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First Somali recognized as an ambassador by Italy and EU since 1991

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EU & ITALY oo markii ugu horeysay aqoonsi buuxa siiyey Safiir ay Somalia yeelato


War Saxaafadeed




Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaliya Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed ayaa bishii May u magacaabay Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde) inuu Safiir ka noqdo Dowladda Talyaaniga, isla markaana uu noqdo Safiirka Midowga Yurub. Talyaaniga iyo Midowga Yurub waxey ka soo jawaabeen magacaabistaas Safiirnimo.




Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde) ayaa maalintii Isniintii 27kii July 2009 si heer Safiirnimo ah loogu soo dhoweeyey magaalada Rome. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda ee Talyaaniga ayaa maalintii Talaadadii 28kii July 2009 u oggolaatay Nur Adde inuu howshiisii Safiirnimo uu bilaabi karo. Waa markii ugu horreysay ee Dowladda Talyaaniga ay aqoonsi buuxda siiso Safiir Soomaaliyeed oo fadhigiisa noqdo magaalada Rome muddo 19 sano ka dib.




Midowga Yurub (EU) ayaa warqad ay uga jawaabayeen magacaabistii Nur Adde ku caddeeyey inay aqbaleen Nur Adde in uu noqdo Safiirka Somalia u fadhiya Midowga Yurub. Waa markii ugu horreysey ee Midowga Yurub ay aqoonsi buuxda siiyaan Safiir Soomaaliyeed muddo 19 sano ka dib.




Magacaabista Nur Adde ayaa qeyb ka aheyd heshiiskii dib-u-heshiisiinta ee Djibouti. Aqoonsiga dowladda Talyaaniga iyo Midowga Yurub ayaa ah astaan xoogan oo muujineysa xiriirka wanaagsan ee ay dowladda FKMG ah la leedahay Dowladda Talyaaniga iyo Midowga Yurub.




Madaxweyne Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed ayaa sheegay inuu kalsooni ku qabo in Nur Adde uu u adeegi doono waddankiisa iyo ummadiisa, xilkana u gudan doono si wadaninimo iyo xilkasnimo ku dheehan.



http://www.hiiraan.c om/news2/2009/july/w ararka_maanta29-7093 .htm

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I wonder how it is possible for the ''International community'' to recognize on one hand ''a somali paper government'' while on the other hand deny recognition to its ''ambassadors'' once those men are in the foreign countries that make up this ''international community''


For example, the EU and US give lipservice to the current regime that was created in Jabuti, on the other hand they give not the ambassodors and members of this regime full recognition as is the case with the state officials of other countries.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^But again he represents a foreign entity called tfg, and not the famous M-Society



The TFG is a foreign-created regime and thats a fact which can not be changed.


I am puzzled at the hypocricy of Italy and EU to on one hand recognize for the first time a Somali man as an ambassador while they gave 19 years lip-service (recognition) to every foreign-created regime that existed.



PS: What has Mogadishu to do with this? Dont turn this into a clan nonsense, Nur Adde is closer to you (a die-hard tfg supporter) than to me.

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Miijiyye, i picket a celebratory udertone from the title of this post brother,and wanted to point out one cannot speak from the both sides of his mouth


tfg is what we have and we support, and it will insha Allah transition the country from teh current state to a better one

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Miijiyye, i picket a celebratory udertone from the title of this post brother,and wanted to point out one cannot speak from the both sides of his mouth


tfg is what we have and we support, and it will insha Allah transition the country from teh current state to a better one



There is no celebratory undertone, but the title of the thread is a direct English translation of the title HiiraanOnline used for its news-article.




EU & ITALY oo markii ugu horeysay aqoonsi buuxa siiyey Safiir ay Somalia yeelato

English translations: First Somali man recognized as Ambassador by EU & Italy since 1991.


Again, my question has not been answered:


If the ''International community'' recognizes this foreign-created paper government as the ''legitimate Somali government'' why dont they also extent this recognition to the officials of the ''legitimate Somali government''.


How come Italy and EU have recognized Nur Adde as the first Ambassador of Somalia to those countries?


Why not before?



PS: Meiji is Japanese, give it the proper Somali translation or pronounce it as the Japanese do ''Meiji'' :D

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^^do you see any value in the recognition tfg gest from the international community, if and when it gets it?


may be that is better question than beating around the bush, sounding concerned when you really are not

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There is no value in fake recognition (lipservice).


The whole argument of ''Internationally recognized'' is a hoax!


How can you say to recognize a government of an independent nation-state while on the other hand you do not even give its officials the proper treatment like in the case of other state officials of other countries?


The whole notion of ''internationally recognized'' is a clever way to create a paper regime that you can adress to when it comes to interfering into Somali affaires.



Again, my question to you and other TFG supporters:


On what is the argument of ''internationally recogned legitimate government of Somalia'' based?


Sitting at UN meetings?

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Answer the questions raised in this thread or step a side and let other TFG supporters try to spinn the obvious contradiction in this situation.



''Internationally recognized government'' but still not enjoying the same treatment and procedure given to other recognized governments of other countries is a clear contradiction.

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Meihi, Don't you get tired of asking these questions? You have been throwing "these questions"left and right since you joined this site. :D

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I will ask questions untill most SOL members wake up from their habit of chosing a faction and supporting it blindly.



It is time SOL nomads use their brains for once and start asking questions instead of blindly supporting sides or accepting the status-quo!

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This is great news and of course what we Somalis in Italy have waiting for. Can you imagine what it means to be in a country and to have no support from your embassy? The police in this country are terrible and people need government support.


I hope they open a Consul here in Milan for the north as well.

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