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Ethiopia being taught a lesson in Muqdisho

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Heavy battles in Somali capital


Very heavy fighting between Ethiopian troops and insurgents has broken out in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.


Reports say several people have died in the morning battles taking place in three areas close to the stadium.


Ethiopian forces supporting the interim government have moved in reinforcements in a bid to crush Islamist fighters.


The UN says Mogadishu is facing a "humanitarian catastrophe" with some 80,000 people fleeing the fighting within the past three days.




The Ethiopian forces engaged fighters who have been conducting guerrilla-style attacks on them since the beginning of the year.


The insurgents are loyal to a group of Islamic courts which were expelled from Somalia after briefly controlling much of central and southern parts of the country.


It is also reported that local residents have also been firing at Ethiopian forces.


There was heavy fighting at the weekend, and according to eyewitnesses the fighting in the past few hours has been more intense and casualties have been numerous.


International aid agencies have warned of an unfolding humanitarian crisis in parts of Somalia since the fighting began last week.


This warning came as Somali faces further uncertainty after its prime minister, Ali Mohammed Ghedi, resigned on Monday.


About 40 aid agencies working in Somalia have said the fighting has cut off their ability to respond effectively to the needs of the displaced people.


According to the UN some 400,000 displaced people are now living in camps in towns outside Mogadishu, which include Afgooye.


Somali's [puppet] transitional government is struggling to impose it authority on the country and its forces and their Ethiopian allies face daily attacks from insurgents.




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Maasha Allaah, jiida dheh bakhtigooda. Bal maxaa keenay dalkeenna marmarsiyohooda,, Dowlad baan caawinaynaa ku lehe, inteey shacab xasuuqeen dadkana calallada ka furtaan.

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you should have posted.




This resistance will get only stronger and trust me they are Somalia's future.

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Originally posted by me:

This resistance will get only stronger and trust me they are Somalia's future.

Right on, ME. Right on.


Soon enough, the Ethiopians will leave yaa Abwaan. Neither time, nor the tide are on their side.


NGONGE, 'splain yourself!

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^^ I was hoping each side would view it according to their own leanings. I've given up on trying to understand Somali politics. Now I'll purely concern myself with ridiculing them all.



ME, a borg? Oh the ideas, the ideas..should I sh-it stir? :D

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8 Itoobiyaan ah oo maanta ku dhintay iska hor imaadyo ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho.


Beerdhiga 02.11.2007 14:13


Dagaalo qaraar oo saaka qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacay oo u dhexeeyay Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed iyo ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ayaa la sheegayaa in khasaarooyin dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh uu ka soo gaaray ciidanka Itoobiya.


Ciimadamo badan oo ka mid ah kuwa gumeysiga Itoobiya ayaa saaka baaritaano ka bilaabay xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo si raxan raxan ah u dhex marayey xaafadaha dhexdooda.


Ciidamadan oo hubka yar yar noocyadiisa kala duwan ku hubeysnaa ayaa bilaabay in ay gudaha u galaan xaafadaha Gubta, Shirkole, Black Sea iyo Baar Ubax, iyaga oo isku baahiyay markii danbe jid cadda-yaasha dhex mara xaafadaha dhexdooda.


Wax yar ka dib intii ayna baaritaanada bilaabin ciidankii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee saaka soo galaay xaafadahaas waxa ay la kulmeen qaraxyo iyo rasaas daba socda oo si toos ah iyaga loola beegsanayo.


Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed oo iyaguna hubka yar yar noocyadiisa kala duwan adeegsanaya ayaa iska hor’imaad xoogan kala hor yimid ciidankii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee saaka baaritaanada ka bilaabay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa gumeysiga Itoobiya ee fariisinka ku leh xaruntii hore ee gaashaandhiga ee saaka ku soo faafay qeybo ka mid ah jidka sodonka iyo warshadaha ayaa la sheegayaa in iska hor imaadkii ay la galeen Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed halkaa looga dilay ciidanka gumeysiga Itoobiya ilaa 4 askari iyo tiro kale oo dhaawac ah oo aan ilaa iyo hadda si rasmi ah loo ogeyn inta ay leegyihiin.


Sidoo kale waxa ay noo xaqiijiyeen dad goob joogayaal ahi in halkaa lagu arkayey qeybo ka mid ah maskax iyo dhiig fara badan oo ku daatay halkii dagaaladu ka dhaceen.


Wararku waxa ay intaa ku darayaan in ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee ku soo faafay qeybo ka mid ah jidka Sodonka iyo Warshadaha ee ka soo baxay xaruntii hore ee Gaashaandhiga, in ay dib ugu carareen fariisimadooda ka dib iska hor’imaad xoogan oo ay kala kulmeen Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed.


Dhanka kale iska hor imaad isna ka dhacay xaafada Gubta oo ka mid ah xaafadihii saaka ay ku faafeen ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ee fariisinka ku leh Stadium Muqdisho ayaa wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaa looga dilay ilaa 3 askari oo markii danbena dad shacab ah oo careysan u soo qaadeen dhinaca isgoyska Baar Ubax oo meydkooda ku jiid jidayeen halkaas.


Sidoo kale iska hor’imaad isna ka dhacay Isgoyska Miisaanka Dhuxusha ee xaafada Towfiiq wararka naga soo gaaraya waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaa looga dilay ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya hal askari laba kalena looga dhaawacay.oo wali yaala, qaadan la’yihiina.


Iska hor’imaadyadii Maanta ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho ayaa khasaarooyin naf iyo maalba leh waxa ay ka soo gaareen ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya oo saaka bilaabay in baaritaano ka sameeyaan xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho, iska hor’imaadyadan oo ku soo aaday weerar xoogan oo xalay Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed ku qaadeen fariisin ay ku leeyihiin ciidanka gumeysiga Itoobiya duleedka Bari ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Laga soo bilaabo bishii Ramadaan ee tagtey waxaa sii badanaya khasaarooyinka isugu jira naf iyo maal ee ka soo gaaraya ciidanka gumeysiga Itoobiya iyo kuwa la shaqeeya ee dowlada KMG ah, weerarada sida tooska ah ay ula beegsanayaan Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed fariisimada ay ku leeyihiin gudaha iyo duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.

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Iska hor imaad culus oo u dhaxeeya kooxaha Kacdoonka iyo ciidanka Itoobiya oo ka soconayaTowfiiq,Gubta Black Sea iyo Shirkole

Muqdisho:-Iska hor imaad culus ayaa waxa uu ka soconayaa xaafada Towfiiq iyo xaafada gubta ee magaalada Muqdisho kaasoo u dhaxeeya Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kooxaha kacdonka ee Muqdisho.



Dagaalkaan ayaa waxaa la isku adeegsanayaa hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan waxaan dagaalka xoogiisa uu ka socda xaafada gubta iyo xaafada Towfiiq ayadoona deegaanada uu dagaalka ka socdo laga maqlayaa daryanka madaafiicda iyo tikniko kala duwan.



Lama oga qasaaraha uu keeynay dagaalka ka socda xaafada gubta iyo xaafada Towfiiq waxaana dadka deegaanka ay shabkadda wararka u xaqiijiyeen in Ciidamada Ethiopia oo baaritaano kawaday xaafada gubta iyo Towfiiq ay kooxaha kacdoonka ay soo weerareen Ciidamadaan Ethiopia.


Waxaa kale oo oo uu iska horimaad culus ka socdaa Black Sea iyo shirkole waxaana lagu soo waramayaa in ciidanka Itoobiya ay galeen xaafadaha Black Sea iyo shirkole iyaga oo wata taangiyo iyo hub culus.



Wixii ku soo kardha ka lasocoda



Maxamnuud Maxamed


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Meydadka Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka oo mar kale maanta lagu jiiday magaalada Muqdisho


Ciidamada Itoobiya oo maanta k soo gaaray qaasarahii ugu badanaa ee soo wajahay waxii ka danbeey dagaalkadii Sagaalka Casho ayaa maanta sixun loogu jabshay dagaalo ay la galeen ciidamada diidan joogitaanka ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya .


Dagaalada Maanta oo ka kala dhacay gooba badan ayaa inta la ogyahay waxaa kaga dhintay ciidamada Itoobiyaanka 9 ka tirsan ciidankooda iyo dhawaaca aad u farbadan iyadoona jabka ugu xoogan uu ka soo gaaray deegaanka Gubta kasoo dhowr askari oo la dilay ayna ka carareen ciidankii ay soo qadeen ciidanka kacdoonka kuwaas oo keenay goob lagu banaan baxaayey oo ku taalo deegaanka Baar Ubax halkaas ay ku soo xuumeen dadweynahii careysnaa meydkiina jidka ku jiiday


Jabka maanta soo gaaray Itoobiyaanka ayaa ah mid aysan filaneynin madaama mar qur ah ay ka war heleen rasaas ka soo dhaceysa meel walba ,kooxa dagaalyahaniinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa uga geeriyooday deegaanka Gubta laba ka tirsan kaasoo uu ku jiro shaqsi siweyn uga qeyb qaatay la dagaalanka ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya kasoo lagu magacaabo sida ay shegeen dadka deegaanka Allaha u naxariistee Cabdulaahi Adan .


Ciidamada Itoobiya oo firxadkoodii lalayahay meel ay jaan iyo cirib dhigeen ayaa u muuqato in ay maanta la tusay cashar adag oo aysan kasoo kaban waligood.

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Dagaalo ka dhacey Muqdisho

By Nov 2, 2007 - 7:39:50 AM



Dagaalo oo la isu adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa aroornimadii saakay ka dhacay deegaanada Baar Ubax, Black Sea, Gubta, Isgoyska Towqiif, wadada qabuuraha Barakaat iyo Carafaat kuwaasoo u dhaxeeyay ciidamada Ethiopia, kuwa dowladda oo dhinac ah iyo kooxaha ka horjeeda dowladda.


Ciidamada Ethiopia ee ku sugnaa Wasaaradii hore ee Gaashaandhigga, ayaa saaka ku soo kalahay degmada Hodan.


Labo Askari oo Ethiopian ah ayaa ku geriyootay dagaal kulul oo ka dhacay agagaarka Baar Ubax iyo Black Sea oo ay ciidamadaasi ka wadeen baaritaan kadibna ay la kulmeen weeraro looga soo qaadayey xaafadaha dhexdooda, sidoo kale shan qof oo sadax rayid ah iyo labo askari oo kuwa dowladda ah ayaa ku dhawacmay dagaaladaasi oo maanta qaboobey xiligii Salaada Jimcaha kadib.


Ciidamadaan ayaa dib u gurtey oo ku laabtey xerada Gulwadayasha halkaas oo iminka ku sugan yihiin.


Dhinaca kale dagaal kulul ayaa isna saakay ka dhacay deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha halkaasoo ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo howlo baaritaan ah ka waday lala beegsaday sadax bam gacmeed kuwaasoo uu ku dhaawacmay hal askari iyo labo haween oo rayid ah oo goobta ku ganacsanayey, iyadoo markii danbe isu badashay gacan ka hadal is rasaaseyn ah oo mudo socotay.


Ciidamada Ethiopia oo baritanadan wada ayaa ah kuwo dhowaan soo galey magaalada iyaga oo la kulmey weeraro gaadmo ah oo kaga yimi kooxaha ka soo horjeda.


Garowe Online,Muqdisho

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Somalia: Slain Ethiopian troops paraded in Mogadishu streets

2 Nov 2, 2007 - 8:41:18 AM




MOGADISHU (AFP) — Masked Islamist insurgents on pick-up trucks paraded what they said were the bodies of three Ethiopian soldiers in the streets of Mogadishu Friday, an AFP correspondent reported.


The show of defiance by the Shabab, the radical armed wing of the main Somali Islamist movement, came as a four-day lull was shattered by renewed fighting in the capital's southern neighbourhoods.


"We will keep killing them until they get out of our country," said one of the gun-toting insurgents, shouting from the back of pick-up, the kind that has become a symbol of Somalia's 17-year-old lawlessness.


His face hidden behind a red turban, the Islamist fighter and his two fellow insurgents toured the southern Barua district for several minutes with their gruesome trophy.


"The people who invaded our country are dying every day in the fighting," an AFP reporter heard the man shout.


Witnesses confirmed an artillery duel between Ethiopian forces and insurgents in the nearby Gupta neighbourhood, in the first night marred by major clashes since Ali Mohamed Gedi resigned from the premiership on Monday.


According to witnesses, the latest spate of attacks in the restive seaside capital left four Ethiopian troops, two civilians and an insurgent dead. The death toll could not be immediately confirmed by medical sources.


Residents said at least one Ethiopian soldier was killed when raiding suspected Islamist insurgent hideouts in southern Mogadishu's Al-Baraka neighbourhood.


"I have seen the body of an Ethiopian soldier at Al-Baraka junction ... Another soldier was wounded in the leg," said a resident who requested anonymity for fear of retribution.


"A man selling petrol near the junction was hit by a stray bullet and another was shot by Ethiopian forces as he tried to escape," said Mohamed Ali, another resident.


Ethiopian troops have been venturing deeper into the streets of Islamist bastions in recent days, in abid to break the back of an insurgency that has plagued efforts to stabilise the transitional government for months.


The Ethiopian army came to the rescue of the embattled Somali government last year to oust an Islamist militia that briefly controlled large parts of the country and sought to impose Islamic law.


The Islamic Courts Union were swiftly defeated earlier this year, but its remnants and allied tribes have since waged a guerrilla war against their enemies.


However the heavy-handed crackdown on the insurgents has also angered many in Mogadishu. Three civilians were killed late last month when Ethiopian troops opened fire on demonstrators protesting against their presence.


On Wednesday, the UN refugee agency said up to 90,000 civilians were displaced in Mogadishu in the weekend fighting, which was "the worst in months" stoking worsening humanitarian crisis in the country.


The parading of dead Ethiopian troops through the streets of Mogadishu was somewhat reminiscent of 1993, when the bodies of US special forces taking part in a doomed operation were famously torn to pieces and paraded in the streets.


Alarmed by the escalating violence in Mogadishu, 40 aid groups warned of an "unfolding humanitarian catastrophe" in parts of Somalia and said they could no longer meet the country's growing relief needs.


The fighting is exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation which has left 1.5 million -- almost one sixth of the total population -- in need of help.


Bloody clan feuds following the 1991 ousting of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre escalated into a civil war which continues to defy every peace initiative.


Source: AFP

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ I was hoping each side would view it according to their own leanings. I've given up on trying to understand Somali politics. Now I'll purely concern myself with ridiculing them all.

Saaxib you understand it better than anyone I can think of. What is frustrating you is the clear, present and persistent idiocy of policy makers on all sides.


I have a prescription of relief for you: pick a side. Once you've done so, you will be spending much of your time cheering for your side and cussing out the opposition. I recommend you choose the resistance. It's the group to support despite all their shortcomings. The TFG is an awful nightmare from which we will undoubtedly wake up one day and when we do, you do not want to be on the wrong side of history.


Abdillahi Yuusuf is a nincompoop turncoat and only those who (short-sightedly) see him as a their elder clansman will support him. And of course, those (Ethiopia and others) whose tunes he will happily dance to like the lifetime dabo-dhilif that he is.

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"We will keep killing them until they get out of our country," said one of the gun-toting insurgents

Hear ye, hear ye, thou dabo-dhilif. Whatchyu gonna do when they come for you?

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Somalia: Slain Ethiopian troops paraded in Mogadishu streets

2 Nov 2, 2007 - 8:41:18 AM





Witnesses confirmed an artillery duel between Ethiopian forces and insurgents in the nearby Gupta neighbourhood, in the first night marred by major clashes since Ali Mohamed Gedi resigned from the premiership on Monday.



^I find this odd, and surely inaccurate. How can an insurgency be engaged in an 'artillery duel'? surely insurgents have no way of sneaking real artillery in the city passed the noses of the ethiopians? mortar fire maybe,but artillery?


In any case, those men who are fighting to free their country are brave and are fighting for a just cause, may God have mercy on their souls and forgive them for any previous transgressions.

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