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Is Puntland (with Ethiopia) declaring war on their clansmen in Gedo and Jubba?

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Maleyshiyooyin Tiradooda Lagu Sheegay Inay Gaarayso 400 Oo Qof Oo Ka Mid Ah Taageerayaasha Gen. Moorgan Oo Lagu Soo Waramayo Inay Soo Gaareen Degmada Ceelbarde


Wararka naga soo gaaraya Gobalka Bakool ayaa waxay sheegayaan in maalinimadii shalay degmada Ceelbarde oo ka tirsan Gobalkaasi ay soo gaareen ciidamo taageersan Gen. Moorgan oo ka yimid dhinca Puntland.


Ciidamadaas oo tiradooda lagu sheegay inay gaarayaan ilaa 400 oo qof ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay qayb ka yihiin ciidamada uu Moorgan uu waayadan dambe ku aruursanayo degmada Ceelbarde oo uu qorshaynayo inay ka qaybqaataan duulaan uu doonayo inuu ku soo qaado degmooyin ka tirsan Gobalka Gedo iyo Magaalada Kismaayo.


Wararku waxay intaasi ku darayaan in ciidamada oo ka yimid dhinaca magaalada Gaalkacyo inay soo mareen deegaano ka tirsan dalka Ethiopia oo ay ka mid yihiin degmooyinka Shilaabo iyo Qalaafe kadibna ay uga soo gudbeen degmada Ceelbarde oo ku taala xuduuda Somalia iyo Ethiopia. Soo gudbinta ciidamadan ayaa sida la sheegayo waxaa iska kaashaday saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Dowlada Ethiopia iyo kuwa maamul Goboleedka Puntland.


Wararka kale ee iyagana laga helayo ilo xog-ogaalka ah oo ku kala sugan degmooyinka Xudur iyo Ceelbarde ayaa xaqiijiyay in qaar ka mid maleyshiyadii Moogran oo joogay degmada Xudur looga yeeray dhanka Ceelbarde kuwaas oo lagu tilmaamay inay maalmahan soo socda duulaan ku soo qaadi doonaan degmooyinkaas aan horey u soo sheegnay.


Tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay soo baxeen wararka ku saabsan in Moorgan uu wado abaabul dagaal oo dhan ka ah degmooyinka ka tiran Gobalka Gedo iyo Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa degmada Baardheere laga dareemayay dhaq-dhaqaaq ciidan oo xoog leh oo ay maleyshiyooyinka deegaanada Baardheere isugu diyaarinayaa sidii ay isaga difaaci lahaayeen weerar kaga yimaada dhinca Moorgan.


Xasan C. Keynaan




Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba IGAD Gaarsiiyay Dacwad Dhan Ka Ah Col.C/aahi Yuusuf & Gen.Morgan…….


Hobyonet.Muqdisho.Axad August 22,2004.


Gudoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba Col.Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) ayaa dacwad dhan ka ah Gen.Maxamed Saciid Xersi Morgan & Col.C/aahi Yuusuf gaarsiiyay Gudiga IGAD, wuxuuna ku eedeyay abaabulka dagaal ee maalmahaan uu ka wado Gen Morgan qeybo ka mid ah Gobolada Bakool & Gedo.




Waxaaa wararku sheegayaan iney IGAD balan qaaday iney baaris ku sameyso waxa ka jira arrintaasi isla markaasna ay su’aalo ka weydiin doonto Col.C/aahi Yuusuf, maalin ka hor ayaa la sheegay in Mas’uuliyiinta RRA-da ee Gobolka Bakool ay horjoogsadeen laba duulimaad oo Hub & sahay siday lana sheegay iney ka imaan lahaayeen gobolada Puntland loo diiday iney ku degaan Garoonka Xuddur.



Warar kale ayaa sheegaya in isla shalay ay degmada Xudur soo gaareen 8 gaadiidka dagaalka oo laba ka mid ah ay Beebe yihiin kuwaasoo la sheegay iney soo galbin doonaan Sahaydii ay diyaarada u siday oo maanta dib ugu noqon doonta garoonkaasi, iyadoo Gen.Morgan la sheegay inuu 30 Gaadiidka dagaalka u diyaaryay inuu ku qabsado Gobolada Jubooyinka.



Dhanka kale waxaa isa soo taraaya warar faahfaansan oo duulankan la sheegay in Gen.Morgan uu la damacsan yahay gobolada Jubooyinka iyadoo wararkaasi ay sheegayaan inuu fariisn ka dhigan doono degmada Luuq kadibna uu kaga gudbi doono Degmada Garbahaarey+Buur dhuubo halkaasi weerar kaga qaadi doono degmada Baardheere, oo la sheegay iney dadka degaanka ay ku jiraan abaabul xoogan oo ay ku difaacayaan magaalada waxaana la sheegay in dhamaan laga dareemay magaalada oo dhan abaabulkaasi iyadoo ay halkaasi gaareen maleedshiyo xoojin ah oo degaanka ay u direen Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba.

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^^^Waxaa aad hada isku haleyneysiid kuna tashaneysiid so Morgan mahiin ...kix .kix..kix.. ada mandhow cirka roob ku og...!

kix ...kix....kix...!


Yes Hornafrik is the last push by many warlords to capture lands before the esablishment of a central government in Mbagathi. In their mind they believe that they could pull off last trick in the hat.


And sxb Warya Dude :

Looks like I'm going to my hometown Kismaayo next summer

tira badnida adigu marna ma Mudug ba, marna ma Nugalba hadana ma Kismaayo..sho fosha xaajiyada waad ku dhibtey ayan uu maleyn... :D:D

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Warya Dude - Mind your words please. Insults and name-calling of groups are not allowed in this site. Please refrain from such comments. You can discuss topics and matters without resorting to such tactics.

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I'm not going to insult any sub-clan Waryaa, but do you really think inay daacad ka tahay reer Puntland to land grab?


Walahi, asking in honesty, how do you think 400 rag tag team of malnourished men can even go anywhere but to their death beds, much less capture a fortified region and an international city held by a coalition of clans? I understand there is a range of opinion about the legality of their rule, but nevertheless, they are still in full control of the city.


I wouldn't be too surprised if this doesn't become one of the biggest major disasters.


Besides is this a new, sorry I ment newer, objective by Abdulahi Yusuf to destroy the peace conference once and for all, now that he doesn't have a chance of even getting near the presidency, by insitigating a broader clan war and bringing Ethios once again into Somali lands?


Talk about a sore loser, but I assure you Abdulahi Yusuf and his cronies will be the ultimate losers when they are ostarcized from ALL corners and sides.


It is way too early to start grinning. smile.gif

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Besides is this a new, sorry I ment newer, objective by Abdulahi Yusuf to destroy the peace conference once and for all, now that he doesn't have a chance of even getting near the presidency, by insitigating a broader clan war and bringing Ethios once again into Somali lands?


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"International city" Kulaha...reer cabudwaaq, faanka yaa baray? ;)


Run ahaanta saaxiibow, waxaad qortay wax sax ah maahaa...maxaa isku keenay ciidamada puntland, ethiopia iyo goboladda jubboyinka?? Waa yaab.... :confused:


Laakiin, su'aal baan rabaa inaa ku weydiiyo...gormaad afhayeenka barre hiraale noqotay? :D



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Talk about a sore loser, but I assure you Abdulahi Yusuf and his cronies will be the ultimate losers when they are ostarcized from ALL corners and sides

Buu Baah bood boo baaq qaaq.


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Morgan is tryin to take a city that doesen belong to him at all! Morgan Is from Mudug as far as i know, so why is he cryin after Kismayo all the time? the same with Baree Hiiraal!& Co

Kismayo use to be a nice and cool city once! but know its ruined. Waryaa dude you can thank your adeer, and his fellow Killer and warlord Barre Hiiraal.



Nah,Bro i know for sure that no els then Morgan is attackin Gedo and Jubba! These fools are seckin help from Somalias biggest enemis Amxaaro aka Ethiopia! True moran if you aske me

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Laakiin, su'aal baan rabaa inaa ku weydiiyo...gormaad afhayeenka barre hiraale noqotay?

Markaad noqotay afhayeenka Cabulahi Yusuf. redface.gif


I don't think I mentioned Barre Hiiraale's name once, yet we are quick to run to insinuations aren't we?


Kismaayo is a contested city by alot of people who don't belong there, but why is Abdulahi Yusuf encouraging, supporting, forcing Morgan to attack not only Kismaayo (understandable), but also of the whole region of Gedo with Ethiopian military support!


Ethiopia has always had an axe to grind against Gedo ever since the al Ittihad rule, so there is only one reason Abdulahi Yusuf can once again bring it into Somalia.


I don't really think he cares if Morgan captures Kismayo, or if those 400 men come back alive.


His true objective is to start quarrelling between IGAD itself about why Ethiopia is meddling in Somali affairs, which will divide the facilitation committee, and with Somali groups taking sides! Which will then, of course, be the end of the peace conference.

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Horn, the post made no sense mate, when did Puntland declare war on Gedo? and if there was an alliance between Ethiopia and Puntland why the low number of fighters? 400 give me a break.


Look Morgan is a player in Juba like Barre Hirale and untill the people of the areas get their act together they will be hostage to these players.

Puntland does not hate Gedo nor do the twins from Galgadud hate Puntland its all about power and money and idiotic rivelry.


Horn chill son #, dont get all hot and bothered over Somali news.

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idiotic rivelry

In essence this is what it is all about? This is what it has been all about, but not this time.


if there was an alliance between Ethiopia and Puntland why the low number of fighters? 400 give me a break.

Exactly! It isn't an alliance to capture lands, it is an alliance to destroy the peace conference. A Yusuf knows 400 amounts to nothing in actual war, but it makes helluva difference in politics, especally with the Ethiopians in the picture.


This man is a menace to society. Someone should just take him out of the picture for the sake of Somali peace.

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Dear O Dear, and a big one at that … After a lull of perhaps resting the psyche for greater pedagogic of the mind, self-induced of course from the daily Somali mantra, a tour de jour to familiar ground later, faced there I was with the astringent frivolity the likes of Hornafrique, our flag waving charlatan avails to the ever so patient frequent visitors of SOL, thusly felt duty bound thereafter to offer own perspective.


Nothing changed in my absence I notice; as to my relief I encounter a familiar harangue by the said gentleman in yet another relentless condemnation of thy neighbour, only to relinquish sanity, yet hurriedly embracing ghastly, if not ghostly daemons that strip, if not devour, the soul of one’s godly equanimity.


Discussing ideas are never his thing. Speak of personalities, and indeed you shall be treated as royalty; thusly could expect a masterly low-down on the selected few. Here, I too wish to take leave of my usual as I borrow a page out of his.


His, it ought to be noted, is a double-edged sword. On one sharp end, he wishes to gut the defenceless in a hyena-like fashion whilst on the other he bares a softy, bosomy posture alike of a gentle Alaskan bear only to suffocate the crowd with his humpty dumpy bear-hugging ménage à trois.


Be warned, the brother is acquainted with a single line of rationalising his lately reinvigorated craft de tour: that of making his presence felt in the company of the youthful few. You shall hear of him not, should peeling off the surface is abound, where more than single liners are required to substantiate, challenge the intellect, or withstand the swifties. Engage not our sweetheart Horn, for he tucks furry tail when done so. Keep his company, that we do oblige.


A word of advise to the newbies – a brakeless wreck of train with the gold-toothed Horn on the wheel clad in silvery jacket (one would have thought the Swiss a/cs had dried up by now after a score of years and no credit enteries in the ledger books) sipping the blood of the innocent whilst blowing the whistle on the other with aplenty of balderdash aboard, is on course, thusly one ought to stand aside lest fusty particles land on one’s forehead.


Need I say more?

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Samurai wlc back.



Atoorkii intuu ceelka helay urugo taahaayey,

Markuu Libaaxyada aroorka ah u anafoonaayey,

Intuu dhoobada agtiisa ah geeska ku adkeeyey,

Ayuu yiri awood iyo lixaad waad i aragtaane,

Ha yeeshee ma ogali biyahakan inaad af saartaane!


Awoowe bal tab dheh! :DYou guys beat us real good :D My advice to Waryaa Dude and Samurai Warrior is swallow that pride and give the man Col. Hiiraale and his fan HonAfrique a solute of respect icon_razz.gif


Btw Morgan and Hiiraale were two former officers in the military junta that ruled the Somalia that once existed. They are not from Kismayo or Lower Juba for that matter. Col. Barre Hiiraale has never been Kismayo before the civil war.


Now at this stage, it will be foolish to start another civil war. Since Morgan is in attack posture and Puntland and Ethiopia are the potential suppliers of logitics he would need to win the war, I understand why you point finger at them. Fair enough!


What I don't understand is anyone who supports Col. Barre Hiiraale and his coalition militia (inter-clan alliances) that vowed to control the region. FYI Col. Hiiraale seized real estate and other property from Kismayo residents (including my father). My clan vs. your clan contest aside, I don't see how you could cheer for the likes of Hiiraale and Qasim.

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