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Ciyaari waa gelin danbe

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waayadan sol war badan uma hayyo, laakiin qiyaastii nacab iyo ***** baa dabaal deg bay ku jireen, oo waxay guul u qaataan dhibka socda. qaar baa quraan daliishaday oo nasri alle ku tilmaamay boqolkii beledweyne ku dhimattay. layyee qaarbaa 'i told you so', sharif waa fool, tfg waa burburtay dadka ku asqaysiiyey.


layyee qaar baa sidii lax assoolan thread walba iska soo xaadiriyey, oo tookh iyo guul ku doobiyey.


the purpose of this post is to remind those who are in an exaggerated state of festivity that ciyaari waa gelin danbe. The conflict is sadly far from over. Somalia will be back, and the forces of intolerance will be defeated insha Allah.


iga geeyya, inta usheega the keligii muslims, the confused me, the one with the wound, the bitter men who ironicallycheer for this azmah.


waa tii Sayidka e, aw yuusufow eray yar baan ku erganayaaye, ikhwaanow adkee xaajaadaan ku ammaanaysatay

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The tragedy in Somalia is not game, and it is amazing you would support men who seek an assistance from the very people that occupied our till six months ago-what turn-around!

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NG, adigu nin xun maahid.


Waxa xuni waa Kashafa iyo caynkiisa, iyo kuwa center ku ka lumay, haddii loo helana aan garanayn.


edit: look at the boston kid below you, yaa NG.

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Xiin, nin ayaa wuxuu i waydiiyey suaal. Wuxuuna yidhi, Sheekh Shariif shalay Ethiopia ayuu la dagaalamayay, kadibna Somalia wuu ka saaray. Hassan Dahir iyo Asmara kuwa joogana shardi ayay u ahayd, hadii Ethiopia ka baxdo Somalia inay siyaasadooda wax ka badalayaan. Nasiib darro, wali waxay taaganyihiin meeshoodii. Almuhim, anigu Shiikh Shariif ayaan taleefan u dirayoo, waxaan ku idhi smile.gif . Shiikhoow, hadaad Ethiopia shalayto Wadanka ka saartay. Dee hadeerna soo celi. Ka dibna, Hassan Aways iyo Alshabaab waxaad ku tidhaahdaa idinku hadaba ka saara!!!!




Mar dhaw, kuwaa odhanaya Hunguri waa Daba ******, waa Xabashi, waa buuhaa smile.gif who cares!

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Hurguri, out of boredom, a learned scholar posed this question to another sheekh: findhicil ma xaaraan mise waa xalaal? The fitting retort was quite profound, sheeg-sheegidaasa xaraam ka liidatta ee inaga daayya


My sentiment about Ina Aweys iyo inta jirran ee raacsan

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Indeed 'ciyaari waa geli dambe' as you put it Xiin, for that purpose as Sharif and the government got a hell of a beating lately, one suspects, that they'll bring forth new players as substitutions into the game namely five brazilians, in the form of ethiopians.


Only then can they (shariif and the no-government) avoid the immiment defeat on their way other than that it's alot of talk without any substance. Welcome to the wonderful world of reality.

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k. the peace caravan is armed. how many times do i have to repeat that yaa xayawaanaat


G, waxba ma ogi awoowe, marbaanse oo qaxay oo ninka jabayya saan saantiisaan aqaan

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^There's nothing armed about the so-called 'peace caravan' of yours, the reality of the situation is, that the fighting powers in the south of the country are really confused and neither of them, have any long-standing vision or hope for the country that once was but alas not exists anymore: Somalia.

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