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Images of the week, deperate Clan Courts....

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^^^Saxib, your point is nothing and you are not more religious than any of us.


This is the politics section, either stick to your guns or stop taking nonsence.

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^a Muslimnimo aside now: answer this question which is regarding the political plan of the TFG:


After the TFG gotten in talks with SL,end result that SL turned down the offer of TFG to reunite,then what?


don't dissapoint me...

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^^^I am not going into hypotheticals and I can not honestly speak about a plan B for a future option without having the right information.


There will be no millitary option, or even starting and supporting internal conflict in Somaliland.


The area peace is too important to play with.

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^I am not more Muslim than you,I knew that not before,but the fact that you support Abdullahi Yusuf to the fullest even when he makes countless mistakes is unMuslim like.


Okay another question for you Duke,what about Xamar,it's a peaceful city,why do you think it should be taken over by force since that wasn't the case for Hargeysa ,mise runta iska sheego qabiilka isaga ah ayaad magaranaysaayeey......finish the sentence..

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^^^First, Somaliland has not attcked anyone and captured any city outside its control through force. This is a point they must be commended for.


The issue of Mogadishu, it is in the hands of the Clan Courts, thus if they attack Baidoa, with the aim of destroying the TFG. The TFG has a right to reply and thus destroy the Clan Courts and rest control of the territory they control.


I hope you are not disapointed.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

^a Muslimnimo aside now: answer this question which is regarding the political plan of the TFG:


After the TFG gotten in talks with SL,end result that SL turned down the offer of TFG to reunite,then what?


don't dissapoint me...

Red Sea have been exposed your concern is more of Somaliland then the religion. you worried about the Southerners may unite against you.

don't you know that your are weakining Somaliland's potion instead. how many times I told not to take that route> "Mr. Red Sea I dare you to stick to your Somaliland success, please do not lead Al-Qa'eda supported thugs into Somaliland"

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^ sleep better,and what is this little comments you have been carrying around,every thread I go there it is,almost makes me think I am in the same thread...walaalo koob shaaha cab,malada badana iska ilaali,waa iga talo yaah..waxyar ii kaadi kan yar aan su'aal kale ku tuuree.Somaliland waa jeclahaya abti miyaanad ogayn,dadka aad sheegaysana waan jeclahay.



Waryaa Duke:


But wait SL does occupy SOOl and Sanag which is according to you part of Puntland,so now this puts SL in the hot seat,how bout that one?


so far you are doing okay,but few more questions left,then I promise I will let you get back to being the anchor of adeero.

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^^^Fire away, I like to enlighten my fellow Somali's when ever I can.


As for Somaliland, they do not occupy any major city or town in Puntland. The reality of those areas came about due to the fact that Puntland was created a number of years after Somaliland. Thus the few boys stationed in the middle of no where can not be compared to the aggression of the Calan Courts. Somaliland and Puntland have proved they can live together and this is encouraging for the future inter Somaliweyn talks.

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I am not more Muslim than you,I knew that not before,but the fact that you support Abdullahi Yusuf to the fullest even when he makes countless mistakes is unMuslim like.

but your holier-than-though attitude comes though laud and clear. Why can you not accept that wither or not you support the moryaans or the president has nothing to do being more muslim then other but your understanding of whats good for Somalia?


Okay another question for you Duke,what about Xamar,it's a peaceful city,why do you think it should be taken over by force since that wasn't the case for Hargeysa ,mise runta iska sheego qabiilka isaga ah ayaad magaranaysaayeey......finish the sentence..

has our country become a a piece of meat to be burgened over. I did this, so I shall take this piece here. The government shall control all cities of the country regardless of who did what for it.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

[QB] ^ sleep better,and what is this little comments you have been carrying around,every thread I go there it is,almost makes me think I am in the same thread...walaalo koob shaaha cab,malada badana iska ilaali,waa iga talo yaah..waxyar ii kaadi kan yar aan su'aal kale ku tuuree.
Somaliland waa jeclahaya abti miyaanad ogayn,dadka aad sheegaysana waan jeclahay.

Shaqadii adeer Omar Arte Qalif ayaa wadaa waxaad ku jeceshahay danahaada ayay haayaan sidaas ayaad u maleynaysaa.

"Reer koonur anigaa lugaha iskugu dhufanaayo" lee maad iska dhahdid.

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^maya sidaas maaha,


look here,we have NN in the conversation,okay Mr. Naxar,since the TFG is "our" government,then what is the course of action which you would suggest the TFG to take on SL?


NN,Duke has started to have difference approaches to SL and the South,so I was questioning him that,further,kor eeg,oo lasoo qabso meesha ay marayo interview gu.




Somaliland maa maantay saaxib noqoteen,sootay shalay kuu ahayd cadow xun oo aad qaylin jirtay,sool iyo sanaag SL ayaa badi haysataa,such Ceerigob,Sanaag iyo duleedka LA,maxaad isla badashay,runta iisheeg?

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wouldn't suggest anything because I already agree with their policy there. That is, they pacify the south, build local administrations and then deal how to incorparate nothern states of SL and PL.

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^but Naxar Nugaleed,brother,we already know that SL isn't willing to even let go parts of Sool that is outside of its control let alone take anything from the TFG?


in my opinion,the TFG is failing,it has no plan forward,the only way to get SL back is if the people chose so,the only that is going to happen if Islamic leaders take over Somaliland,and Islamic leaders take over Puntland,then they unite with the Southern Islamic leaders,taht is the only way I see it happening,unity I am speaking of,


what is your opinion on this?

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