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General Duke

Images of the week, deperate Clan Courts....

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One very funny message on the subject:


"Ho Ho Ho....


This is a clear forgery as reported in the news given in the above link. It is clear the Islamic courts want to use this to mobilize the Somalis against Addis Ababa and Baaidoa.

The irony of the matter is to see the islamic courts: such people of `the book` use such forgery.

May Alah forgive them!"

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SF, The Clan Courts are a power hungry group. Hence the daily aggression and naked lies. If one is forced to fib, then do one close to the truth at least that might confuse many.

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Originally posted by Caamir:


"Yes I was Red Sea but now Ridwaan--From geographical identification to religous Identity. I will defend my "Somaliland" regardless of what is said of it, won't address its inherent, unresolved issues and human rights abuse. Nevertheless, I will focus on things I basically don't politically and culturally associate with and in fact would never be part of it. I do approve and think of our Northern to be very distinct and different than the south. Yes we are a country of its own""




I as a Caamir have decided to fastly scroll down those rumblings.

I was Red sea,then Ridwan,now back to red sea,that is a name change,as Duke was named valentin Duke or something like that.That is that.


However,you have already said it,you don't bother reading Red Sea'posts,therefore,it's wrong to accuse of anything.As for SL human rights abuse and its problems within,well once again how would you know if I have already since you are not paying attention to anything I post,not that I cared if you did,but if you wanted to accuse,you must know who you are accusing beforhand,this is another thing that is seriously wrong with you.


Your thoughts are very weak and geeljire like,offcourse everyone knows I do politically and culturally relate to southern Somalis,not just because they are Somalis,but becasue they are also Muslims,how low for you to think otherwise? pretty disgusting.


Caamir and G.Duke,I fully support Islamic nation under one Muslim and faithful leader,you on the other hand support tired and lame former Prisnor and currently the wife of Melez,in anyone' point of view this would be redicolous.


Northern to be different and distinct of its own? you actually said that,not me.


but one thing is for sure,if you think everything will come under your uncle warlord Xabashi Yusuf,then you are dreaming,and Islamic nation is hereby a possiblity that is what I am aiming for,do you have anything against that. icon_razz.gif


Your mentalities are christian like,for you to be refered as a Muslim is a huge mistake from Ridwan aka Red sea.

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^^^Red Sea, it took you all this time to come up with that? You saxib are the very example of a lame Somali going no where. You support your clans ill thought attempt at nation hood and then hide behind Islam.


Northerner, said it best once, that the Clan ourts will fight both the TFG and Puntland and thus should be supported by Somaliland. I agree with this honest view point. Yours on the other hand is just garbage.

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^I have better things to do then pay attention to your arogant point of view which you and your likes recycled in here everyday.I have life if you know what I mean,I don't know if that is the case for you.


Let us even discuss Puntland,where there not protests in Pl itlself against the Ethiopian troops,I am with those people who have let their voices heard loud and clear in teh Mosques in Pl,you have no ear to hear it,because you are too busy trying to defend a tired and lame warlord.


The TFG,what TFG? wasn't the TFG elected to "govern" Somalia,and aren't overwhelming majority of Somalis speaking out against it,buddy pay attention,the TFG you speak of is non existance.


As for Northerner,what does his supposed comments have to do with Red Sea,I have my own opinions and he has his,you even have your so called opinion allthough it can't be regarded as a healthy one.Once again,realize that all men are not created to equally express their views,some bad and some good,and some are like yours which are beyond idiocy.


If SL continous imprisoning its own people,then Somalilander themselves will overthrow this so called admin. in Hargeysa and will implement a faithful leader just like Sheikh Sharif Axmed,PL will dot the same. I am with those that argue from the point of view of the interests of the main populace,you and your likes on the other hand argue from the point of view warlords,thugs etc...

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The personal attacks aside.

There where protests in Puntland when thousands came out in the streets in support of the lifting of the arms embargo. Also, Puntland has welcomed all the leasders of the TFG and in every major city.


The TFG has three years left to complete its job, which is to put the country back together and give it to its people. Marka, Barava, Kismayu, Buaale, and even Mogadishu will be given back Insha Alalh to the people who live there much as Hargaysa belongs to its majority who make its decisions and much like every town in Puntland is in the hands of its citizens.

The rest of the Somali;s must get the same rights specially the unarmed clans of the South.


The TFG is not going any where, no matter what Xasan Dahir, IndaCade or any group says. Neither is Puntland gonna change for the sake of SL or the Clan Courts. Puntland will change when it choses and how it choses, we have good leaders and they ahve our support.

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^Cadde Muse is a good leader? Abdullahi Yusuf is good leader, Riyale Kahin a good leader?


if you think these people have what it takes to build any sort of nation or region or whatever,they you are hereby not normal,learn from history.These people aimed to rule by the gun or consitition based on influence from abroad etc...


you need to think bit better,you seem to be assasinating your human decency.


One question for you,since the TFG was elected(can't stop laughing) to rule ALL somalis,then how do you think THEY plan to take the areas that outside of its control such as SL and now the ICU?


As for Pl changing when its residents decide to change,my friend I have always been with you on this,I have said it,that there shouldnt' be any forced involved in order to tell anyone else of what to do,however,will Cadde Muse let them decide their destiny?


go ahead sing it to me...

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^^^Cade and Yusuf I know about, Riyaale is non of my business, if he is good or bad thats an issue for you to decide. As for the two leaders from Puntland both are legends in their won right and have our support.


The TFG on the other hand their programm si quite simple. The areas under the Clan Courts control will be taken either by force or through negotiations. These areas are by far ruled by a small group that does not represent the MAJORITY of the people there.


Somaliland, will be through dialogue and never by force.


As for Puntland we have chosen Cade, we support him and we will review this support when election time comes.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

^Cadde Muse is a good leader? Abdullahi Yusuf is good leader, Riyale Kahin a good leader?


Since you're concern for "ALL SOMALIS" Should we include Geele in that group as well?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Riyaale is non of my business, if he is good or bad thats an issue for you to decide.

Good point!

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I am concern for all Muslims to put it even to that extend.


Duke,I included Riyale,so that you dont' come to me later and say 'you don't say anything about SL,why only Pl and TFG'nonsense,xagee laguu qadaa adiga.


another Question,how bout if SL refused any dialogue with the TFG regarding reunification?


Kamalu Diin,I won't lead anyone to Somaliland,the poeple of SL will rule themselves in accordance with the Sharica law,if that comes at the expense of chasing out Riyale Kahin or anyone else who follows.

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