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Bardheere and GEDO clan make up anyone?

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I have heard claims by some people on SOL, that GEDO's majority clan is this and that. That certain groups are holding these lands by force and so on.


So lets research the history of this region shall we?

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Unlike Gaalkacyo Duke, everybody lives in peace in Gedo. No one cares about the clan of his neighbor in Gedo. One of the neighbors of my house in Beled-Xaawo is reer Hargeiso, waligiisne lama waydiin halkee ka timid. Ask your partner in crime here, JB, if anyone asked for his clan in Beled-Xaawo or Gedo as a whole. smile.gif


Gaalkacyo is the only place in Somalia where relatives and families are separated by a green line. Ina abti halkaan aanu ku kala leexano bey caan u noqotay, maxaa ceebtaas keenay Duke-ow adiga oo walibay ay reer Baraxlay abti kuu yihiin? smile.gif

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^^^lool. A nice try saxib, I wont defend Galkacyu, its a shame that the two major houses of the city live apart, but thats their choice no one occupies a single house in Galkacyu today.

Every knows his property and his place in the city and that brings confidance. The war years and Barre regime tactics to create friction has coem to nothing. Thats why Galkacyu is a huge city today in relative Somali terms of course. Its booming.


Coming back to Gedo, am I mistaken was there not clanw arfare through out the 90s?

Was there not major clashes in Ceel Waaq a few years back which is still being felt?


What about the clans there, do they feel happy with the status quo?


Do tell adeer. ;)

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Well there are clashes between sub-clans also. What do you attribute to that? That is all beside the point. smile.gif


Gaalkacyo to this day stands to be the most embarrassing case of the state of being Somali. A man and his nephew cannot be neighbors. An aunt and her niece cannot be neighbors. Two friends of different clans cannot open business in the same area.


That is the issue you should be discussing Duke, considering that is the specific city you lay claim to and are born from the loins of the northern part of the city and the womb of the southern side of the city.


In any place there is a majority and minority and Gedo is no different but no such case of embarrassing and degrading segregation exists anywhere else in our land save for Gaalkacyo, your hometown.


Your hometown is the epitome of everything against Somalinimo yet you can speak ill of Gedo where no man asks the clan of his neighbor. That's pretty sad in my opinion and indicative of a very dishonest individual.

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Duke, have you ever heard two clans fighting over the control of Baardhere like Kismaayo? The answer will be no so why ask this question sxb.


Baardhere from the space!


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^^Adeer your pics are not up.

Horn you seem to be getting over yourself. Galkacyu is a booming city saxib. You have seen the pictures to prove it in SOL.

The same war that resulted in mass clan cleansing from Mogadishu also affected the people of Galkacyu. It was the centre of activities. But the city has recovered.


IMAG0077.jpgA street in Galkacyu City


IMAG0084.jpg A market in Galkacyu


amalplaza7.JPGAl Amal Plaza Galkacyu



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Horn and Dhubad


Can you provide some detail into the makeup and population of Bardheere, when was it founded, who are the largest population the make up and so on.


Dont be so defensive lads, what have you got to hide? :D

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Duke, you have not addressed the points. Gaalkacyo saw some of the least fighting in the civil war. Granted at a certain point Gaalkacyo saw heavy fighting, but Gaalkacyo nor any place in Puntland has ever witnessed the prolonged warefare that most places in Gedo have witnessed. For example, if I were to take Luuq and Beled-Xaawo and list some of the events those cities have been a host to, the SNF vs. USC would show up, the Al Itihad vs. SNF would show up, Ethiopia invasion and bombing as well as shellings against Al Itihad would show up, the SNF vs. Ethiopia would show up, as well as SNF vs. SNF at some points. Note, these are events that had taken place back to back throughout the civil war.


Yet animosity is non existent and people live side by side in peace, whether as members of the specific clan I hail from or others.


Why does Gaalkacyo, which did not witness prolonged fighting and has been peaceful throughout the civil war (to the point of garnering investment unlike unstable Gedo) segregate its masses in such a way? I cannot help but to continue to bring up the importance of this question as what can lead to the solution of Somali internal strife as a result of unhealthy Clannism. This is important because this seems to be the underlying point to your starting this topic.

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^^^Horn, I am disapointed you seem to be going in circles. We have proven and your own words testify to the fact that..

Gaalkacyo, which did not witness prolonged fighting and has been peaceful throughout the civil war
(to the point of garnering investment unlike unstable Gedo

The fact that the people of Galkacyu made a peace of equals has resulted in this. Remmebr both Gen Aydeed & President Yusuf came from this city and to their supporters it holds a special symbolic value.


Now why is Gedo unstable, who rules it, why was there trouble in Ceel Waaq?


Again do tell.

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Duke, you are will fully trying to change the topic. Maybe comprehension is in order?


I have already mentioned Gedo's former chronic instability and all were between the Clan I hail from, the SNF group, and outside forces, except for some instances in which the battle lines were drawn within SNF according to political or religious reasons. Some of the fightings were SNF vs. USC, SNF vs. Al Itihad, Al Itihad vs. Ethiopia, Ethiopia vs. SNF, and SNF vs. SNF. There has never been fighting in Gedo between SNF clan and any clans that you deem as relative enough in size within the region to dedicate a topic to. If this specific topic was realistic why has there never been clashes between SNF clan and other clans who supposedly are a sizable majority/minority with in the region?


Understand that the Ceel-Waaq occurrence in 2005 (15 years after the starting of the civil war) started in the NFD after one of the sub-clans of SNF (one of the most powerful in Beled-Xaawo area) was caught supplying one group in the NFD communities against another. The other group sought retribution. The first fighting occurred in Ceel-Waaq, Kenya but was stopped by the Kenyan authorities who forced the SNF sub-clan to retreat back to the border. Peace was signed and many of the fighters of the other group took advantage of the peace to infiltrate Ceel-Waaq, Somalia where they are a considerable minority and staged a surprise attack during the Garbaharey Conference. The fighting ultimately ended in their defeat but people continue to live side by side in peace in Ceelwaaq today. Do you see the segregation that Gaalkacyo is famous for?


The fact that the people of Galkacyu made a peace of equals has resulted in this. Remmebr both Gen Aydeed & President Yusuf came from this city and to their supporters it holds a special symbolic value.

This was no peace of equals. It was a cessation of hostilities so each could defeat internal groups that were threatening their power base. Abdullahi Yusuf faced the greatest competition of his chances to rule the SSDF clan from the seizure of Bari by the Al Itihad forces and Caydiid was demoralized and depleted from his defeat in Gedo and the competition he smelled from Cali Mahdi and that clans power within the USC.

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^^^Adeer thanks for the explanation. Its the beggining. Gedo is unstable because of as you said USC, then Al-Itixad, then Ethiopia. Thats great. However what has happened since 1996?

Its been 10 years, why the lack of progress?


Adeer why have you not had a peace of equals such as in Galkacyu with the other clans?

We all know the SNF controls Gedo through the gun, why have they not acknowledged the otehr clans of the region?

Could this be the reason why things are not moving forward for this region, considering it has a small population already and then the majority is still under bondage.


Your thoughts are important.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Adeer thanks for the explanation. Its the beggining. Gedo is unstable because of as you said USC, then Al-Itixad, then Ethiopia. Thats great. However what has happened since 1996?

Its been 10 years, why the lack of progress?


Adeer why have you not had a peace of equals such as in Galkacyu with the other clans?

We all know the SNF controls Gedo through the gun, why have they not acknowledged the otehr clans of the region?

Could this be the reason why things are not moving forward for this region, considering it has a small population already and then the majority is still under bondage.


Your thoughts are important.

Duke, I hate to be insulting but your simple comprehension skills as well as your less than suave attempts at insulting people when your argument is debased is showing through.


For one, 1996 is the year Ethiopia invaded Gedo. Helicopter gunships and tanks may be new in Mogadishu but not in the streets of Beled-Xaawo, Luuq, Dollow, etc. Since that time, Gedo has witnessed some of the most longest and destructive warfare in Somalia. It was from then on, 1996, that all the battles that include the SNF, Al Itihad, and Ethiopia had taken place. You ask why the lack of progress, and I respond with why such simple reasoning? What progress in a war zone Duke? Who is willing to invest in anywhere like Gedo between 1991 to 2005? I do not know about you but certainly not I! You also speak of population when Puntland is one of the most sparsely populated areas in all of Somalia.


Anyways, none of those clashes were between the SNF and other groups you deem as relative enough in size within the region to dedicate a topic to. All those clashes were between the SNF and external forces, or SNF within themselves divided along politico/religious lines as in the case of Al Itihad. Except for such internal wars or defense against external forces, complete harmony exists within the region.


Why not your Gaalkacyo Duke?

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^^^Adeer I do like the attempt at an insult, nice try. You have explained the point here that the SNF is either at war with itself or external forces hence no time for development. I get that. Though either the SNF is devoit of any real leadership or just a crazy movement. You can further this argument for me as you are the local SNF rep. ;)


However you also stated that the SNF is not alone in the region and that everyone lives there. Thus can you expand on the relationship between the SNF and everyone else. What is this relationship based on?

Any agreements and the power sharing structure of the region?


Go beyond Aydeed, Ethiopia, NFD, Al-Itixad [a pattern seems to be emerging here] :D

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Originally posted by The Duke:

[QB] ^^^Adeer I do like the attempt at an insult, nice try. You have explained the point here that the SNF is either at war with itself or external forces hence no time for development. I get that. Though either the SNF is devoit of any real leadership or just a crazy movement. You can further this argument for me as you are the local SNF rep.

Duke, in times of war people do not think of the long-term repercussions of actions they deem necessary for their political (among other things) survival. By that, I am talking about Gen Cumar Xaaji's usage of Ethiopia when he felt Al Itihad was threatening his power base. Ultimately this single action is what internally fractured the sub-clan and led to much redundant inter-clan skirmishes until the Garbaharey Conference that curbed all division and healed the clan (notice no single noise has arisen from Gedo since then two years ago).


Other than that, none of the problems in Gedo could have been prevented. The USC attempt at invasion was an action that required strong reaction. The war could not have prevented except for SNF surrender in the beginning. That Al Itihad would settle could not have been prevented, and that ultimately Ethiopia would invade could not have been prevented also (with or without Cumar Xaaji, they were drafting plans to go in). The only thing effective leadership could have prevented was the disunity of the clan which occurred as a result of Cumar Xaaji's actions. That is the only thing that could have been prevented and perhaps instability in Gedo would have been cut in 2001 (the year of the full Ethiopian withdraw from Gedo region) instead of 2005.


However you also stated that the SNF is not alone in the region and that everyone lives there. Thus can you expand on the relationship between the SNF and everyone else. What is this relationship based on?

Any agreements and the power sharing structure of the region?

By that, I meant Gedo is not 100% SNF group, in the same Puntland is not 100% SDDF group, or Hargeisa is not 100% SNM group. However, no other groups are close to relative in size and scope enough to compete with the SNF. No other groups have administrations or factions outside of Gedo.


For example, Abdullahi Yusuf is clearly your idol and you are the champion of TFG on here. Even based on the TFG administration, no one has any position in the named Gedo administration outside of the SNF group.


As a result, majority rules, minority rights is the process by which Gedo is governed and it is apparent from the harmony that exists within the region.


Gaalkacyo begs to be addressed however.

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