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Sifir oo kulan kula yeeshay jaaliyada somaliland

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Xildhibaan Sifir oo kulan kula yeeshay jaaliyada somaliland ee magaalada Toronto


Maxuuse u sheegay jaaliyada somaliland?


{Toronto} Xildhibaan Max’ud C/llaahi Jaamac (Sifir) oo ahaan jiray ra’iisal wasaare ku xigeenka xukuumadda federalka Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu hada ku sugan yahay magaalada Toronto ee dalka Canada, waayihii dambena ku gorgortamayey inuu wakiil ka yahay guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaradka ee Kulmiye Axmed Siilaanyo.


Warbixintaan oo ku cad dukumintiyo sir ah oo laga helay Sifir kuna saxiixan yahay waxa uu ku sheegay in isaga iyo Mike Bryden oo ahaa madaxii ICG ee Somaliya ee hada laga eryay isna markay ku cadaatay ka shaqaynta kala go,a Somaliya , wax yar ka hor inta aanan Xildhibaan Sifir isna laga xayuubin xilka ra,iisulwasaare ku xigeenka.


Xilkdhibaan Sifir ayaa mar uu la hadlayay xubno ka tirsan Jaaliyada Somaliland ee Toronto ayaa wuxuu u sheegay waxa uu ugu yeeray " Mission is accomplished" uu ula jeeday isagoo sharaxaad dheer ka bixiyay siduu hadba geed iyo gudcur u soo maray ka shaqaynta gooni isu taaga Somaliland iyo aqoonsigeed caalamka.


wuxuu warbixintii ku bilaabay xiriirka ka dhexeeya isaga iyo Mr. Bryden oo ahaa ninkii ka soo dhamaynayay aqoonsiga Somaliland dalalka reer yurub gaar ahaan Ingriiska iyo EU-da , xaaskiisa oo ah Xildhibaan Sifir Walaashii ,aaska Xildhibaan Sifir-na ay la dhalatay Mike Bryden, wuxuu yiri waxaanu nahay dadkii ka shaqeeyay in madaxweyne loo doorto Cabdullahi Yusuf , maxaa yeelay waxaanu ogayn inuu Somali isu keeni karin inuu sii kala fogeeye mooye, codsigeenii aqoonsiga waxaa lagu xiray haday shaqayn weydo dowlada Somaliya loo dhisay ee labada sano laga shaqaynayay ay socon weydo, idinma xanibaybo oo waan idin aqoonsanaynaa ayuu caalamka inagu yiri.


Xildhibaan Sifir oo eed u soo jeediyay Ismaaciil Maxamuud Hurre (Buubaa) kuna tilmaamay nin fur fura xargaha ay Somaliland xirxirato ay ku doonayso aqoonsiga ama gooni isutaaga.


xildhibaan Sifir oo sheegay inuu gacanta ku hayo ama yahay remoteka hogaamiyeyaasha Muqdisho iyo gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan, dadkii halkaa joogay, qayb ka mid ah ayay markay siyaasada Sifir ku fasireen nin dhaqaale doon, oo aan garanayn cida uu warbixinta siinayo iney isaga ama la ,aqoon yihiin amaba ka sareeyaan, kuwaana waa kuwii warka ina soo gaarsiiyay iyagoo leh ma dadkaan baa mas,uul ah oo ina matala .

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do you guys still listen to these loosers, loool you guys never learn every looser and geel jire intuu idiin yimaado ayuu idinka taajiraa on the promise that somaliland ayuu idiin keenayaa :D ehehehe i have to say they know sida dadka wax looga cuno smile.gif

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Originally posted by Qudhac:



do you guys still listen to these loosers, loool you guys never learn every looser and geel jire intuu idiin yimaado ayuu idinka taajiraa on the promise that somaliland ayuu idiin keenayaa
ehehehe i have to say they know sida dadka wax looga cuno

You know what, you are right. But dont you think that those who elected Riyaale on assumption that he will lead them statehood are much worse than us?

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The same is true for our "loosers"



Gudoomiyihii Doorashooyinka Gobolaka Sool oo lafakaday 28,000$!!!



(Yagoori}27.09-05 wararka aanu kahelayno dhanka magaalooyinka Yagoori iyo adhicadeeye ayaa sheegaya in faarax sabarey uu ...............


Wararka naga gaadhya magalada Yagoori ayaa sheegaya Faarax Xassan Axmed "Saberey"oo ahaa gudoomiya Doorashooyinka Gobolka Sool iyo nin kale oo kamid ahaa Gudiga Doorashooyinka Maamulka Hargaysa u Qaabilsanaa Aga Adhicadeeye iyo Yagoori In ay labaxsadeen lacagtii loogu talagalay hirgalinta Barnaamijyada Doorashooyinka Dhanka Baarlamaanka Maamulka Hargaysa .


Faarax Sabereey oo kamid ah rag kooban oo dhalasha ahaan kasoo jeeda Gobolka Sool oo u olalaynayey Hirgalka doorashooyinkaas ayaa dhanka Hawdka Widhwidh ula kacay aduun Dhan 28,000$ Waxaa wararku sheegayaan in lababaabuur oo nooca Fatuuradaha looyaqanaa ay kasoo daba baxeen labadaas nin oo iyagu watay baabuur nooca looyaqaano Markat2.


xogaha aanu kahelnay ilo lagu kalsoonyahay ayaa sheegaya in raacadiid soodaba gashay ragaasi ay heleen baabuurkii ay wateen oo meel dooxa ah yaala,warar aan laxaqiijin ayaa tibaaxay in halkaas rasaas ay isku waydaar sadeen dhalinyaro iyo askartidii dabataagnayd ragaas baxsaday Arintan ayaa ku soo beegan tahay xili maalin kaliya ka hadhsan tahay Doorashooyinka Dhanka Baarlamanka Maamulka Hargaysa ,dad badan oo ku sugan magaalada Laascaanood ayaa soo dhaweeyey Arintan oo ku til maamy mid dhabar jabin ku ah Maamulka Riyaale.


Widhwidh Online

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You can fool some one in some time.

But you can't fool all people all time.


The time that this kind of looser are fooling us is finished and Khali yaciish oday Sifir if he can fool some reer Xamar with his game.

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Originally posted by Jumatatu:

But dont you think that those who elected Riyaale on assumption that he will lead them statehood are much worse than us?

How dare you, JUMATATU!? How dare you disrespect the good ol' Guulwade who still probably sings heesaha Kacaanka in the shower!? ;)


Is the story about $28,000 stolen true? :confused: Sounds like propaganda to me.



P.S. Sifir seems like an untrustworthy character. He turned from KULMIYE campaign manager to federal Xildhibaan within a few months. Be careful of the snakes, for their bites sting the worst!

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Originally posted by Jumatatu:

quote:Originally posted by Qudhac:



do you guys still listen to these loosers, loool you guys never learn every looser and geel jire intuu idiin yimaado ayuu idinka taajiraa on the promise that somaliland ayuu idiin keenayaa
ehehehe i have to say they know sida dadka wax looga cuno

You know what, you are right. But dont you think that those who elected Riyaale on assumption that he will lead them statehood are much worse than us?
My friend jumatatu, Mr Riyaale was not elected to lead anyone to statehood, we already have a state we proud of he is simply democraticly elected to be head of that state and we are quitely happy with the overall picture :D too bad it cant be said for you and your sifirs :D



if i knew you guys were this easy i would have promised you guys somaliland long time ago, damn sifir and those other dubjirayaal have found very soft spot :D:D

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How about Qaybe who tells every international delegation in Hergeysa that socalled Somaliland is does not worth to be recognized because a tribal-state like Somaliland has no room in world of 21 centry.


Mudane Axmed Maxamed Aadan (Qaybe)is the most peculiar character in Somali politics, he is a great somaliweyn supporter “Waan aaminsanahay midnimada Soomaaliya,†, but because of the circumstances he went to Hergeysa to show International delegations the truth about so-called Somaliland that it is just desperate tribal faction.

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Xildhibaan Sifir oo kulan kula yeeshay jaaliyada somaliland ee magaalada Toronto

Oo miyaanu la kulmi karayn? :eek:




Bro, Siyaasaddu kolba waa nooc, kolba waa colour. Sifir Somaliland iyo Mogadisho ayuu isku xidhayaa. Awalba dadka reer Mogadishu iyo rer Somaliland warxumotashiil ayaa ka dhex shaqeeyey. Although they would like a united Somalia - the majority waxa dadka reer Somaliland go'aansadeen kama xuma.

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sxb the likes of sifir cidna iskuma xidhayaan, he is simply calooshii u shaqeyste who will say whatever will please the crowd he is with, i really dont know why some people give credit where theres no credit due :eek:



is it really of any suprise that when his little pay mission ran dry uu nin waliba degaankiisii ku noqday he is suddenly painting himself a nation hero, and that he was on a mission in the first place looool :D


he is simply political wh.ore with all due respet and he follows the highest bidder, whether be ina yey or salad Boy.

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