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GalMudug making the right strides.

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Dawlad Goboleedka Gal-Mudug State ayaa maanatay lawareegay Dhisme Ka kooban Saldig poolis,xabsi iyo Iskuul oo ay dhistay ha'adda UNka Ee Magaalada Galkacyo




Munaasabad aad ubalaaran oo ay ka soo qayb galeen masuuliyiin ka socotay ha’ada UN-ka,masuuliyiinta dawlad gaoboleedka gal-mud state saraakiisha gal-mudug,culimo udiin,odayaal,waxgard,bahada saxaafda iyo marti sharaf kale oo lagu casumay ayaa ka dhacday gudaha xarunta cusub ee ka kooban saldhiga poliska,xabsi,iyo iskuul oo ay dhiseen hay’adha UN-ka, gaar ahaan UNDP IYO UNOCHA waxaana munaasbdaasi lagu maa muusayay furitaanka xaruntaasi isla markaana si toos ah loogu wareejinayay masuuliyiinta dawlad goboleedka gal-mudug satate

Masuuliyiinta dawlad goboleedka gal-mdudug satate oo ay ka mid ahaayeen gudoomiyaha degmada galkacyo ee gal- mudug satate mudane xuseen C/lle Aw cali oo ugu horayn munaasabadda fuaray una hanbalyo iyo bogaadinna udiray masu;uliyiinta UN-ka ee xafkladda ka soo qayb gashay iyo sida wanaagsan ee ay dhismaahan faa idada wayn ugu jirto bulshada uhir galiyeen.waxaa kale oo munaasabdda ka hadlay gudoomiayaha gobolka mudug ee dawlad goboleedka gal-mudug xasan faarx barre, kusimaha madax weynaha gal-mudug C/samad Nuur guuleed,gudoomiayah baarlamaanka xasan macalin yuusuf,gudoomiyaha gudiga amniga ee gal-mudug Col.cabdi jaamac xabeeb oo ka hadlay int badn dhanka nabad galyada oo uu sheegay in ay adkaynayaan ciidamda nabad sugida hawlahoodana laba laabayaan si ay uga hor tagaan cid kasta oo amaanka car qalad ku ah asagoona mudane xabeeb ugu baaqay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada gobolka mudug in ay gacan ka gaystaan dhanka nabadda maadama nabadu tahay horu marka gobolka oo dhan.Xaruntaani cusub ee masuuliyiinta dawlad goboleedka gal-mudg lagu wareejiayay ayaa in mudo ah dhismeheedu socday aydoona ay tahay dhisme looga faaidaysan karo dhinacyada wax barshada,tababarka,ciidanka xabsi iyo wixii la mid ah.

Ayadoona qaybo badan ay ka koobantay xaruntaani cusub ayn ka midi yihiin xaafiisyo gaarya 15,qolo xabsiga ragga oo ah 5qol,qolalka dumarka oo ah 2qol, iyo 1qol oo dadka dhimrka ama dadka waalan loogu tala galay in lagu xanaaneeyo qaybta poliska oo ah 5qol 15 musqulood iyo barxad wayn iskuulk ayaa isna ilaa 10 qol ka kooban oo iskugu jira xaafiisyo iyo qayabaha wax barshada iyo sidoo kale hool weyn oo siminarda iyo shirarka loogu tala galay.

Isku soo duuboo munaasabadan wareejinta xaruntaan ayaa ah hor umar weyn oo reer gal-mudg ku talaabsdeen











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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Saxib, waxaa iga jaahil bixisaa, Galmudug magaalo madaxdeeda Galkacyo miyaa? The article would give that impression.

No No sxb, sebey ka noqotey adiga, magalo madaxda GalMudug waa Tokyo.

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Waa horumar wanaagsan runtii, I hope in halkaas laga sii wado in la sii horumariyo degaankan dadkana laga gargaaro meelaha ay caawimaadda uga baahan yihiin iyadoo la soo noolaynayo ilaha dhaqaale.

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what is to be done with Shabelle dexe and hiiraan with out southern mudugh and eastern galgaduud. where they not included in "midland" state And what on earth is in southern mudugh and eastern galgaduud besides a mars like desert for the love of God for them to make them their own state. If you ask me, Maakhir state, galmudugh state and darwiishland would not be viable federal states and western Somalia state (Bay, Bakool, shabelle hoose, gedo and the jubas) is not politically viable. they need to go back to the drawing board for these states to make sense.

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there are three things among others things people should consider when thinking about forming federal states.

1. size, Rules in the transitional charter define a federal state as two or more regions. in my opinion, putting two halves does not make two but one region.

Maakhir is half of sanaag and maybe one district from bari. Galmudugh has the same problem.


2. possible regional conflicts should be avoided. This is a problem for western Somalia in that the Jubbas and gedo prefer Jubbaland. Darwiishland would be ok in cayn and sool (if we are to believe that the secessionist will keep their promise of letting SSC regions decide their own fate) but might have problems in sanaag and nugaal. Maakhir is the most disadvantaged from this aspect because it has to negotiate with three different neighbors to its south, east and west, most contested city being ceerigaabo which it shares with two or three other groups.


3. Along with being territorially and politically viable, states should also be economically viable. Decentralized form of administration is not only more expensive to manage, each state having its own little government but the states most provide a lot of social services to their residents from basic health and education to building infrastructure. Southwestern or jubaland could manage this and even Maakhir with its proximity to bosaso and recent efforts to rebuild the port of Laas qoray and las qoray factories could manage. But Land locked Darwiishland has little going for it economically aside from livestock and i don't even think Galmudugh has that.

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And what will be the faith of Puntland, Somaliland after creating Darwiishland and Maakhir? wouldn't they fall into your above analysis? :D;)


I reckon the people in these regions are wise enough to decide how to manage their own faith, so wish them luck. smile.gif


BTW, You forgot to mention that "Darwiishland" and Maakhir has alot of oil deposits, :D

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

And what will be the faith of Puntland, Somaliland after creating Darwiishland and Maakhir? wouldn't they fall into your above analysis?


I reckon the people in these regions are wise enough to decide how to manage their own faith, so wish them luck.


BTW, You forgot to mention that "Darwiishland" and Maakhir has alot of oil deposits,

You guys should really should stop involving SL in this. Its Somalia and SL. You're either in the union or not.

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Originally posted by Juje:


No No sxb, sebey ka noqotey adiga, magalo madaxda GalMudug waa Tokyo.


LOL, bro, Wasn't aware Galkacyo South was their main Capital. Hobyo aan u maleenaayay magaalo madaxda Galmudug. They are doing a good job putting kids in schools and instilling some values in them.

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Xoogsade... raggi nala shaqeyn laahaa ayaa tahay ee kep an open mind about central somalia. Its time to move forward united.


Say No to maamul beeled like Butland and yes to maamul goboleed .. Time for gobanimo.

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