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Bardheere and GEDO clan make up anyone?

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^So what is the percentage of the SNF in Gedo in your opinion?


Anyhow thanks for trying. loooool.

I would say close to 90% in the most sympathetic estimation towards the non-SNF clans in the region.

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^^^Wow, 90% of Gedo. The rest are 10%? Brother while I would take your word for it anything to back up those claims. Non Somali, maybe the UN would be great as back up.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Wow, 90% of Gedo. The rest are 10%? Brother while I would take your word for it anything to back up those claims. Non Somali, maybe the UN would be great as back up.

U.N has been non existent in Gedo, they are only coming back for the first time in 15 years. For example, Gedonet recently wrote about the MSF coming back to Baardheere for the first time since 1994 and this is Baardheere unlike Beled-Xaawo which is one of the areas that had been the most insecure.



I hardly think anyone had the ability to do an estimation of Gedo's population base other than resorting to second sources.


However, why have you avoided Gaalkacyo? :D

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I hardly think anyone had the ability to do an estimation of Gedo's population base other than resorting to second sources.

Yet you gave an outrageous estimate without any facts other than to prop up the clan. :D Classic.

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^^^You have traveled through the region or you mean you was fleeing and passed through it. Thus you made your estimate while passing by.


It gets better adeer.

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Duke, that website that Gedonet refers one to has clan name so the website did not show up. Here are what I was referring you to in other topic that deals with this issue.





Pic 1

Pic 2


This is 1913. ;)

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Duke iyo Horn. somethings should just not be campared i.e. Galkacyo and Gedo for obvious reasons. Horn, what I want ask you is this, ghedo has five major cities or so and other people other then "SNF" claim them. For example, people from Baidao say that not only is Luug theirs, it was the seat of their saltanite. they also claim that baardheere. you just told about the conflicts in El Waq. Knowing this, how can you say that its %90. Another Question, there is this public believe among Somalis, that the "SNF" was brought to Gedo from Galgaduud by the late president. What do you think of this?

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Naxar Nugaaleed, yes traditionally there were two great migrations. I would love to refer you to the blog on Gedonet but it seems as SOL will not let me.


The first migrants are called the Guri and the second migrants are called the Galti. The Galti were the ones who left the late 1880's and early 1900's to help the Guri fight against the British.


Also, the "claims" are only on the net as in those of the moderator of this section who says that group came in the 70's and 90's. I take it that earlier source I brought answers your questions?

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As usual bogus, fabricated history lala soo shirtagaa. And as usual, no one buys this fabrication laga been sheeganaayo history.


The whole Gedo la sheegaayo waa wax la isku kabkabay. And without two historical degmooyin, it wouldn't have existed -- Baardheere and Luuq.


Baardheere, which has nothing to do with the then villages Garbahaareey and Buuloxaawo, xoog ayaa loogu kabay by the former dictatorial regime to boost the population of newly created gobol called Gedo, instead of not being part of Jubbada Dhexe or Baay. Labadaan degmo, unlike Buuloxaawo [which was probably founded in 1940s and the eponymous lady Xaawa, who is said to be still alive in that tuulo] and Garbahaareey, two recent tuulooyin-made-degmooyin by the regime, unlike them, Baardheere and Luuq have had deep, historical roots to the Southwestern region.


Let's take Baardheere -- which used to compete with Baydhabo during colonial era as a centre of commerce, in addition of religious headquarter, in the then Alta Jubba [Jubbadda Sare] -- first in this post.


Here is a brief history about Baardheere, from


"Baardheere is one of the oldest settlements in the interior of Somalia. It is renowned for its community system and its indigenous institutions of learning.


A religious group led by Sheekh Yabaroow founded Baardheere community in 1776. Their mission was not only to set up an ideal community whose members are ruled in accordance with the Islamic ideals, but also to attain economic development and social justice for the newly established community. It grow in size and influence and helped the spread of Islam in the southern Somali interior, which was characterized at the time by the proliferation of saints and religious settlements that evolved later as territorial confederacy. This has brought confrontation with adversaries. As a result Baardhere fought many wars, the most known of which is the one with the Geledi Sultanate [which was based in Afgooye], when it was defeated. The town was burned and abandoned for 20 years, when it was re-grouped and reformed. After reformation Baardheere community continued to be a conservative Muslim society and the home of religious learning for Somalia.


The emergence of foreign powers initiated the most profound disruption of Somali history i.e. the marginalization of indigenous institutions and their slow but sustained diminishing power and influence. The liberation from colonial rule and the forms of state practice that followed didn’t bring any sustainable alternative to the indigenous rule."


More history and in Afsoomaali.


Who was Sheekh Yabaroow, the founder of the town in 1776?


"Sheikh Ibraahim inta uusan soo aadin Baardhere wuxuu degganaa meel magaceeda la yiraahdo " aw Cusmaan ". Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu ahaa nin aqoon dheer u leh diinta islaamka, shaqsiyadiisana ahayd mid aad loo sharfo oo laga heebeysto degaankiisa iyo banankeeda intaba. Waxa illahey Sheikha ku ilhaamiyey in uu aasaaso magaalada Baardhere. Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu la tashadey asxaabtiisa in ay ku garabgalaan fulinta hawshaas ilhaamiga ah. Fikradaas waxaa soo dhoweeyey qaar ka mid ah asxaabta sheikh Ibraahim. Waxaa la diyaariyey dad Sheikha la safara wehelna u noqdo illaa Baardhere, taas oo uu aad ugu farxey una soo dhaweeyey. Sheikha iyo asxaabtiisa waxay isu diyaariyeen oo u sahay qaateen safar dheer iyo in ay u adkeystaan dhib iyo daal badan. Sheikh iyo asxaabtiisa waxay ka ambabaxeen magaalada Aw Cusman iyagoo ku sii jeeda Baardhere. Waxayna inta badan guureyn jireen habeenkii. Socdkooda wuu yaraa maalintii. Waxay ku qaadatey muddo dheer oo aan la cayimin in ay ku gaaraan Baardhere. Sababtoo ah dhulka ay marayeen ayaa wuxuu ahaa mid hawd jiq ah oo dugaagta ku fara badantahay.


Sheekh Ibraahim wuxuu u sheegey asxaabtiisa in ay degayaan meesha ama goobta ugu horeysa oo ay kula kulmaan geedka baarka loo yaqaano. Sheikh Ibraahim iyo saaxiibadiisa markii ay gaareen Baardhere waxay la kulmeen dhul aad iyo aad u geedo badan oo geedaha laamahooda is-qabsadeen sida hawdka dhul-baraha. Waxay bilaabeen in dhulka la baneeyo oo degaan la isu diyaariyo. Isla markiiba waxay bilaabeen Skeikha iyo asxaabtiisa in ay dhisaan masjid, oo ah kan maanta loo yaqaano 'Jaamaca' Baardhere. waxaa lagu dhisey ul-geed (sida oodmadow iyo jambe) iyo caleenta baarka iyo caw kale korka laga saarey. Markii uu dhamaadey dhismaha masaajidka wuxuu sheikh Ibraahim iyo asxaabtiisa raadiyeen hilo ay biyaha ka cabaan webiga hareerihiisa, markaas ka dibna waxay bilaabeen sidii loo degi lahaa iyo dhismihii magaalada.


Markii ay degeen ayaa Sheikh Ibrahim la weydiiyey sababta uu u doortey in ay magalada Baardhere halkan noqoto. Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu ku jawaabey sidan, "habeen kasta inta aan safarka ku soo jirney waxaan arkaayey iftiin horteyda ka soo baxa, waxaan ku hanuuney in meesha iftiinka ka baxay noqon doonto meel la deggo. Markan soo gaarney meeshan aan hadda degney iftiinkii bidhaamayey wuu isballariyey kor ayuuna u kacay. Sidaas ayaan ku hanuuney in degaanka Baardhere uu halkan noqdo". Shaqooyinka wanaagsan ee uu muddada yar ku qabtey Sheikha waxaa ka mid ahaa dhisida masaajidka iyo Hagaajinta il-biyoodka. Sheikha wuxuu asxaabtiisa ka codsadey in la adkeeyo nebedgeliyada ilaalo xoog lehna la sameeyo. Waxaa degaankooda hareeihiisa deggana dadka loo yaqaano Booran. Waxay degaankooda ku wareejiyeen derbi dhis ka sameysan. Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu noolaa 8 malmood oo keliya markii ay Baardhere yimaadeen. Ka dib tii Rabbi ayaa u timid Sheikha waxaana lagu aasey masaajidka jaamaca dhinaciisa. Illa iyo haddana waxaa lagu aasaa ulul Amriyaasha iyo dad aan badnayn oo loo gartey.


Waxaa la sheegaa in Sheikh Ibraahim uu ka tirsanaa dariiqada qaadriyada loo yaqaano "Naqsha Bandiya". Waxaa wax lala yaabo ah in dariiqadaas loo haysto in uu Sheikha ka tirsanna aysan raad ku yeelan Baardhere. Sheikh Ibraahim Xasan Yabbarow geeridiisa ka hor wuxuu ku dardaarmey in Sheikh Cali Dhurre oo ahaa dadkii asaasiyaashii jameecadda lagu wareejiyo hogaanka iyo maamulka jameecada Baardheere."


And the last sheekh -- Sheekh Mursal Macalin Caliyoow -- of the Jameecadda, killed by followers of haraadihii regimekii hore in 1992, just before the United States' army's Operation Restore Hope reached there.


"Sheekh Mursal Macalin Caliyoow (25 Sanno, 1968-1992)


Sheikh Cabdulcasis geeridiisa ka hor si toos ah uma magacaabin qofka la wareegi doono maamulka jameecada. Haseyeeshe waxaa la sheegey in uu bixiyey tusmooyin tilmaamaya in uu qofkaas yahay Sheikh Mursal. Markaas waxaa la qabtey doorasho xubnaha lixda firqood ay dooranayaan ulul-amriga jameecada. Waxaana markaas u sharaxnaa Sheikh Mursal Macallin Caliyow iyo Sheikh Cabdiraxmaan Irdhe oo ahaa Sheikh aad looga yaqaano dalka Soomaliya iyo dibadiisaba, dad badana wax soo barey".


Sheikh Mursal wuxuu qabtey mamulka jameecada markii dadweynaha lixda firqadood ay si wadajir ah ugu doorteen in uu hoggaamiyo maamulka jameecada Baardhere. Sheikh Mursal wuxuu bare ka ahaa culuunta shareecada islaamka, wuxuu casharo ka bixinjirey masaajidka jaamaca Baardhere. Wuxuuna ka mid ahaa dadka sida weyn u soo fidiyey diinta islaamka iyo naxwaha afka carabiga.


Intii uu haayey maamulka jameecada Baardhere waxaa jameecada sida dalka intiisa kale la soo gudboonaadey jahawareer weyn oo aan horey loo arag. Waxaa awoodii xukuumada Somalia la wareegey militeri oo ku caan baxay wax maqal la'aan, xoog sheegasho, qab weyni iyo maamul xumo ay u dheertahay eexasho, qabiilaysi iyo fasahaad weyn oo ka dhan ah diinta islaamka.


Ficiladaasi waxay sababeen dib-u-dhac dhaqaale, tuhun siyaasadeed ummada soo dhex galay iyo guud ahaan waxaa burburey qaabdhismeeddkii bulshada. Waxaa xukunkaas astaan weyn u ahayd neceebka diinta islaamka iyo ciddii ku dhaqanta oo ay u arkayeen caddow.


Sheikh wuxuu ka dhawri jirey xubnaha jameecada in ay dhacaan iska horimaad. Markale waxaa jamecada Baardhere soo wajahay dagaal aaney diyaar u ahayn, oo aaney u qalabeysnayn.


Maamulka militeriga wuxuu ku dhisnaa cadaadis iyo wax kasta oo caqliga aadanaha fayow aan oggolaan karin. Markii si lama filaan ah u burburey maamulkii Soomaaliya, talana faraha ka baxdey jameecada Baardhere waxaa qabsadey masiibo weyn oo col iyo gaajo ah. Ummadii waxaa lagu ridey argagax, naftoodi waa la gooyey, xoolohoodi waa la dhacay, bakaarahoodi waa la furtey, dumarkoodi waa la xumeeyey, culumadii waa layasey laguna xadgubey.


Cid badbaadey in aaney jirin waxaa ka marqaati aha ulul Amrihii Sheikh Mursal oo la dhacay dhowr jeer, afxumo iyo jirdil loo geystey oo markii dambena la dilay maalintii 17kii Disember 1992.


Waxaa wax aad loola yaabo ah in Sheikhi jameecada baardhere dadkii diley ay si caadi ah u joogeen baardhere, oo aan jirin cid raadsatey ama maxkamad soo taagtey. Taas oo ku tuseysa in arrintaas ay ka dambeeyeen hogaanka beesha Mareecxaan oo boobka ku heystay degaan, xasuuq badana u geystey maatada aan hubeysnayn. Masiibada ku habsatey Sheikha waxay tilmaameysa sida Haraadiga maamulkii hore ee militeriga ugu xaggubeen xuquuqda dadweynaha aan waxba galabsan.


Baardheere iyo Baidoa waxay ku tartameen magac magaalooyinkii geerida. Maalin walba waxaa macluul, gaajo iyo dagaal u dhimanjirtey in ka badan 200 ruux. Marka aan soo koobo Baardhere waxay meelaha aadka loogu hoobtey naf iyo maalba oo dabka colaada aan ka damin tobankii sanno ee la soo dhaafey."


The names of Jameecaddii Baardheere the first sheekh to the last martyr sheekh.





Taariiq ma qarsoonto, and it will never. It is same like xaaraantii iyo booliqaranimadii dadka qaarkood lagu soo quudiye in the name of hantiwadaag, oo hantidii and muruqmaalkii dadka lahaa lagu qaraabtay. Lies will always be exposed.


Luuq will be next.

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Baardheere and Luuq each also had two MPs [xildhibaano] elected representives during the democratic decade of '60s.


I will let the fabricators of this deegaan's history to tell us who were those elected MPs? :D


Oh, they can tell us who represented Buuloxaawo and Garbahaareey. Alas, there were no such towns then. They didn't even had elected local councils, let alone national MPs, which Baardheere and Luuq each had 15 elected councilors.

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We will leave it to the audiences to decide which is what or which is fabricated history. The objective report of a foreign exploration team in 1913 or our friend Miskiin's fabricated history from clan sources. for the benefit of the audiences I bring my sources again: :D





Pic 1

Pic 2


I will let the fabricators of this deegaan's history to tell us who were those elected MPs?

I would hope you read I.M Lewis's book the History of the Somalis, and see where the vote for the clan oriented colonial political party with the acronyms MU got its vote from. In the 1957 political elections, the MU's lone member in the parliament was from Luuq. At that time even Dhuusamareeb, whose governor was Xaaji Xaashi Gerri, the father of Siad Barre's wife Dalayad (AUN all of them), gave its votes to SYL while Luuq is what sent the MU to the parliament. This is in I.M Lewis' book the History of the Somalis.


A little bit about the MU

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