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Che -Guevara

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^ agreed.


nin weliba oo qaan gaadh ah waxa waajib ah inuu dagaalka ka qayb galo ... 'I'm nueatral' wax la yidhaa ma jirto .. kuwaas cadowga ayayba ka daranyihiin .. this is no time to be on the side lines ... as the dim-witted american president has said 'you are either with us, or against us !'.

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Okay you two - Ladiif and GJ - get out of this thread...git..both of you!


You're scaring what little neutral minds we SOL'ers have left with. :D .


Joking aside, explain to me, dadkaan dagaalamayn waxa loo layanayaa ooy galabsadeen? You don't need a gun in your hand to bring about change. Waxa dhici karto inay qur'an akhriyaan markasta si uu cadowga dhulka ula go'o. :D .


Allaha u naxariisto.

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^You called them 'little neutral minds' I called them bunch of 'bogga jecli xadha jecli' and Ayro iyo Turki would have called them ***********s:)



Teeda kale, I have no problem with them reading Qur'aan si uu cadowga dhulka ula go'o balse qorigga iyo Qur'aanku isma diidana Bishaarow.

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Haye, tolow, where are kuwi odhan jirey: " nothing but clan courts propoganda"?



I know, they'll be here tommorow with with major sucess stories such as, " major clean up a success in Muqdisho". Or better



" Breaking news, Abullahi Yusuf shops at Primark,pics".

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Bodies of Several Clerics Found In, Around Somali Mosque After Heavy Fighting

By Derek Kilner


21 April 2008



At least nine people have been found dead at a mosque in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Residents say the victims, a number of them clerics from the mosque, were killed by Ethiopian troops during a weekend of heavy fighting with insurgent groups. Derek Kilner has more from VOA's East Africa bureau in Nairobi.




Several of those killed are religious leaders from a major Sufi Islamic sect. According to Ali Hersi, who says he witnessed the event, the mosque's imam, Saed Yayhe, who is also the sect's leader in Somalia, was among the dead.


Hersi says Ethiopian troops rounded up at least 20 people from the mosque and surrounding areas, and killed them in the mosque's parking lot.


"People were collected from their homes and they were killed deliberately," Hersi said. "They were not fighting. Most of them were elders."


He says the troops also arrested more than 30 people around the mosque, including 12 Koranic students.


A spokesman for Ethiopia's Ministry of Information, Zemedkun Tekle dismissed charges of Ethiopian involvement in the killings . He told VOA such claims are "pure allegations aimed at damaging the image of Ethiopian troops and getting them to leave Somalia."


Residents of Mogadishu have been assessing the aftermath of a weekend of fighting between Ethiopian troops backing the transitional government and Islamist-led insurgents. New bodies were still being found Monday. Some estimates of the number of people killed in the clashes are as high as 100.


A Mogadishu resident who declined to be named, says the fighting began after Ethiopian troops entered an area in the north of the city seen as an insurgent stronghold.


"After fighting for a few hours, the Ethiopians began to shell the areas," he said. "Heavy shelling has occurred which has not been seen for the past few months. Shelling with mortars, tank shells, and also Katyusha rockets."


Somalia's prime minister, Nur Hassan Hussein, said the Ethiopian troops were defending themselves after being attacked by insurgents.


With many residents afraid to recover the bodies of those killed, the number of casualties is difficult to assess. The local Elman Peace and Human Rights Organization says 81 people were killed Saturday and Sunday.


From the Eritrean capital Asmara, Zakaria Haji-Abdi, deputy chairman of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, a moderate Islamic insurgent group, said the figure was higher.


"The Ethiopian tanks and artillery are inside the capital city of Somalia and are shelling indiscriminately the Somali people," Haji-Abdi said. " Only yesterday, they have killed more than 100 people, women and children, and old."


Ethiopian troops backing Somalia's Transitional Federal Government ousted the Islamic Courts Union from control of the capital, Mogadishu, in December 2006, but have since struggled to contain a growing insurgency involving several Islamist and clan-based militias opposed to the presence of Ethiopian troops.


Residents say the bulk of the insurgents involved in Monday's fighting were former members of the Islamic Courts Union aligned with Haji-Abdi's Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, rather than members of the more radical Shabaab. The United States recently designated the Shabaab as a terrorist organization.


Mogadishu returned to relative calm on Monday, with many residents taking the opportunity to flee. More than a million Somalis have been displaced by the conflict.


U.N. officials have called Somalia Africa's worst humanitarian crisis and warn that the situation continues to deteriorate.

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Dad meyd ah oo la gawracay oo laga helay goobo lagu hirdamay iyo Nuur Cadde oo ka hadlay dagaalada Muqdisho

Jamaal Cismaan


Muqdisho, 21 April, 2008 (WDN) - Dad ku dhaw 30 ruux oo rayid ah oo lagala soo baxay guryahooda qeybo ka mid ah degmada Heliwaa ee gobalka Banaadir, ayaa la sheegay in qudha ay ka jareen ciidamada Itoobiyaanka oo guryahooda kala soo baxeen.


Qaar ka mid ah dadka degmadaasi oo WardheerNews la xiriirtay ayaa sheegay in ay odaya dhaqameedyo ku guda jiraan soo ururinta meydka oo midba meel laga soo helaayo, waxaana dhamaan dadkaasi ay yihiin kuwo qoorta ka jaran.


Xaaladda magaalada ayaa ah mid kacsan laakiin ma jiraan wax dagaallo ah sidii labadii maalin ee la soo dhaafay oo kale ah. Waxaana dagaaladii labadii maalin ee ugu dambeeyay ka dhacay Muqdisho ku dhintay dad ku dhow 100 ruux oo ay ku jiraan rayid ah oo xabadu haleeshay, kuwaasi oo aan haba yaraatee dagaallo shaqo ku laheyn .


Warar kale ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Itoobiya ay Masjidka Hiddaaya ee degmada Heliwa ku wateen waddaado Tabliiq ah oo gaaraaya 30 ruux , kuwaasi oo inta ay wajiyada ka xireen ka xeystay. Ma cadda halka loola kacay wadaaddaasi.


Dhinac kalena Ra'isul wasaaraha DFKMG Col.Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde), ayaa si weyn u difaacay dagaalka ciidamada Itoobiya kula jiraan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda. Ra'isul wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Itoobiya ay yihiin kuwo is difaacaya isla markaana ka jawaabaya weerarada gardarada ah oo ay ku soo qaadayaan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.


"Runtii dagaalka labada maalin ka socanaya waxaan u arkaa in uu yahay mid ciidamada Itoobiya isaga difaacayaan weerarada gardarada ah oo ay ku soo qaadayaan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda" ayuu yiri ra'isul wasaare Nuur cadde.


Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde ayaa hadalkaani ka sheegay mar uu saxaafada Muqdisho kula hadlayay isaga oo sidoo kalena ugu baaqay kooxaha dowlada ka soo horjeeda in ay nabada dalka la ilaaliyaan.


Sidoo kale ra'isul wasaare Nuur cadde ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in xukuumadiisa isku dhafi doonto ciidamada dowlada ee haatan ka howlgala gudaha dalka isla markaana tababaro loo furi dono. Waxaa uu sheegay in arintaasi ku qaadan doonto mudo sedex bilood ah, isla markaana sugida amniga ku wareejin doonaan ciidamadaasi la isku dhafay soona qaatay tababarka.


Si kastaba hadalkan ka soo baxay ra'iisul wasaare Nuur Cadde ayaa ku soob eegmay xili mudo 2-maalmood ah dagaal qaraar muqdisho ku dhex marayay ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda, kaasi oo galaaftay nolosha dad badan oo rayid ah.


Jamaal Cismaan

WardheerNews, Muqdisho

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^ and the only TFG official who had backing from some people as being reasonable has shown his true colors.... when he is slaghtered .... then we shall see wether it was self defense or not !

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The estimates are up to 180 people killed, approximately 300 injured, and 70 kidnapped by the Ethiopians in the last two days, according to the BBC interview with Maxamed Xasan Xaad today.


May Allah, subxaana wa tacaala, have mercy on all of those who were killed. May He give their loved ones patience and increased imaan. May Allah ease the pain of the injured and protect the people who were kidnapped, especially the children. May Allah continue to strengthen the resistance and may He grant his righteous servants victory in this world and the next.


Be optimistic, nomads. The Ethiopian occupiers are broken and they know it. Naftaa heysa. If they think their ruthless attacks on unarmed, defenseless civilians will somehow frighten everyone else to the point of immobility or complaisance, they are dead wrong. It will only spur the resistance on and, insha'Allah, even more people will wake up and join it as a result of this.

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Ethiopian soldiers blamed for mosque massacre in Somalia

21 Apr 21, 2008 - 6:12:20 PM




MOGADISHU, Somalia Apr 21 (Garowe Online) - Ethiopian soldiers deployed in southern Somalia are responsible for a brutal killing at a mosque in the capital Mogadishu yesterday, witnesses and confidential sources said.


Residents in Mogadishu's Huriwa district buried dead victims from two days of intense fighting in the capital between Islamist-led insurgents and Ethiopian troops backing the country's weak secular government.


A witness named Omar told Garowe Online that he was inside al Hidaya Mosque in Huriwa district when Ethiopian soldiers stormed inside on Sunday.


"The first person they [Ethiopian soldiers] killed was Sheikh Said Yahya, the Imam [prayer leader]," Omar said, adding that the late Imam opened the mosque door after the soldiers knocked.


"I stood above 11 dead bodies, some with their throat slit and others shot to death," said the witness describing the gruesome scene. Of the 11 dead victims, nine were regular congregants at the mosque and reportedly were part of the Tabliiq wing of Sunni Islam.


A source who took part in Monday's effort to bury the dead victims privately told Garowe Online that some of the victims had their hands cut off and their backs broken.


Another source who was arrested by Ethiopian soldiers yesterday at al Hidaya Mosque and released today said the soldiers ordered him and other detainees not to return to the mosque.


"They accused us [detainees] of attacking them [Ethiopian soldiers] and said that we were trained at the [al Hidaya] mosque," said the source who did not want his name in print.


It is not clear why Ethiopian troops attacked al Hidaya Mosque, which is frequented by Tabliiq congregants who are reportedly not involved in the insurgency.


Upwards of 80 people were killed over the weekend in Mogadishu, according to the Elman Human Rights group.


Mogadishu-area hospitals said more than 120 wounded people have been admitted since Friday, according to an inquiry by Garowe Online.


Somali Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein defended the military operation in Huriwa district, telling the international media that Somali and Ethiopian troops will "defend themselves as they come under constant attack." [ Full story]


Somalia's Ethiopian-backed interim government is attempting to restore national order since its establishment in 2004. But the government has faced armed resistance since January 2007 led by remnants of an Islamist movement that once ruled Mogadishu.


Source: Garowe Online

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