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UN browtecorate of Somalia

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my namis Mohamad Abdi Hassan, I workin for the UN debartment of janche and civilizations of model develobmant in the Muslim and African worlds. I giving many seminars to bring civilization dimocracy, faridom and develobmant to all the beooples in the world.

Today, I want to give couble of quick boints about the Somali beobles and how we can is give them civilization.


First broblem encounter with many Somali: lack of understanding of ebsitemological and ontological gravitations pullls of societal discourse, which is meaning the upward/linear movemanti of society to a higher lavel of browgress. To encounter this we should is give lessons the classical books and ancient logic from gareat vilosapharis such as the aysoep fables and Arisdodle and ki timahe yellowga laha( I think it was Edmund Buruk).


secondi broblem is facing: too much subaristition and cobying the Arab cultures and middle eastern beobles. Yes, we are Muslim, but we have our own broud culturis. For example, our women is wearing diracs, smooth ones and in 1970 we are watching their body go dac dac from side to side. But now Wahabi come and the many of the women is covaring with tenti and bengauin look like jalabeeb.


third broblem: not respacting the will of ze international kammouniti. for examble, international community is sending to helb them Etiobiyan bratheris and African Uganda brathers. but they are fighting to them. this people are very backwardis, not allowing ze neighbouring country and Afrikaan to giving them freedom.


to encounter is the first and the last two broblems I conclude by saying that internasanal kammonity should set up a UN brotecorat in Somalia. Of couris this will need a mighty army of the coaliation of willing to invade Somalia and help set up is beackeepers. I hearing this balan is already at an advancid istaje and thirty rich white European meeting is in London to execute the balan. We need to act quick very fast befoor Alqaeda is taking over all Somalia.


Tank i you fery muj.


source. welcometocivilizatio

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To: Etobiya, Kinya, Yuganda, Amerikan,China and whoevar can helbi us;


I callin all Afrikan bratheriz, such as Etobiyan and Kinyan to blease, blease, urgantly helbing to invading and freedam to Somalia. Otharwise our cantaree will be taken ovar by ze terrorees. I reminding Etobiyan we have sharing culturis like eating canjelo same and bas bas liking hot. balis brather Meles Zenawi do not farget how much favouring we have don foor etobiyan befoor.


I reminding Kenya, you are only bisful afrikans neighbour. we louf your cantree vary much for your efforts in the baaste. But today we needin your more than evar. Blease also sending troobis to helping invading the freedam to Somalia.


I also call ubon ze internasaional kammounity, sbasifikally the gavarmanti of China to helbing invading us and set ub ze Unitid Nayshan Browtecorate to achieving Somali fareedom. O bratheriz indayar you having one million army why noot is sending 10 barcantage to helping Somalia freedom. Remambaris Somalia used to be communists govarnmenti before, we also arresting ikhwan Muslimeen and ralijas beobles in .



Yours sincerely;


baralmaan sbikar of Somaliya Islaamic govarment. Sida dakhso badan naga so gada fadlan.

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Belial can belive this a parody. But TFG are infact very similiar to this.


Selling our land or giving it away and tells other countries to invade in 24 hours time.


But reality is not funny.

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