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Infamous Abshir Boyax captured in a government offensive outside Garowe State Capital

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Puntland Security Forces Apprehend 11 Pirates Impound Ransom Money.




A press conference held jointly by the Governor of Nugal region, Hon. Abdi Hirsi aka Qarjab and the Nugal Regional Police Commander, Commander Abdirahman Abshir to report the capture of 11 pirates(including prominent ex-pirate Mr. Abshir Boyah) arrested in the outskirts of Garowe, the administrative capital of Puntland State.


Puntland Security Forces carried out an offensive in the outskirts of the capital city which ensued in an exchange of fire between the pirates and the security forces. No damages have been reported and the mortality is zero.


The pirates were brought before the media as well as evidence of the arrest. Three cars, 7 mobile phones, 2 automatic pistols and $29,500 US Dollars in $100 dollar denominations were produced at the press conference.


The exhibits will act as evidence to be used against the pirates in judicial processes.


Puntland Security Forces held the pirates temporarily at the Puntland State House in Garowe before a heavily guarded convoy escorted them to a maximum-security facility in Bosaso, the port city renowned for its commercial significance to Puntland.


The pirates will remain detained in Bosaso prior to their prosecution in the courts of law.


Puntland remains dedicated to the fight against piracy despite the availability of meager resources to combat the scourge from its frontlines.

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Somalia: Puntland forces arrest wanted pirates in Garowe.


18 May 18, 2010 - 5:30:41 AM




Security forces in Puntland's administrative capital of Garowe on Tuesday nabbed a group of suspected pirates led by famous Somali pirate called Abdirizaq Abdullahi “Boyah”.


The forces also seized some $26000, pistols and a Toyota Surf 4x4 vehicle, which belonged to the pirates.


Reports said Boyah and four other men were planning to leave the city, when the security forces got the information and caught up with them.


The man gained international publicity through the media when he led sea gangs in hijacking many foreign vessels, making millions of dollars in ransom. However, he recently denounced piracy after heeding with local clerics’ appeal.


According to some clerics who spoke to Garowe Online, the reformed pirates returned to the lucrative but risky business after failing to get other source of income as promised by the government.


Officials from the Nugaal regional administration and security officers told reporters that the arrest is part of the Puntland’s plans to get rid of the piracy in its shorelines.


The government of Puntland led by President Abdirahman Mohammed Farole has vowed to eradicate the piracy scourge along its coastlines, a move that has seen the decline of pirates' activities in regions under Puntland’s control.


But the government lacks support from the international community, which deployed fleets in Somalia, to tackle the menace.



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Ninkii Ugu Caansanaa Burcad Badeeda Puntland oo Garowe Lagu Qabtay & Hub iyo Lacag Lala Qabtay.


Garowe (RBC Radio): Maamulka gobolka Nugaal iyo taliska ciidanka booliska ayaa si wadajir ah maanta u shaaciyey in ciidanka boolisku ay qabteen ninkii ugu weynaa burcad badeeda Puntland oo lagu magacaabo ‘BOOYAAX’.


Hawlgal ay ciidanka booliska saaka ka sameeyeen xaafado ka mid ah magaalada Garowe ayay gacanta ku dhigeen niman looga shakiyey burcad badeednimo, hub, lacag iyo baabuur ay wateen.


Waxaana raggaasi la qabtay ku jira BOOYAAX oo ahaa nin caan ah oo madax u ahaan jiray burcad badeedii fariisinka ku lahayn degmada Eyl ee gobolka Nugaal.


Gudoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal Cabdi Xersi Cali oo RBC u waramay ayaa sheegay in ciidanka ay saaka qabteen Mr Booyaax iyo rag la socday oo wada saarnaa gaari nooca ‘Land Cruiser Surf ah’ oo ay wateen iyagoo marayey mid ka mid ah xaafadaha magaalada Garowe.


Gudoomiyaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in boolisku ay qabteen lacag gaareysa $26,000 oo ay wateen raggaasi, bastoolado illaa saddex ah iyo gaarigii ay wateen oo boolisku gacanta ku hayo.


Saraakiisha booliska iyo maamulka gobolka ayaa sheegay in hawlgalka lagu qabtay raggasi uu ahaa mid la soo qorsheeyey isla markaana uu qeyb ka yahay ka hortaga burcad badeeda karaamada ka riday maamulka hadda ka jira Puntland.


Waxayna saraakiisha booliska iyo maamulka gobolka Nugaal sheegeen inay sii wadi doonaan hawlgladan ka dhanka ah kooxaha burcad badeeda oola rumeysan yahay inay ku nool yihiin magaalooyinka waaweyn ee

Puntland halkaasi oo ay si dhuumaaleysi ku soo galaan marka ay soo qaataan lacagaha madax furashada ee tirada badan.


Waxaa lagu wadaa in raggaasi la qabtay dhawaan loo gudbiyo maxkamada gobolka oo xukuno ku ridi doonta.


Booyaax waa nin Ceynkee ah?


Abshir BOOYAAX ayaa ahaa hogaamiyihii burcad badeeda EYL waxaana uu ninkan caan ka noqday saxaafada caalamka ka dib markii uu wareysiyo ku saabsan noloshiisa burcad badeednimada siiyey wargeysyo iyo wakaalado warar oo caalamka ka socda.


Sanadkii 2009 bilawgiisii ayaa wariye ka tirsan wargeyska NEW YORK TIMES waxaa uu Mr Booyaax kula kulmay bartamaha magaalada Garowe, weliba meel sii aad ah ugu dhow xarunta madaxtooyada. Wuxuuna Mr Booyaax oo degaan ahaan ka soo jeeda gobolka Nugaal uu u sheegay wariyaha inuusan wax cabsi ah ka qabin maamulka Puntland inuu xiro, taasi oo ceeb iyo fadeexad ku noqotay dowlada Puntland.


Sheekada xiisaha leh ee ay wargeyska New York Tines uu qoray ayaa ahayd in Booyaax iyo wariyaha uu isku xiray oo uu isbaray Maxamed C/raxmaan oo ah wiil uu dhalay madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole.

Dhamaadkii Sanadkii 2009, Booyaax wuxuu ka mid noqday koox burcad badeed oo illaa 200 gaaraya oo ku dhawaaqday inay isaga bexeen hawlaha burcad badeednimada ka dib markii wacyigelin ay u sameeyeen culimada reer Garowe oo booqasho ku tegey Eyl, hase ahaatee wararka ayaa sheegaya in Booyaax uusan marnaba ka tanaasulin shaqadii uu hayey.


Booliska Puntland ayaa sidoo kale sanadkii hore xiray nin la dhashay Booyaax oolisaguna lagu magacaabo ‘Booyaaxa yar’ kasi oo haatan ku jira xabsiga Boosaaso.


Intii uu Booyaax fariisinka ku lahaa degmada Eyl, waxaa uu madax furasho ka qaatay in ka badan 25 markab oo uu gacantiisa ku afduubay, sida uu hadda ka hor sheegay.


RBC Radio

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This probably has to do with the piracy conference that President Faroole will be attending in Turkey within the coming days. I am sure he understands that he could be criticized for not doing anything, as well if he's hoping to get some sort of funding, he needed to make some kind of move like this!


Well, I guess better late than never! We will see what the courts do with the self proclaimed pirate leader Booyah.

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Look at this guys face he looks like a pirate

Piracy is in his blood which is why he cant leave it alone.

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In the west he would be titled, Gangster, tough guy and they would make up rap songs and movies about his exploits. But there is no excuse for such actions.


Good move on the part of the state.

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Who wants to wager that this gentleman will not spend even a SINGLE YEAR in jail??? :D


Dear Nomads: This indecorous brouhaha is nothing more than an orchestrated show to justify the supposed expenditure of the recently "donated" millions by the so-called 'international community' to the State government of Puntland for the "fight" against "piracy"; and in the long run, without effectively tackling the root causes of the problem, these arrests will only redound to Faroole's discredit and fall from grace.

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