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Dr Ligle

Is Somalia Region 6 Of Ethiopia?

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Shaki kuma jiro in Soomaaliya gobolka X ee Itoobiya tahay amaba ku sii siqayso bal horta iga jaahil bixiya Ina_Gaweto muxuu cabsan yahay, bal inaan tijaabiyo baan jeclaan lahaa.

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Taken at face value, Ina_Gaweto's statements are, of course, preposterous. On the other hand, it could be argued (and probably should) that the damage done to anarchyland by the Xabasha represented a well orchestrated clan cleansing by Cabdullahi Yuusuf, with far more death and destruction than anything Isbaaro Inc and Mo'oryaan Limited could ever pull off. Now, the problem with this argument is that it is totally false. Of course, Ina_Gaweto is only playing devil's advocate here and most of his co posters are too dumb to figure that out.


What we should REALLY take away from this thread is that, in fact, Cabdullahi represented a very small threat to Isbaaro inc. I have actually made the argument before that the so called mayhem unleashed during the Legend's tenure will never come close to the 20 year old self inflicted carnage of the famous M-Society. That was also true of the clan based mafia courts and the Shabaab devils. True enough, these murdering brutes have been the cause, and still are to this day, of the deaths of thousands of innocent Somalis, and in fact, the death toll from their barbarism is probably higher than anything Cabdulahi and his forces could have ever caused.


Funny how the anarchists used to cry foul about Cabdullahi's use of Ethiopians, but NOW-- it is THEY who are using Ethiopians against their own people in anarchyland!!! He definitely inspired the dumb Sharif and his minions, more than anyone could have thought.


But all in all... one could make an argument that Ina_Gaweto's statement is true, but it's really a silly statement. ;)

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