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General Duke

After Yusuf?

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In all indications Yusuf will leave a Somalia that's worse then he found it. History will mark him as the man who institutionalized Ethiopia’s influence on Somali politics.


Having said that, Somalia was down and broken before he took the helm, and it would be hugely unfair to assert that Yusuf is the Somali problem. The Somali problem sadly transcends Yusuf. Its root cause emanates from a lack of leadership. We have seen that in even those with Islamic orientation. The best approach is to recognize the divisions that exist between us, and try to address them in a just manner.


I would say what Somalia needs at the first opportunity is a genuine reconciliation process. Somalia needs a holistic approach. All regions, all parties, and all clans must sit down and own the process of reviving their collapsed state!

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Cajiib...! Wale waxba salagleh...!

Duke, Emperor et al talking about post-Yusuf.


"On a serious note though, anyone who knows sida xayawaanada loola dhaqmo gets my vote"

LOL, why do you think the president appionted Ghedi?

So that he could cure him , and Geedi failed.

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Juje one has to be pragmatic. If Yusuf is the excuse then who would satisfy the public?


Any thoughts?


So far, Xiin, Bashi, Emperor, NN and Africa Own have made great points the rest are mostly playing commedy.


Have your say people.

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Looks like they are finally coming around to Yusuf being a failure for Somalia and Somalis. About time boys and girls!


Whoever is chosen, if they are not cleaner than clean I dont want you all on here again wishing him luck like 3 years ago!

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^Is there a Somali politician that is cleaner then clean in this day and age? Let me re phase that are there true politician's in the Somali politics?


Why are we going backward to the 15th century,why does the president have to be of a certain clan or area..surely we want someone that can do the job regardless of his ancestral lineage.


Can a Somali born outside Somalia given a chance to lead?

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What people are failing to get/grasp is what Duke and co are trying to imply here, is that there is simply no alternative to the current President of Somalia Mudane Abdullahi Yusuf.


The opposition is flawed, disintegrated and divided as never before. They simply do not represent a viable option and does cannot be described as an real opposition to the TFG.


The fighting is done mostly by the Al-Shabaab group except in Mogadishu where certain clan elements and sympathisers of the defunct courts are waging a resistence 'urban warfare' of hit and run kind of strategy.


They simply want to annoy and disturb but are at the same time realistic about their options, 'strength' and they certainly do know the limitations of their movement/uprising.


Thus the Al-Shabaab represent a tiny minority within the Somali population, as they're certainly political 'outcasts', when it comes to their interpretation of this war and their political goals in the future, which are not compatible with that of the majority of the Somalis and other disintegrated factions within the 'opposition'.


Their war is that of an international calibre, in which they want to raise their black flag as an larger war against the USA and in support of Al-Qaeda.


They want to lure the US-Army into Somalia so that they can fight them on their soil and help defeat the 'Super-power'of this era.


Whereas the others don't want that, that's why the two sides are opposed to one another goals and why they cannot work out a common strategy, because one side says it desires to kick out the 'invaders' (read Ethiopia) out of the Country, whereas the other side maintains its support of the effort of the larger war Jihaad against the US and its allies.


Those who have made comments to regards of whom they want to see succeed Mr. Yusuf know that there's no person who can actually replace him at the right time and those who refused to name anybody as a successor did so because they do know aswell the reality that theres no one who can succeed him.


So why the loud cries or death wishes of some in here, when they do not have a successor to Mr. Yusuf?


If I have some one, I truly believe can succeed the President, then there's a logical explanation to it, but to just say that is a foolish, emotional, hate-filled and blind approach to the current dilemma we're finding oursevles in.


Somalia is in a mess, in a big dilemma so why are you eager for the current President to go when you don't have a viable option?


Doesn't it show that you have an ulterior motive, than you claim? That after all your 'noble' fight against occupation and the invaders is but noble?


I'd advise those emotional folks to learn from the seccessionist Ngonge, who doesn't support the President and the TFG simply because of his great love of the defeated lot, that's not the case but because there's simply no alternative or viable strategy to support except the strategy of the old man, who wants to oust all anti-government elements even if it means at the end, he rules only on top of a handful of people (this has no other literal meaning or points to certain people), so the only option is to sit down and talk because there's no other solution.


I know and I'm aware of the decade long grudges and the deep rooted social-disadvantages (injustices) when it comes to the contribution/distribution of power and the seemingly monopoly of a certain clan when it comes to ruling the country, that some feel deep hatred and frustration that the only hope they got is to be consumed by hate and revenge but that in itself would be problamatic, so I appeal for the emotions to be subdued and for the heart to be given a rest and the brain to be allowed to function.


Let's sit down and work out resolution/petition in which we could all contribute and that will find a final resolution to our decade long problems and deep social-problems that will quicken the national healing process and removethe deep social-injustices and hatred towards what we perceive as an monoply of a certain clan to rule and power in Somalia.


God bless us all and help us resolve our issues to the best of ability. Amin.


Yours faithful,


Sheikh Sakhar.

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*dream mode on*


My vote goes to, Sheikh Sharif Hassan Adan, the ex-parliamentary speaker as President and Sharif Ahmed as PM.


Man, they even have the right names.



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Originally posted by General Duke:

Juje one has to be pragmatic. If Yusuf is the excuse then who would satisfy the public?

Your pragmatism raises doubts sxb. How is the old man fairing Duke?

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Just pick any random excrement shufflers from the street and give them those two jobs. If they succeed, wahay! Somalia is back. If they fail, they'll at least make some money.


To pre-empt your next thread, let me just say I'd choose Angelina Jolie, a thousand books and some snake repellent. But you'll probably have to come back and fetch Angelina after a month or so. I don't think I could tolerate her telling me about her movie career for more than that...

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