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Dr Ligle

Is Somalia Region 6 Of Ethiopia?

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Dr Ligle   

This is interesting question we need to ask ourselves, is somalia another region of ethiopia?


Firstly it was not long ago sheikh sharif current tfg president went to addis ababa requesting more ethio's to back up his government. It was only a couple of days ago ethiopia foreign minister was in hargeysa holding mediation talks between somaliland parties!!!!


So does ethiopia run somalia? we know for a fact that abdullahi yusuf was the first to bring the ethiopians, however i must say that abdullahi yusuf brought the ethiopians to different clan then his. He took them to the usc base of mogadishu!!!


I have never seen an ethiopian in puntland or any ethiopian ministers visiting that region sorting out political issues like has happened in hargeysa. So ppl say abdullahi yusuf loved ethiopians, u need to rephrase that and say abdullahi yusuf used ethiopians against enemy clans!!! Because if we are fair, when do u hear of ethiopian officials in puntland? i am aware that puntland leaders go to addis ababa to streghthen military and business ties with ethiopia but i have never seen an ethiopian in puntland!!!


Also puntland never brings ethiopian troops into puntland!!! which proves that puntland only use ethiopia against different clans. Even when abdullahi yusuf and cade muse were warring in puntland never did ethiopia get involved or hold mediations because ethiopians are not welcome in our land.


However it is really embarassing when i see sharif in addis asking for ethiopian troops into hamar against his own clan!!! and when i see hargeysa needing ethiopia foreign minister to negiotate between sland parties!!! that is sad and truly despicable. Anyways the point is puntland never brings ethiopians to its people, therefore u guys who have leaders that bring ethiopians to your people should be ashamed of yourself!!!


The only reason abdullahi yusuf used ethiopia is because the enemies were using foreign support also, u think hargeysa just started using ethiopia when abdullahi did? of course not they were in bed with ethiopia way before abdullahi took the leadership.


Lastly the islamist in the south use eritrea, therefore abdullahi yusuf was forced to use foreign support also because the battle-ground changed and the islamist in somalia were using foreign support first!!! funny how noone cares to mention that!!!


My conclusion is yeey used ethiopian tigrays as a response to the islamist using eritrea tigray. What ppl do u think eritrea are? they are tigrinya you can go check it out yourself online!!!


So whats the difference between a tigray in ethiopia and tigray in eritrea? nothing!!!


But more importantly don't forget abdullahi yusuf never brought ethiopia to his own region or clans people, he only took it to other clans!!! where-as hargeysa and mogadishu bring ethiopia to their own people and cities!!! i think that is alot worse!!!


Again The truth must be spoken and propaganda destroyed!!!

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But more importantly don't forget abdullahi yusuf never brought ethiopia to his own region or clans people, he only took it to other clans!!!

errr Right So much better!!! :eek:


By the way Politics section is >>>>>


Ramdan Mubarak


P.s. Even more Qhardo kids, as if we didn't have enough already.

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

P.s. Even more Qhardo kids, as if we didn't have enough already.

Jiq lee saas kugu ahaanee... :D

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^Ee runtuu ka hadlay nooh, Somalia is another region of Ethiopia, well, ermm, eeen except for Puntland oo China ka tirsan... icon_razz.gif

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Micno maleh, ayaamahaan dhan SOL wax aan isku qasmeyn lee naloo soo dhajiyaa...Laakiin anagaa ka waalanoo ujawaabno...Adi adeerkaa sida Adeer A.Yusuf aqliloow ma'u yahay hee? icon_razz.gif:D

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LoooooooooL Adeerke Zenawi hadeey isla jaanqaadi lahaaayeen abdulahi yuusuf camal u caqli & indha'adeeg isku darsan lahaa icon_razz.gif

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Ethiopia's region 6 is Benishangul-Gumuz! Only If Ina gaandhu was Osman-oz and Somalia was another region of Ethiopia it would be 16 not 06.... :D

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