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Website-yada Soomaalida iyo siday dadka u jahawareeriyaan

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two days ago iyo allpuntland oo ka hadlaysay in Laura Bush arrimaha Soomaaliya ka hadashay iyo midkaan hadda meydkii Itoobiyaankii Moode-Moode uga dhigay inay yihiin kuwo Gubta iyo Dayniile lagu diley.


Tolow goormaan dhibkaan ka baxaynaa?


Waxaan xasuustaa dad badan oo ku sirmay Khudbaddii C/llaahi Yuusuf ee hadda ka hor inta la isku aadiyey inta la soo geliyey.


Waa yaab ee tolow Soomaaliya waxba uma badbaadin ee ayaandarradaan maxay tahay?

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^^^^^ Ayaan darro indeed. Propaganda is a powerful tool saaxib. It works specially well when its targets already have preconceived notions of others and have suffered severe trauma in the recent past. For example, all a Puntlander needs to be reminded of are the atrocities committed against the Puntland clans in the South in the early nineties. Simply mentioning that will be enough for him (or her) to not only support the Ethiopian occupation but also to send troops to fight along the occupier.


Similarly, with enough vitriolic propaganda, some may be heartbroken and lose their senses with grief after "their" city is taken over by a clan not of the majority in that city all the while finding the occupation of neighboring cities by foreign invaders to be quite acceptable, even beneficial.


The same goes on in the breakaway region of Somaliland. The fraudulent call for secession would not have succeeded with the public had Afweyne not sent MiG's to bomb cities in the Northwest or set artillery in the hills to bomb heavily populated areas. A traumatized public is exceptionally susceptible to propaganda. Afweyne was the perfect excuse for anyone with wet dreams of secession to constantly remind the public of the disaster brought upon them. The South of Somalia is no different.


Of course, this is not unique to Somalia but happens everywhere. Remember the speech given by Colin Powell in early 2003 to "rally the nation and the world" behind the decision to invade Iraq. Immediately after that speech, just about every statement made in it was publicly found to be false yet the invasion went ahead as planned with nearly 70% of the US population in support. All that those in power needed to do is constantly remind the public of 9/11 and they could push through the most unimaginable legislation such as for war, curtailment of civil liberties, warrant-less wiretapping, etc..


Now, if you can convince the US public who has access to every imaginable source of information to support policies that are clearly against their best interest, what chance does an illiterate nomad have?

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I like this one best in which he claims are mourners of an Ethiopian Officer killed in Mogadishu when his body was returned to Addis.

Which in reality is Ethiopian Jews (Falasha) mourning one of their commarades killed in Israel in the war against Xisbullah.



and this is where he got the image from

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^^^^ Propaganda, as Somali websites are learning, does not have to be very good or even very professional. Even the rudimentary attempts at propaganda, some even laughable, are quite effective.


One trick is to use powerful imagery (such as in the picture above), however inaccurate or out of context it may be as long as it confirms or enhances previously established (false) beliefs.


The techniques of propaganda are many and some are more effective than others. Simply looking at this forum, SOL, you can see some of its manifestations. Of course, a little study and deeper analysis often shows the frauds being perpetrated. But not all of us want to see the truth. Some of us are quite happy living in the lies as long as our concocted realities are not disturbed.

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It hurts to say this but even SOL(forum) once an all somali website where sanity prevailed has become a propaganda source. It has become a place where people claiming to represent Somaliland and Puntland engage in venomous exchanges not by virtue of the art of arguments but by relaying news from tribal outlets. Waa suaale somaliddu ma waxay degantahay oo keli BUNTDLAND iyo SOMALILAND?


Meanwhile southern somalis suffers; Occassionaly someone fetches an article on the plight of southerners; you may find someone claiming to represent XXland (oh boy these nuts are proud to be XXXlanders!) finding justification for the rape, murder and abuses by the TFG on fellow somalis. The only reason for these evangelical hallelujahs (the TFG did this, did that) is because a punk that reigns from their region/tribe has been granted the "madaxweyne mar i dhaha" title, or that they see a chance for their tribe to "rule" a region (it is not unsual to see childish news from a village called city).


In the same light somalis in western somalia are massacred by Ethiopians and the reported incidents are thwarted by nasty forumers who see the reports as a threat to the TFG (sorry- the tribal government)


The jewell in the crown was when a so called prof - Geedi was appointed as the prime minister- When almost every good somali (there are a few of them on these boards)was reacting to the maiming of somalis. The tribalists were quick to rally behind Ali Geedi- he was mind you the PM of their president- and as such he should be supported. When it was later reported that Geedi and Abdullahi Yusuf were not on friendly terms these same people turned against him.


The "discussions" I beg your pardon- the tribal rants- sometimes are clearly directed at a few tribes (It is SOL- correct to hurl tribal hatred to southerners). I have read a few nasty threads disguised as news where some particular tribes are mentioned- and nothing is done about it. It is not uncommon for people to claim to have something against the IUC- but in real sense the message is based on tribe X.


Those of us who want to see a nation beyond the tribe have been given three options; 1) To join the buggers and in the process become voltures that feed on tribal xaar- and in the extention become victims of the stockholm syndrome! 2) to keep our fingers off the keyboard. 3) write a few lines now and then to satisfy wants.


What should be done to remedy? There are three alternatives;


a) Remove all censorship- and allow every kind of propaganda (it seems that the propaganda allowed is one sided)and you make SOL look like somalinet.


b) Please reinstate the SOL forum that we had 2 years ago!


c) rename the political forum; somaliland-puntland cyber attack web.


I am for b!


P.s I might have crossed the line as to what could be written on SOL- and I am willing to take the consequences- even if that means being banned from the forum- d.s

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"Simply looking at this forum, SOL, you can see some of its manifestations. Of course, a little study and deeper analysis often shows the frauds being perpetrated. But not all of us want to see the truth. Some of us are quite happy living in the lies as long as our concocted realities are not disturbed."


Afkaaga malab lagu shug- lafahaaga janno la geey akhi!

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Originally posted by Juje:

I like this one best in which he claims are mourners of an Ethiopian Officer killed in Mogadishu when his body was returned to Addis.

Which in reality is Ethiopian Jews (Falasha) mourning one of their commarades killed in Israel in the war against Xisbullah.



looooooooool...Juje ma aragtay! This is guy is nuts dad badan ayaana ku dhaca dabinkiisa oo aan ka warqabin. Waxaa sidoo kale la iiga sheekeeyey sida uu haddii uu rabo character assasination inuu kugu sameeyo oo his own research ugu sameeyo one's background. We are not just talking about Dayniile oo laba sadar inta soo qorto war deg deg ah ku sheegeyso balse nin raba inuu bahasha beenta ah cilmiyeeyo, Subxaanallaah.

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This is good propoganda me thinks!


quote:Ethiopia deploys more troops to Somalia

Publication time: 3 November 2007, 17:40


Ethiopia deployed more its occupation troops to the Somali capital on Saturday a day after the fighters of Islamic Courts paraded what they said were the bodies of three Ethiopian occupants in the streets of Mogadishu, witnesses said.




Six tanks and about 60 military trucks packed with troops were seen entering Mogadishu.


The deployment comes a day after Shabab, the armed wing of the main Somali Islamic movement, displayed the bodies of Ethiopian occupation troops they had killed in northern Mogadishu.




It was not clear whether the fresh deployment was linked to the display of bodies.




Ethiopian invaders have been venturing deeper into the streets of Islamic bastions in recent days in a bid to break the back of an insurgency that has plagued efforts to stabilise the puppet transitional government for months.




The Ethiopian occupation army came to the rescue of the e mbattled Somali puppet government last year to oust an Islamic fighters that briefly controlled large parts of the country and sought to impose Islamic law.


The Islamic Courts Union was swiftly defeated earlier this year, but its remnants and allied tribes have since waged a guerrilla war against their enemies.


Kavkaz Center

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Waagacusub kan iska soo qoro, hebel Daahir Culusoow la yiraahdo, waa horaa idiin sheegay, qashinkiis ninkii aaminaa waalan. Ninkii yiri sarkaal Xabashi shan mar madaxa iska toogtay. Ninkii yiri cunug 12 jir ah oo yar Hargeysa ka yimid ayaa Xamar lagu qabtay dagaaladii asagoo dagaalamaayo.



Kii $$ u taabto ayuu daneyaa, he absolutely has no mowqif iyo aragti.


But that site is not alone. Qashinkiis kuwa badan ayaa la wadaago, and I don't blame kuwa shabakooyinkaas leh. I believe their gullible, give-me-anything poor readers.

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

^what is this for?


Taariikh bay ka taagan tahay ......... aniga iyo intii ila filka ahayd uun baana garanayna :D



Xidigo, U drove that same car ?? ,, cashuurtii ma iska bixisay ?? :D

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