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By Hodan Mohamed


January 27 2007


Like Martin Luther King Jr., the late African-American civil rights leader, I too have a dream for my beloved Somalia that one-day god willing:


Somalis among the diaspora, from Saylac to Raas Kambooni will rise to the challenge put forth more than 4 decades ago by their cherished anthem…{Soomaliyeey toosoo..toosoo isku tiirsada eeh…hadba kiina taagdaran eeh.. taageera waligiinee} and embrace this message of unity and humanity as their duty as citizens of this prosperous yet untapped resourceful nation. I call upon all Somalis to use the anthem as a guiding principle and a point of departure from this day forward.


I believe the underlying cause of our decades of unrest had to do with scarce resources and lack of leadership fueled by merciless foreign forces. Poverty is a threat to peace and we must fight that with our united might. Somalis need to speak up, read, discuss, analyze, sort the facts, and become critical thinkers instead of being influenced into groupthink or word of mouth (waxaa la yiri saan iyo sidaas ma ogtihiin) at this critical time on the affairs of their homeland. Hence, themes of activism, peace and development should dominate our talk, we need to move from the status quo to one of… as the late John F. Kennedy put it “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what can you do for your country”? Enough is enough let us forgive and forget the past and plan for the future.


We need to give credit where credit is due, thanks to the Union of Islamic Courts for raising our consciousness regarding the various players in the Somali conflict both domestically and internationally and reviving our long forgotten sense of nationalism. There is no greater deed that you could do than this for the Somali people. Don’t worry; the TFG will be judged by their actions, there are critical eyes on the ground and a large number of readers of the instant electronic news among the diaspora. Furthermore, Somalis now organize peaceful demonstrations across the world using visual materials that depict our suffering courtesy of Amin Amir, the genius among us.


It’s important to ask ourselves: If the TFG is a reality then what is our plan? Many would agree that we have to work with what we got and work towards what we want. Somalis including those in North need to mobilize for the common-good and work with the current transitional government. The next election is 2009; like-minded Somalis who have vision (platform) and a plan to execute that vision can assemble and form sincere parties to take part in the elections. The so called “Somalilanders” need to give up their unrealistic dreams for legitimate fiefdoms and join their brothers and sisters in building this potential prosperous nation. Remember the silent majority wants union and peace. D. Riyale Kahin can ask to serve as the Governor until the election, we all know Somalis don’t need another flag or a leader as long as they’re penniless, as a matter of fact too many men are unemployed than working in the North just like their counterparts in the rest of country. Say NO MORE to tribal fiefdoms, warlordism, male egotism, corruption, spoilers, political sabotages, khat-selling moms, senseless deaths and killings.


The future is not so bleak…need I remind you…. we have rich marine life, fertile lands, livestock, potential oil industry, wonderful climate and the best hospitable people in the world. However, the country is bleeding for reconstruction in all aspects of life from running water to electricity; roads to sewer systems; shields from river floods to hospitals and schools. If we all take part in the rebuilding process, we can all benefit as long as we conduct ourselves humanely in the process. We must move beyond our immediate need for gratification and see this as a long-term endeavour that our children and grandchildren could inherit so it’s imperative that we plant good seeds so they bear good fruits.


The list that needs doing is enormous and I challenge all of you to organize and raise funds to build your towns and cities respectively. If you’re the one of those people who would hand their money to their “Garaad, Suldaan or Ugaas” to run rebuilding efforts then make sure you follow up to see the fruits of your labor so it’s never misappropriated for unintended causes that could harm our goals for peace and development.


Turn your “fadhi ku dirir” into mapping out business ventures such as investments in the tourism industry in our thousand plus kilometer beaches, how about resorts and theme parks? Why not real estate ventures or the first ever rail road system? The sky is the limit if you have a discipline and drive, imagine the employment opportunities these can yield and the tax revenues the government can generate to hopefully invest in building the infrastructure and social programs.


I hope Somalis will realize their power and create an environment where Somali men can hold a decent paycheck instead of an AK 47; women will never sell Khat or other drugs so they can feed their offspring; children will carry books to school and go on for field trips to historic places like Biyo- kuleel, Buurhakaba, Naasahablood or Merca…. Likewise, we will stop labeling the uneducated “badow, dhoore, reer baadiye, galow and so forth” and instead think of what you can do to help them get education. If we work together we can reverse if not make history our current frightening rates of Malaria, Tuberculosis, Infant Mortality and our short life expectancy of middle forties.


Please give peace a chance, may Allah have mercy on Somalis wherever they are in the world.

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Somalis including those in North need to mobilize for the common-good and work with the current transitional government.

Since you posted this SOO MAAL, let me ask you... What common good is she talking about? What Government?



[NO. that is not the UN or AU flag in Mogadishu]

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All in all she is trying to stuff the TFG on the people' throat. She is not really being realistic here, more of a dream which is very far and I mean far from being attained.


Waxaa layidhi hal xaaran ah, nirig xalaal ah madhasho. The TFG is the Xaaran in this maahmaah, therefore, don't expect anything good to come out of it.



The ICU and the TFG should never meet in the same sane mind. You kidding me Hodan?


edit: Garaad, who is 'we'? :confused:

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According to her TFG is a government





You as well have to be realistic


Hamas (Islamic and pan-Palestinian movement have negotiated with Fatah (a Palestinian faction recognized the existance of Isreal), they reached an agreement


Israel didn’t like Palestinians to reach an agreement


I wished if TFG and ICU have reached an agreement,

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^^Since she is not here...


And you posted this article. I put the questions to you, SOO MAAL. So what about according to you about the two questions.

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Garaad, who is 'we'?

Somali people



Somaliland baa xaaraan ah,xaaraan ka dhalatay


Socalled Somaliland waxa la aqoon weeyey 17 sano, waayo waa xaaraan,xaaraan ka dhalatay


xitaaa xabashidii iyo jabuuti baa ka yaabay in somalilans ee tahay xaaraan cad

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Soo Maal,


I am being very realistic.


I believe, if Ethiopia vacated the middle and stopped being the middle man, I am sure, you would be looking cooperation.


However, as I stated many times before, the TFG wasn't ready to negotiate, because Ethiopia was influencing it to do what it wanted, not what was for all parties.


I bellieve, the ICU invited Abdullahi Yusuf, made the effort to go to Khartuum to nogiatiate. However the TFG cried for foreing intervence when the sole power at the time was the ICU and was willing to negotiate under the condition that no foreing troops were present in the country, namely from the Ethiopia. Peace was given chance, TFG is a puppet government, meaning they aren't able to carry out their own plans and interests..


As for the SL issue, if are to be very REALISTIC once again. Do you believe in your mind, assuming you know the things on the ground, that the SL and its' population would be fine for Abdullahi Yusuf to be their leader?


I am being very realistic, no sugar coating remember, lately we have been getting nothing done, because every pro TFG here knows how to sugar coat things, but hardly any facts.


As for the poor example of hamas and Al Fatax. well my brother, if Al Fatax dragged the Isrealis to kill members of Hamas, how do you think the Palenstinian people on either party would feel like? not so good, wouldnt' they?


Markaa walaal, runta aynu ka hadalno, waxba yeynaan been entertainment iskaga dhigin. Ileen Ilaahay baa ina arkee.



P.S, Abdullahi Yusuf is former leader of Pland, he wasnt voted down, but left his job to seek highter post, therefore, Pland can almost be said is the TFG, mostly.

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Originally posted by Garaad Caanood:

quote: Garaad, who is 'we'?

Somali people



Somaliland baa xaaraan ah,xaaraan ka dhalatay


Socalled Somaliland waxa la aqoon weeyey 17 sano, waayo waa xaaraan,xaaraan ka dhalatay


xitaaa xabashidii iyo jabuuti baa ka yaabay in somalilans ee tahay xaaraan cad
***********, intaad iga daysdi waxanoo oohin ah, mar uu sidii nin rageed uhadal.


SL marnaba Xabashi may soo wadan si ay ulaayaan dadka kale ee somalida ah ee ay jaarka layihiin. Hadii aad leeday qabiilka SLand ku badan ayaan necbay, waa mid kale, laakin fadlan nin wayn iska dhig, hadalkaagana sumad u yeel. Waaxay ********, cabaad iyo oohin badanaa yaakhii.]



Baliis, hala yareeyo aflagaadada.


[ February 17, 2007, 02:29 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by SOO MAAL:


A Unity Government that will include TFG, Somaliland, and ICU. Puntland is already on board

So after all the Warlords have done leading Xabashi to Mogadishu. You still think they should be congratulated and joined or as you put it go "on board" their ship?

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War adaa ********* ah oo cabaad iyo oohin isku dardey ii dhinac nooga duw dhareerka


SL is Xabashi puppet, Melez doesn't need even to send troops, he knows he has a loyal dog there




Adaa bilaabay afxumade, hadana inaad cabaad ku darsatid


Waan caytamayaa, cid kastana waan cayayaa, my qabiil malitia (SL waxba lagama sheegi karo ma shaqeenasu)


Adaa bilaabay xaraan comment

Hadii aad leeday qabiilka SLand ku badan ayaan necbay

Hadaan gartey illeen waxani waa ******* oo naceeb iyo cuqdad baa ka buuxda,


Markaa runta iska sheeg in aad necebtahay dadka SSC iyo Puntland qabiil darteed


cid aan anuu necbahay ma jiraan, mana ogi qabiil meel u badan



Nin weyn ma iska dhigi oo cayda maad naga joojin,


sidii bin aadam ma u hadlasaa?



Baliis, aflagaadada ka ilaali meesha.


[ February 17, 2007, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Enough is enough


Garaad and Red Sea …please stop silliness


Both you spoiled the thread


Can we debate in a civilized way or you prefer exchanging nonsense

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Salaam Red Sea


TFG and ICU both of them didn’t give a chance to peace, and they were not honest and ready for negotiations


Ethiopia can’t be an excuse, Somali people should find a way to coexist peacefully


Just like Palestinian factions solved their internal problem under the brutal occupation, Somali faction should find a way to compromise and form a unity government


Do you believe in your mind, assuming you know the things on the ground, that the SL and its' population would be fine for Abdullahi Yusuf to be their leader?

Well, SL people crowned Riyaale (NSS Agent) as leader,


How about Riyaale as president of Somalia? I don’t mind, are you happy now?


Waad ogtahay in dhibaatada soomaaliyeed ka qoto dheer tahay yusuf ama riyaale


Ka waran hadii Somali loogu qabtu Hergeysa? taa maxaa hor taagan, ma yusuf iyo TFG


Waan hubaa in soomaali badan ka qeyb gali laheed



every pro TFG here knows how to sugar coat things

All nomads are same, to point the finger at only pro TFG group is entirely unfair, almost all of the nomads are unreasonable and they blindly support TFG, Somaliland or ICU


Red sea, noqo mid runta dhinac kasta ka sheega, Ileen Illaaha caadilka ah baa ina arkee, waana laga yaaba inaad isleedahay SOO MAAL qudhiisu maaha mid dhexdhaxaad ah oo dhinac kasta runta ka sheega


Wayahee Walaal maxaa diiday in runta laga hadlo?

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