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Common reasons for supporting the ICU

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1) The Islamic courts eradicated the warlords and leaches that had dragged the country to a state of total anarchy

2) Security in the Provinces the ICU has improved dramatically.

3) Business is booming in regions under their control (totally refutes the Taliban argument)

4) Most importantly they rule by the law of Allah

5) They have agreed to go in dialogue with any Somali, whether it TFG, Somaliland, Puntland and those in the Diaspora

6) They declared that property should be distributed back to the right full owners under pre 19991 civil war

7) They have stated that they respect their neighbours and would nurture the goodwill.

8) They have invited all Somali intellectuals to take part in the reconstruction of their land

9)They are for an economically prosperous Somalia who can defend itself and is independent in influence.

10) They have united people under the banner of faith, gradually eradicating the deeply embedded tribal issue

(11) They have banned the substances that made Somali men idle.

(12) They have recognised the TFG and want power sharing as they are the real representatives of the people of the south

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You've underlined some of the many reasons why i personally i am behind the UIC.

May they always be righteous.


you might have added:


(13) They have declared they will defend the country from any illegal intrusion by any foreign entity.

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16) They have fulfilled the promise of Islamic governance that first took off as a concept and idea during the Islamic revival in the 70's and 80's, when Somalis having travelled abroad in mass numbers to study Islam, came back with the requisite knowledge of the fundamentals of this deen. The khuraafaat and awliyo-worship were sent flying out the window.


These recent developments frighten both the Wahhabi-phobics among us(waa is taqaanaa :D ) who yearn for a return to the old, less restrictive free-flowing secular way of life; as well as the arch-tribalists who fear a up-ending of the qabil-based social order.


Fact check: Hayhaat. The old days are long gone, my bruddas. Welcome to a new Somalia. Welcome to a Islamic Somalia. Welcome to the United States of Somalia. :cool:

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1) The Islamic courts eradicated the warlords and leaches that had dragged the country to a state of total anarchy


2) Security in the Provinces the ICU has improved dramatically.


3) Business is booming in regions under their control (totally refutes the Taliban argument)


4) Most importantly they rule by the law of Allah


5) They have agreed to go in dialogue with any Somali, whether it TFG, Somaliland, Puntland and those in the Diaspora


6) They declared that property should be distributed back to the right full owners under pre 19991 civil war


7) They have stated that they respect their neighbours and would nurture the goodwill.


8) They have invited all Somali intellectuals to take part in the reconstruction of their land


9)They are for an economically prosperous Somalia who can defend itself and is independent in influence.


10) They have united people under the banner of faith, gradually eradicating the deeply embedded tribal issue


11) They have banned the substances that made Somali men idle.


12) They have recognised the TFG and want power sharing as they are the real representatives of the people of the south.


Waxay mudan yihiin in loo mahad celiyo for doing these and more for the Somalis, unlike the traitors in Baydhabo. Bal maanta ha sheegaan wax la taaban karo oo ay qabteeyn other than letting mele's troops in our country, and please they don't tell me they are the elected officials for the country, 'cause we know who elected them and who they are. I was listening to Geedi's nac nac on online, i was disgusted on what he was saying and how he was saying it too. None of what he said what something that is in the insterest of the somalis. Buullllshiiiddd.....waa disgusted traitors all of them runtii.


Seefahiinna hala soo boodina 'cause it is all true.....


Go figure:...........

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Originally posted by Thierry.:

(11) They have banned the substances that made Somali men idle.

"One may not rule out, nevertheless, that those that slapped the ban may have an agenda to extricate themselves of this brinkmanship by turning the Khat into a blessed black market that could fill their war chest."


Bashir Goth is an African journalist based in Abu Dhabi.


The timing is also suspicious. It was done after Kenya had banned flights to ICU controlled areas.

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Awright. Fair enough. Wonderful lists, supported by ideal wishes.


I hope my reasonable objections against wadaada ku sheega's won't be a disappointment and chorus party killer. :D


Here we go.

  • They are an intolerant bunch of group, unfit to govern in a modern society. Theirs is only "ama isoo raac ama seefta raac," nothing in between. No dulqaad, no tanaasul, no nothing but "my true belief" they think is the correct one
  • They believe women have no leadership quality, their sole earthly existence to be at home [an alien concept to Soomaalis, whose other half gender was and is historically known to be independents, from Caraweelo to Xaawo Taako. There wouldn't have been a Xaawo Taako had they been in power in 1950s]. Case in point, the top leadership has no single women. No problem, that shared with other institutions we had seen. But its so-called government -- Golaha Shuurada -- has no single woman of all 93 and growing list, all men.
  • No basic liberty. Harassing daily ciyaalka u jarto timaha see ayna jecleen or u labisto sida ay ka helin; closing shaneemooyinka; karbaashing anyone they see not doing what they "wish" they should do or is "vice" against their preset morals
  • Banning heesaha and other cultural intertaintment
  • Banning public mixing
  • Banning booramaha la iska tumo, banning saarka
  • Banning xuska [honouring deceased family members]
  • Banning mowliidka
  • Banning mixed aroosyada xafladaha lagu dhigo
  • No occasional public celebration, be it graduation ceremony
  • Banning women from the beach
  • Desecrating xabaalaha, including those of cullumada
  • Forcibly taking over women's hospital [isbitaal Banaadir] to rehabilitate their injured fighters at the isbitaalka
  • Forcibly shutting down masaajidada they consider that don't follow their mabda'
  • Forcibly enforcing salaadda
  • Bringing what Soomaalis had never knew -- isbiimeys [suicide bombing] and other public explosions that happened in Xamar, two against Geedi and one against UN team
  • Brazen contract killings, including the murder of Cabdiqaadir Yaxye [before they became midowga maxkamadaha]
  • Fake cimaamad wearing qabqable iyo dagaalooge: Indhamadoowe
  • Occupation of Shabeelladahoose [why Balcad or Dayniile loogu dhiibay dadka deeggaanka u dhashay, but not Baraawe, Afgooye, Marka, Daafeed...hmmm]
  • Lies and the lying liars in their midst: "We will not attack Jowhar, Balcad, Dayniile, Kismaayo, Buurhakaba..."
  • Warmongering. Well, some of you may suffer from short term memory, not me. They are as warmongering as the warlords they defeated.
The list above, which isn't sadly complete, is what they have done already, albeit having a limited power.


The list below is what they will do, realistically speaking.

  • Indhashareer will be mandatory
  • Jilbaab a must at school and society-wide
  • Women will be discouraged at attending higher education
  • Won't be no more Biyooleey
  • There won't be TV
  • Those idaacado that won't kowtow to their version of events or those that play music will be banned permanently
  • The promotion of Soomaalinimo will be abandoned, including the language, dhaqan, hidaha, and distinct cultural heritage, instead filled by more Carabnimo and more, more Carabnimo [we already see this]
  • There won't be elections that allow people to elect whoever they wish, including those who wish to elect wadaada ku sheega themselves [dimuqraadiyada diinta kuma jirto, as they try to remind us, whereas Iiraan, Xammaas, Islamic parties in Malaysia and other Islamic-learning groups practice]


What most of you listed, especially "bringing back security, booming business" etc, any group can do that if they had a chance. Not to mention the old regime had an absolute security in the country and yet people revolted.




Because if there is no basic liberty and accountability, no employment opportunities and stiffing nepotism [read: whoever maamulo dekedda and garoonka diyaaradaha has no auditor and accountibility] and exploitation, there won't be any freedom, regardless how the security improves or not. If the sole responsiblity is security and a little booming business, some even questionable because where they acquired their wealth during the long civil war, then bring back the old regime, at least the old regime stood strongly for Soomaalinimo.

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Originally posted by Thierry.:

7) They have stated that they respect their neighbours and would nurture the goodwill.

"The call for Jihad by ICU on Ethiopia was religiosly, morally and politically wrong, thus Ethiopia has every right to fight them in its defence"


Ambassador of Yemen to Ethiopia


Some ethiopian Moslems are now asking religious clerics to call for Jihad against ICU for defiling the religion and in defence of the faith to protect it from imposters misusing and abusing it. Imposters do more damage to the faith and to peoples preservation and promotion of their faith, than all enemies of the faith put together.


The ICU doesn't know goodwill if it hit them on the face. ICU only knows propaganda and lies agaist ethiopia. They do not care that both ethiopia and Somalia have dramatically changed since the seventies and eighties. Population from both countries has been introduced to each other. Nobody is now a monster to the other.

Somalis are doing business in Addis Ababa and Ethiopians are doing busness in parts of somalia where there is peace, order and governments.

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mmi what religion do you have you know as muslim person your not allowed to liste musice hmmmm i wonder you can have other objection but not that one.

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First let me state this nobody in the world is infallible, the days when a human was immune to faults ended at the death of our beloved Prophet (saw). So those who believe that the ICU is completely right on everything are mistaken.


But I will try and refute some of the arguments of the critics namely MMA and Somali friend.


Somali friend


With regards to the ICU operating a black market after they have banned it is illogic and simply not true. They say the proof of the pudding is in its eating, unless you can prove that the ICU is involved is some kind of scam then do not do disservice to yourself as your real anti Somali agenda is becoming ever more apparent.


The second issue that you have brought forward, again you know my argument before I even embark in telling you. For every action there is a reaction. Ethiopia will be respected to the same degree as a good neighbour when it starts to respect Somalia sovereignty, if not then until you are in Somalia we have every right to wage war against you even chase you back to the sea less state.

We know you want our geographical advantages namely one of the longest coastline in Africa but find another way of getting it, namely by negotiating.





I would have expected stronger arguments from you old chap as this thread will be to long I will only refute some of the arguments that you brought forward.


 They are an intolerant bunch of group, unfit to govern in a modern society. Theirs is only "ama isoo raac ama seefta raac," nothing in between. No dulqaad, no tanaasul, no nothing but "my true belief" they think is the correct one

A group who have invited Somalis from every sphere in the world and who are consultated on a daily basis have no dulqad I strongly agree against that. Saxiib if you mean by dulqaad in that they refuse to rule by other rules but that of Allah, then forget politics we are on the wrong paths with regards to ideology.

I know for a fact that they have asked for help from Somali intellectuals as to how to govern Moqadisho and some of the initiatives such cleaning roads and opening ports was due to the advice they received.

with regard to free mixing and Warshipping ad praising deceased sheikhs and relatives


I will put these arguments in the same category. Now think logically how can you rule by Shariah and not follow its commandments. I will start wit the most dangerous ones that consist of shirk, saxiib pick up any book regarding Tawheed and tell me what they say about Shirk and what it entails.

As for the banning of mixed gathering then again tell what the Holy book and the beloved Sunnah say regarding this.


MMA you fully know that the Somali culture encompasses Pagan traditions or of traditions that deviated from Islam. And we are not talking about clothing here mate.

So unless you want us to keep backward traditions such praising and asking for intercessions from a deceased sheikh then not only are on the wrong path in this world as people with logic will surpass us but you are keeping to those traditions that lead people to eternal hellfire.



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17) The Islamic Courts have restored our dignity as a nation and provided Somali with much-needed hope when least expected; the moral & motivational factor is by no means negligible as everything stem from it.



18) Shariah implementation is the only sincere remedy against the enduring evils of tribalism/ regionalism or the deep-seated prejudice against the so-called "minorities"; these most immoral plagues should, therefore, be adressed by any means necessary.


Moreover, such divisions paralyze the Somali society and are manipulated ruthlessly by our ennemies.



19) By denying the enemy the opportunity to divide and rule, an Islamic State may finally liberate our colonized Somali/Muslims brothers by empowering them morally and materially; this is not only about realizing our common dream but we can only increase our political/economic influence through unity.



20) By thus indirectly/directly promoting colonized local Muslims and Somalis rights, the ICU is also defending our vital interests, eg the flow of our only two perennial rivers in a desertic region menaced by Ethiopian unilateralism.


Given that many barrages constructions on our shared rivers are planned by Addis-Abeba, irrespectively of any ethical/environmental consideration, and that the battle for water is predicted to be the ultimate one thanks to the global warming mainly caused by Western irresponsibility, especially in our region, we can understand why the oppressive minority regime is so nervous.



21) Even more important, we have increasing evidence by the day that sincere Shariah implementation is not only an Islamic fundamental obligation but the only way towards a truly holistic approah toward Sustainable Development by protecting the Environment and Human Health & Welfare against addictions, corruption, prejudices and frivolous consumerism.


In fact, not only do Islamic teachings and discipline protect and optimize the productivity of our bodies and minds but it also constitutes a most coherent framework whereby substantial progress could be achieved with extremely limited capabilities and durably.


For instance, Interest-free Finance has been adopted by many progressive groups worlwide such as the Swedish JAK bank (Jork, Arbete, Kapital or Land, Work and Capital), while the concept of ethical investment has been privileged by The Norwegian Government Pension Fund - Global (Statens pensjonsfond - Utland). , albeit to a limited extent given the inherent limites and contradictions of secular governance, for this is the only rational approah toward Human Welfare by maximising economic efficacity while limiting environmental damages...

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21: Affordable food and everyday items due to road blocks being dismantled


22: Former killer kids are being rehabilitated with Islam


23: Somalis actually have more hope of going back today than they did six months ago.


24: They exposed the ‘nationalist’ when he sided with the Ethios!

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Awright. Fair enough. Wonderful lists, supported by ideal wishes.


I hope my reasonable objections against wadaada ku sheega's won't be a disappointment and chorus party killer.


Here we go.

  • They are an intolerant bunch of group, unfit to govern in a modern society. Theirs is only "ama isoo raac ama seefta raac," nothing in between. No dulqaad, no tanaasul, no nothing but "my true belief" they think is the correct one
  • They believe women have no leadership quality, their sole earthly existence to be at home [an alien concept to Soomaalis, whose other half gender was and is historically known to be independents, from Caraweelo to Xaawo Taako. There wouldn't have been a Xaawo Taako had they been in power in 1950s]. Case in point, the top leadership has no single women. No problem, that shared with other institutions we had seen. But its so-called government --
    Golaha Shuurada
    -- has no single woman of all 93 and growing list, all men.
No basic liberty. Harassing daily ciyaalka u jarto timaha see ayna jecleen or u labisto sida ay ka helin; closing shaneemooyinka; karbaashing anyone they see not doing what they "wish" they should do or is "vice" against their preset morals
Banning heesaha and other cultural intertaintment
Banning public mixing
Banning booramaha la iska tumo, banning saarka
Banning xuska [honouring deceased family members]
Banning mowliidka
Banning mixed aroosyada xafladaha lagu dhigo
No occasional public celebration, be it graduation ceremony
Banning women from the beach
Desecrating xabaalaha, including those of cullumada
Forcibly taking over women's hospital [isbitaal Banaadir] to rehabilitate their injured fighters at the isbitaalka
Forcibly shutting down masaajidada they consider that don't follow their mabda'
Forcibly enforcing salaadda
Bringing what Soomaalis had never knew -- isbiimeys [suicide bombing] and other public explosions that happened in Xamar, two against Geedi and one against UN team
Brazen contract killings, including the murder of Cabdiqaadir Yaxye [before they became midowga maxkamadaha]
Fake cimaamad wearing qabqable iyo dagaalooge: Indhamadoowe
Occupation of Shabeelladahoose [why Balcad or Dayniile loogu dhiibay dadka deeggaanka u dhashay, but not Baraawe, Afgooye, Marka, Daafeed...hmmm]
Lies and the lying liars in their midst: "We will not attack Jowhar, Balcad, Dayniile, Kismaayo, Buurhakaba..."
Warmongering. Well, some of you may suffer from short term memory, not me. They are as warmongering as the warlords they defeated.
The list above, which isn't sadly complete, is what they have done already, albeit having a limited power.


The list below is what they will do, realistically speaking.

  • Indhashareer will be mandatory
  • Jilbaab a must at school and society-wide
Women will be discouraged at attending higher education
Won't be no more Biyooleey
There won't be TV
Those idaacado that won't kowtow to their version of events or those that play music will be banned permanently
The promotion of Soomaalinimo will be abandoned, including the language, dhaqan, hidaha, and distinct cultural heritage, instead filled by more Carabnimo and more, more Carabnimo [we already see this]
There won't be elections that allow people to elect whoever they wish, including those who wish to elect wadaada ku sheega themselves [dimuqraadiyada diinta kuma jirto, as they try to remind us, whereas Iiraan, Xammaas, Islamic parties in Malaysia and other Islamic-learning groups practice]


What most of you listed, especially "bringing back security, booming business" etc, any group can do that if they had a chance. Not to mention the old regime had an absolute security in the country and yet people revolted.




Because if there is no basic liberty and accountability, no employment opportunities and stiffing nepotism [read: whoever maamulo dekedda and garoonka diyaaradaha has no auditor and accountibility] and exploitation, there won't be any freedom, regardless how the security improves or not. If the sole responsiblity is security and a little booming business, some even questionable because where they acquired their wealth during the long civil war, then bring back the old regime, at least the old regime stood strongly for Soomaalinimo.

I'm with you 100%.

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I hope my reasonable objections against wadaada ku sheega's won't be a disappointment and chorus party killer

Chorus killer ? Howsabout the biggest dhuuso since the fabled Shimber of Sheeko Xareero fame :D . Talk about a disappointment. Basically, what you've achived here is: waxa uurka kugu jiro aa soo qoftay. It's all good, tho. I mean, look at the responses of everybody before you. They speak of concrete accomplishments, tangible progress that has been noted and lauded by wax-kale-iska-dhaaf-ee, impartial international observers. You could've acknowledged that first. Give the 'devil' his due. Honest debate and integrity demands it. Athiga maxaa lasoo shir tagtay ? Biyooooleeeeeeeeey, Ala they're gonna ban biyooleeey :D and istunka and saarka, Practices chock-fulla jahiliya and shirk.


What most of you listed, especially "bringing back security, booming business" etc, any group can do that if they had a chance

The TNG had 4 years of chances. What'd they achieve ? Jack.........Squat. The TFG had/has 3 years and counting. What'd they achieve ? Nuffin. Marka, cut the excuses and give respect where respect is due, even towards those you perceive as being the enemy, raganimada ay kamid tahay.


Better luck next time in discrediting the ICU, maybe a catchy phrase like 'clan courts' will help mask the inherent weakness of your case. I use the word inherent because it's futile to attack the hottest thing to happen to Somalia since Sayyidka and Xiin Faneen(not you, talkin' bout the horse, waaba is mahdisay :D ) . G'luck with that.

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