Melez dheh wow.! loool

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I am to conclude that the argument of those who 'seem' to voice opposition to the rullings of the Cullama, is null and void. Their's is posting to equal what others' post. No substance can be derived from what they have being saying and would say for a long time to come.


So I say, do not delude yoursevles as to your position; I am sure deep down in your hearts, there sits a clarity that can free you from unquestioning support of the wrong over the right. Good luck to you.


PS: Maanta ayey talo idinla gudboon tahay ee wax isula haraay oo is barqabta. Hadeysa idin gudubto maanta, idinkaa og sidaad u gam'i laydeen

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