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Bardheere and GEDO clan make up anyone?

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Walaahi waa yaab iyo bar. One cannot believe the blatant attempts to reinvent, distort, concoct and fabricate historical facts. Facts both Soomaali and non-Soomaali scholars have considerably written about in many historically impartial, authentic books that deals about Soomaalida. Not the bogus so-called history by the oppressive last dictatorial regime that tried to fed the then illiterate masses such historical reinventions by misusing the state's wealth at their disposal.


I really did not want to come to this thread, but the sheer manipulation of settled, factual history ayaa isoo celisay. And this is for the last that I will attempt for once and all the obvious.


Historical maps will be present this time, and for a fairness, by non-Soomaalis.


First was taken from the celebrated book The Cambridge: History of Africa, on this publication by the author John Edgar Flint, and first published in late 18th century and continuedly re-published through-out the 19th century and beyond. The map we are dealing now is from the 19th century publication.


Since the map is a captured screenshot one, courtesy of Google Books [the map is on page 53], which has a computerized version of the book on their site; I simplified the map into two parts for convenience sake.


The first part deals northwestern and northeastern part of the country and clans that settle those lands.


The second part is about southwest and southeast and their clans. This is the part that deals Baardheere and the clans.


Map I


This one deals again northern parts.


Map II


This part of the map is what concerns this thread and finally once and for all puts the lies in their place.


A blind person can even see where Baardheere clearly is included in.


The second, detailed and more marked large map is from University of Texas. It is found here on their university site. Baardheere is approximately located right next to the first letter of the word 'Maalim.' You can also see, from the map, the north of the Jubba river and Baardheere is settled by Gabyoow's clan [sPM].


Also the map clearly shows who settles in Ceelwaaq and Luuq.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

i wonder dadkan moqdisho isku cafinaya in ay agendaha ug jirto dhulkan leysku haysto.

Hal gobol, say Shabeellada Hoose or Shabeellada Dhexe, qeyraadkiis Eebbe ugu hibeeye ayaa ku filan Soomaalida dhan meel walba ay joogto. Waxa kaliya loo baahanyahay waa maamul wanaag, oo masuqmaasuq ku dhisneyn and hanti wadaag qeyraadka la wada wadaago.


Also no body, including me, is against Soomaalida inay ka degaan meeshee rabaan dhulkooda hooyo. I actually advocate Soomaali inay isku wada qasmaan and clan lands ka tirtirmo. Waxa laakiin igu sababay in this thread inaa soo galo was about the blant, aan loo aaba yeelin lies about and against settled, known historical facts. By such unprecedented distortions and concoctions -- and even the complete fabrications -- of history, one cannot stand on the stand. Anyone maankiisa wanaagsanyahay should tell the truth and nothing but the factual truth.

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I bring factual sources written by the colonialists and it is "Siad Barre's revision" yet one brings a childish and rather simplistic generalization that anyone could have drawn simply by hearing "Northern pastoral" clans as opposed to "southern agricultural" groups. :D


Again, here is a direct source from a first person exploration in that area in the early 1910's by the same people who drew that map:


First-person account Exploration


Also, here is a letter that was written by a British minister in which they wanted to deal with Italy whereby they could trade British Somaliland and the "******* Country" (the name they knew as Jubbaland) in exchange for concessions from Italy (this is all for reference purposes):


"Letter from Wilfred Thesiger British Legation, Addis Ababa, October 11th, 1917 to General Sir R. Wingate.


My dear General, Addis Ababa October llth, 1917 Your letter of the 25th April and mine of the 16th May last concerning the future of Abyssinia and any possible arrangements with Italy and France. In that correspondence we discussed the various combinations possible with Italy, basing our considerations on the necessity of eliminating French influence by the acquisition of Jibuti without any attempt to establish some form of stable Government in Abyssinia must be impossible. As I mentioned in my letter it is hopeless to expect any good result so long as three powers have the right of interference in Abyssinian affairs, altough cooperation between two governments might be possible.


It is very certain that after every effort will be made to clear up contentious questions between us and our present allies, and it has struck me that a fourth His Excellency General Sir Reginald Wingate Governor General of the Sudan. GCB, GCVO, KCMG, DSO, etc. etc.solution might be possible in regards to Abyssinia and Italy which like the other three mentioned in my letter of the 16th May, is based on the primary necessity of acquiring Jibuti without which the whole of the presnt discussion falls to the ground. Briefly stated the fourth proposition would include the cession of the Sudand of Eritrea in return for British Somaliland, French Somaliland and the ******* country, and a protectorate over the whole of Abyssinia. Italy, in return for this, must guarantee to the Sudan all rights over the waters of Tana and the eventual reversion to the Sudan of the four provinces of Gojjam, Walege, Jimma and Kaffs, which are vital to her future prosperity and will then assume all responsibility for the future government of this country. As you mentioned in your letter of the 25th April. "This telegram (of the 27th March) made it clear that His Majesty's Government were anxious arises whether, as regards our future relations with Italy, it would not pay us to make this concession as generous as possible as long as this generosity could be made compatible with thesafeguarding of the interests of each of our Colonies as border on Abyssinia."



"Siad Barre's revision". How original. :D

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In fact it was because this group of Somalis, that our Miskiin says were brought by Siad Barre, that was the reason Britain gave Jubbaland to the Italians. I have already mentioned this before on this forum but I did not have the necessary documentation. According to that source I was able to find it.


George L. Simpson, Jr. writes:


"More importantly, this inability to control the ******* illustrated just how little control the colonial state exercised on the northeast frontier. This example of Somali resistance certainly would make the British think twice about imposing their dictates in the northeast for some years to come. Indeed, the presence of so-called recalcitrant Somalis there had much to do with the nature of the cession of Jubaland to Italy in 1925


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Are you now sending me private messages to threaten me about moderating this section?


What has my moderatorship has to do with this thread? Did I break any rules? Anyway, I am so scared about your, ooh, coming wrath.


What do you think Somaliaonline is, controlled by despotic men in the last regime? Bring whatever facts you want as long as you and I both obey the rules of the forum. Is that clear?


Truth will always be told. If it is brutal, don't blame us. Blame whoever's concoction and fabrications of history you believed in.


By all means, go ahead. Do continue.

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Sour grapes Mr. Moderator. You have been bested for you to resort to catty immaturity is not duly unexpected. I am aware I have written some names that would normally compromise the rules and regulations of the forum but because you, the moderator, had opened up that pandora's box I wanted to make sure you did not "just" realize what your job description entails and look for an opportunity to violate my posting rights.


For reference purposes, I have taken a print view of where you had opened up the pandora's box (which was not edited nor erased for two days now):




I sent it privately to you because of the general respect I have for you as a forummer. I did not think it necessarily to air your hypocrisy for all to see. That you felt it necessary to respond to me publicly is telling in light of the direction the debate has taken. :D:D


Other than that, do carry on I am all ears. smile.gif

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^^That is a clear voilation of site rules, NO Qabiil names! as for now,MMA yo>u are banned from this website! :D

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I do not know about banning but clearly it is time for him to go as moderator. I do not know what judge is forgiven for breaking the law.

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MMA, you are on it duqa! You have provided literature about the regions concerned to argue your point of view, enough for even commoners amongst us to be adequately informed!

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

We will leave it to the audiences to decide which is what or which is fabricated history. The objective report of a foreign exploration team in 1913 or our friend Miskiin's fabricated history from clan sources. for the benefit of the audiences I bring my sources again:




I will let the fabricators of this deegaan's history to tell us who were those elected MPs?

I would hope you read I.M Lewis's book the History of the Somalis, and see where the vote for the clan oriented colonial political party with the acronyms
MU got its vote from. In the 1957 political elections, the MU's lone member in the parliament was from Luuq. At that time even Dhuusamareeb, whose governor was Xaaji Xaashi Gerri, the father of Siad Barre's wife Dalayad (AUN all of them), gave its votes to SYL while Luuq is what sent the MU to the parliament. This is in I.M Lewis' book the History of the Somalis.


A little bit about the
Indeed it is found! Where is our dear Moderator to deny this report of the 1957 voting elections for the Italian colony that was then a U.N trusteeship territory?


Where did MU get the electoral vote it did not even ge from Dhuusamareeb and Xaaji Xaashi Gerri?



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The Bardera district is far more complicated than the other districts of the Gedo region in its clan make-up. In its note on the Gedo region, the UNPOS states that, before civil war broke out in 1990, Bardera was mainly the homeland of various [native] clans: [shaatigaduud's clan; Xaabsade's clan; Fowsiyo Max'ed Sheekh's clan; Shariif Xasan's clan, etc, are listed.]. There were also [Gabyoow's clans] in Bardera. The Bardera district consists of over 180 villages, mainly inhabited by [native] clans. The [siyaad Barre's clans] traditionally, before the 1969 October revolution, formed a minority in Bardera. At that time only one village, Serinly, in the Bardera district was inhabited by [siyaad Barre's clans].

Thats interesting? One village? :confused:

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