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Still Galgala?..I thought mighty PL vanquished those few boys

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I did tell you to stop fueling the flames of unrest by being ACTUAL INVADERS of another villager's farm and, wait for it, putting all the blame on HIM!!!


Such justice, eh? Don't wonder because it's found only in Clan-puntlandism mentality (syndrome to be explained in the footnotes] :D . This syndrome, I'll tell you about it, is somewhat like a cross of diabetic's severe hyperglycemia, which in 0 to 5 notts seconds, results in a spontaneous human combustion - so stay safe and clear!!, you hear? Folks like NGONGE and JB should stay ever more safer and farther from them than ATAM currently is... smile.gif


Anyway... I said...(like the old mother in old Baidhabo stories - where she begged her son ..'ar wiilkaygow baas-abuur ha noqon!], I, almost, cried, please don't attack! Give peace a chance!


But I guess some of my cousins' tits were getting itchy for a bit of a ruff scratch. It's been too long since they actually 'fought', I mean, really fought - and they were weary of the wooden guns in the Carmo training camp. :D


Well, my sons, you wanted it, and now, you bloody well got it!


I bloody well didn't want it...I wanted peace, peace, peace - as NGONGE is my witness (I know, I know), but I said let the elders do their deed - just like they did in earler tensions, with the help of Ilka-jiir. But NO! We were told the mighty government doesn't need peace, IT WILL GET WAR WITH EVERYTHING.....



My I ask now, did the murders stop in Boosaaso?


What was the end? ('cos we have come to know the means - it was like ....ah you finish it)


PS: Forgot to mention, see you next month, Insha-Allah. The net's a drag beryahan...

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Paragon, the prolonged instability still continues in Bosaso despite claims of victory from the clan fiefdom (Puntland). Just within the last week, 3 men from Western Bari were brutally murdered; a tragedy engineered by the repressive clan administration.


This misfortunate event revealed the true face of the clan fiefdom, that long hid behind Puntland banner and tales of we are 1/3 of Somalia, in order to fulfill narrow clan agendas. What Makhiris can seize from this opportunity is that they can fully regain their identity, and address the need for an independent station equal to other clan administrations in their periphery.


The world also came to acknowledge the narrow base Puntland rests on, and their tactic of employing men from Sool and Sanaag only for Gorowe to maintain a full grip of power. As a result of the Galgala debacle, Makhiri communities have become well aware of power imbalances and how the clan fiefdom is at war with their existence.


Puntland is an illegitimate clan fiefdom that stretches from northern tip of Mudug, Nugaal and parts of Bari region. The fiefdom is also largely known for their links to piracy, directed by an illegal criminal network based in Garowe village.

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The clan fiefdom in Garowe village never had any desire to include other clans whose territories they claimed nor to implement good governance. The Galgala debacle conveyed a trademark message to the world; that the clan fiefdom is far from the model of stability previously depicted.


The outlet you referenced is another SSDF dot-com portal from Garowe with no significant presence in Bosaso. Since Puntland’s Galgala offensives, members of the PIS along with civilians of Western have been assassinated. I posted relevant sources numerously on SOL, from Horseed-Raxanreeb-SPR and others.


“Why do we support Atam?”


A proper counter question, “Why do you support Faroole”. Knowing his excessive links to piracy, corruption, and nepotism. His failure in assembling a pro-active strategy to cooperate with SSC movement.


Despite Faroole’s futility and his schemes, you still support him because he happens to be from your clan. With the fate of clan governing your judgment, how foolish are you to ask Atam’s kinsmen, why do you support Atam?


Atam is not alone; he is among the ring leaders along with Abdirahman Qadafi, Ina Kilwe, etc who previously bared arms to defend their land (Majiyahan) from your clans offenses and schemes. Although I might not agree with setting up an Islamic emirate in Western Bari region, the clan element of the whole conflict is indeed undeniable fact.


With time, Makhiri’s will unite and assemble a station that confronts the injustices of Garowe.

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What you guys living abroad who probably have never visited these areas don’t realize is that you are playing right into Faroole's hands!


From the beginning Faroole's presidency started off as shaky, with murders of officials and other prominent people, things looked grim. Then a damning UN Report which directly brought clear evidence of him and his minister’s involvement in criminal activity was released. The problems didn't end there, as many criticized (Xudeedi was not one of them and remained silent until last month), the president’s son's close involvement in Puntland's politics, in which he named him as his official media advisor. Many started wondering as the Presidents 2nd anniversary in power was approaching, what the next two years would be like. Just a few months ago some of his closest supporters were beginning to grow frustrated with the lack of development. Pointing to the lack of any infrastructure or promises such as the development of political parties developing. The problems kept mounting from outrage at his stance on the SSC in Sool to piracy in the Gulf of Aden. In simplest terms, Faroole was in deep trouble.


Then the battle took place in Gagala, in which the leader “Atam” said in clear words that he felt an internationally recognize terrorist group was his brothers and that we are them and they are us.


This decisive battle has changed many people. There is no doubt Faroole has demonstrated very good leadership. He was able to dispatch his Vice-President and Interior Minister who both hail from Sool and Sanaag respectively to lead the military assault on Atam. By doing this, he was able to take away Atam's ability to make this into a clan vs. clan issue. As well, Faroole was able to quickly make Atam retreat while staying Garowe. This in my opinion shows Faroole's power, because he was able to do this through his networks and relations with elders. It is truly quite impressive.


So to end, what you guys don't realize and have little sympathy for the deaths you so easily talk about in Bosasso (I suspects this is because you are not living back home). Is that Atam's has given Faroole's admin new life and momentum. He strongest critics are now praising him for how he was able to cut Atam's allies and defeat him, the critics are no longer focusing on the problems facing the state. From what I hear, even foreign governments are taking notice to what is going on. Faroole was in deep trouble and his government looked weak, but his defeat of Atam has changed many opinions.


Atam and his audio statement aligning with Al Shabaab, and Faroole’s handling of this situation has arguably saved his admin!

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^^^Nicely put. Faroole for all his weaknesses comes out smelling rosy from this. He moved fast and was decisive in his dealings with Attam. The swiftness of it all has even surprised the staunchest supporters of the state. It might be the case that the Attam affair will be remembered as a watershed moment when Puntland came of age. The security of Bossaso has improved and more need to be done, but you are correct Attam has saved Faroole.

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Such justice, eh? Don't wonder because it's found only in
Clan-puntlandism mentality

Right on target, Paragon. Now the Haylan chiefs have released their final communique asking for the withdrawal of PL militia from western Bari regions.


I think it will be a long war between the people of Haylan in alliance with people of Carmaale and Damallahagare vs PL's allied clan militia and its traitors. Trust me, once reer Haylan unite on this front, expect the reer Carmale/Erigabo joining their brethrens for the liberation of western Bari regions.


My biggest concern is the lack of real political consensus within the people of Haylan in coming to the rescue of their brethrens in western Bari Regions. Saxib, over 300 trucks, during the SNM movement, mounted with tripod machine guns and recoilled rifles attacked Xadeed, and they were squarely defeated by the people of Carmaale. I think it's time reer Haylaan unite on the defense of their native-land from a clan-inspired, aggressive entity. It's indeed very shameful that it has gone to such levels of sheer arrogance on the side of PL to attack another land (blessed with water falls as it may) and uproot the farming communities and once again reinstate the prospecting contract of oil and minerals PL signed with foreign companies. (Very sad indeed)


The "Puntlanders" unite behind their tribal chieftains in both just and unjust wars. They are surprisingly unanimous in every political move their leaders take whether wrong or right, evil or good-intentioned. And for such endeavors of value-maximizing schemes, they have my utmost respect. :D



Paragon, what do you think of Ilka-jir. Will this crisis he helped create haunt him?

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Thankful, see the Dhahar Elders' communique.


Btw, at least the people of Galgala with all Puntland's might deployed against them have held up their position bravely and without seeking protection and aslylum like Ade and his clan militias did.

This is not even a war with whom the people of Haylan are completely united and it proves how weak but loud-mouthed Ade's supporters have been over the years. :D

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I thought you were genuinely sincere when you spoke about peace and the development of Puntland. I see that maybe it may have been all talk. It’s quite sad because I thought we had made progress.


You can have Diaspora sites like Dhahar and SPR write as much news as they want; the facts on the ground say another thing. The milita that are in these areas are led by the most influential politician from E.Sanaag and Western Bari. He has freely come into the area with full support from the elders. It is Atam that must hide and can find to refuge.


To be honest with you, Atam and the whole Gagala issue is becoming old news. The man has been forced to retreat and it has been shown that he has little power, the people and elders of these area's could have ensured his protection and the Government would not have been able to do anything. As long as Puntland has Ilka-Jiir on their side, the government will be welcomed in these area's, you will see!


This "communique" coming weeks after the fact seems to be another desperate attempt by the Diaspora to save face!

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Originally posted by Thankful:


This "communique" coming weeks after the fact seems to be another desperate attempt by the Diaspora to save face!

The communique comes from the Haylaan elders after days of meeting and consultation not from the Diaspora.


Puntland is build on the consent of tribal and traditional elders. If they ignore the elders, I think the consequences will become worse.

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I believe the site that produced it, puts its own spin.


Regardless, we will see what happens! They have Atam and Puntland has Ilka-Jiir. We will see who has more influence.


So far we know who does!

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^^ Drop the Diaspora charge, saaxib. If the clan element did not have any legs to stand on, that lot would not have had a tribal meeting to make a decision on this thing. Wax fahan.


There is a genuine (as you can see on SOL alone) complaint from those hailing from ATAM's clan. Your job, if you are sincere in your opposition to Atam and Atam alone (which incidentally I do not doubt), is to reassure your brethren and stop the blind Faroole support. Going on the defensive will only strengthen their (mistaken belief - in your case alone) that you are gunning for the entire clan and not (as you seem) only opposed to Atam's Shabab leanings.

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NGOONGE, Adeer Thankful has a valid point, this was never a clan war no matte how much in the back of your mind you wish for Puntland to get a bloody nose. I know you are not a hater of the worst kind but one can not ignore your attempts at injecting yourself in this matter and the fact that uncle Siilanyu's victory has ignited long held secessionist feelings within you. Now back to this topic, it's about Attam and his militia and there should be no mistake in the aims of the state.


It seems the Radical Diaspora supporters of Attam are at it again.

Baaq ay soo saareen odayaal dhaqameedka deegaanka Haylaan oo ku aadan colaada ka aloosan degmada Galgala ee gobolka Bari.



Waxaa maanta oo taariikhdu tahay August, 20, 2010 ka dhacay magaala madaxda gobolka Heylaan ee Dhahar shir
ay isugu yimaadeen dhamaan cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka gobollada Haylaan iyo Galbeedka Bari, waxaana laga wada hadlay xaalada deegaanka oo ay ugu horeyso arinta beryahanba ka taagnayd deegaanka Galgala.



Hadaba markay arkeen odayaasha iyo waxgaradka deegaanada Haylaan iyo Galbeed Bari dhibaatada lagu hayo dadka iyo deegaanka Galbeedka Bari, markii ay arkeen dagaalka qaawan uu maamulka Puntland ku qaaday dhulkaa islamarkaana ay abuureen dacaayad ka dhan ah deegaanka iyagoo ku eedeeyey argagixisanimo, isla markaana ay ku gacansayreen odayaashii isu xilsaaray inay arintan wada hadal ku dhameeyaan

So the final statement came out seven days ago? Or did they get the date wrong again, or is the whole thing just false. Think for yourself.


Nassir, now you are “liberating" your people huh. It's a going to be a long war with much death right? So far the war is only taking place in your imagination and on the web portals on the net.

They will no doubt edit this mistake later on no. :D

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^^ You are right, I want to see Faroole lose (to Atam, Cade or Yusuf). My moto is anyone but Faroole. :D


On the other argument, I shall repeat what I told thankful and Sakhar. We are all Diaspora and if one side accuses the other of being 'out of touch' the same accusation can be lobbed back. Nassir is from ATAM's clan and the websites you belittle are from ATAM's clan (and Paragon too is). Are you saying they are all so detached from their own clans that they had to make up stories of their own? What makes you better? Maybe Faroole is not real and is just the invention of! :D


Dee naga daa.

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Weak argument old boy, Attam has supporters who's sites are the ones in question. Ilka-Jiir the interior minister is from Attam's clan, the deputy security Minister is from Attams clan and so is Doonyaale, the Garad Cali Ciid. These men are chasing and fighting with the state. They gave countless inteviews and are on the ground with pics and audio to prove it. What we are talking about are a handful of individuals who are spinning and makng up news in order to ignite inter clan conflict when there is none. They tend to get dates wrong, whi h as you can see has happene agains with that statement.


Now this is not a clan war, no one other than the Attam supporters are claiming it is. Now wax fahan.

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