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Eastern Sanaag To Participate In The Coming Somaliland Elections

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Sida laga soo xigtay Televisionka ETN TV oo ka soo baxa magaalada Boosaaso ee maamulka Puntland, wuxu Suldaanka guud ee beesha Bariga Sanaag isagoo ka hadlaaya xaflad lagu qabtay magaalada Dhahar ee bariga fog ee Sanaag sheegay in Doorashooyinka inagu soo foolka leh ee ka dhici doona sanadkan guud ahaan dalka Somaliland ay ka dhici doonaan gobolka cusub ee Badhan ee bariga Sanaag.


Suldaan Siciid Suldaan CabdiSalaan oo ay garab taagnaayeen Saraakiil ka socota maamulka Somaliland iyo waliba hayadaha localka ah ee Dawladda Somaliland taageerto, wuxu cadeeyey inay ku soo dhaweynayaan sanaaduuqda doorashooyinka gobolka bari ee Somaliland.


Dhinaca kale waxa magaalada Badhan ee xarunta gobolka Badhan lagu qabtay xaflad lagu wanqalaayay qoditaanka ceel biyo macaan laga soo saari doono oo ay iska kaashanayaan kharashkiisa Dawlada Somaliland iyo hayadda Manhal. Ceelkan ayaa noqon doona mid dadka reer Badhaneed oo muddo ka cabanaayay biyo yaraan, mid ay kaga bixi doonaan haraadka joogtada ee soo noqnoqaayay.

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JB: malaha waad qaadariyeysantahay. The chief Sultan did not visit Dhahar recently pointing to this rubish clearly made up story. "Sanaag Bari" waa xagee? In western Sanaag falls: Ceerigaabo (exceptional city) with diverse clan presents has a section (Suuqa Sare) where your clan has the Riyaale administration present. The other section (Suuqa Hoose) is administered by the chief Sultan of the native Makhiri sub-clans.


JB: What about other towns in western Sanaag:(Shimbiraale, Dar-Asalaam, Ceel-Laqoday, Damala-Xagare, etc). Are they administered by Riyaale's pit? No


Elections being held in Sanaag is as true as our good old myth of "Recognition".

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indeed the final push for the eastern frontier is nearly complete.. the there are major shift happening now on the ground, especialy in badhan where there is large and important meetings as the new gobols local government is put in place.

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Xudeedi , Nacnacda iska dhaaf sxb all of Ceerigaabo is controlled by somaliland - Ceerigaabo Mayor Haji Ismaaciil Nur and his boys and if your not happy about that pick up your gun , you will be shown the karbash of 1992-1993 again all the way to dhahar know your place son, as for Dar Es salam aka Yufleh is controlled by somaliland niyoho orod wax so kala baro before you comment on western sanaag.

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Interesting good to see the far corner of sanaag have finally came to their senses and joined their other sanaag brothers.

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Eastern Sanaag walaa Western Sanaag ma'ehee, just when the hell is this so called election taking place? Waanba daalnay sidii loo dhahaayay dib baa loo dhigay, agah! Riyoole tuu soo wado iyo Recognitionkaan labaatanka sano laga daba ordaayay teebaa weyn? :D

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