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The legendry SYL myth.

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Surely SYL were great men who tried thair best to free their people from the oppresion of colony, but I always saw many somalis exagirate their effort and rising them to a sainthood and untouchable heros, but are they not the main cause of distroying the dream of Somliweyn by choosing the Italians rather han the British to govern us for 10 years in 1950. as we know the British promised us to return Ogadeeenia and NFD to Somalis if we choose them, but SYL made a killing mistake by choosing the greasy Italians.

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Forget about the past mistakes, lets concentrate on bringing Somalia back to normal, then from there we can progress to other regions currently held by foreign countries!



canjeerada sidey u kala korreysaa loo kala qaadaa

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At least they did their best and made a history.



Alshabaab of that time (great ones) and Alshabaab of today (the barbarians) ...... shows big difference.

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Jb don't know when to fart or when to let things be. It is moronic to compare Al-Shabaab and SYL since the context, history and even outcome are not the same.

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Moonlight, firstly the syl didn't transfer power to italy they transferred power to the united nation which agreed that from 1950-1960 is a transitional period where somalia will be heading to indepedence.


For those 10 years somalia was trusteship and were being groomed to run the state affairs. SYL didn't want to sign another agreement to be colony of britain lol, they just got what they wanted which was to be indepedent after that 10 year transitional period period and if they did end up signing to britain that would be sell out to their policies which was ANTI COLONIAL!!!


The SYL policy was always "greater somalia"

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learn your history sxb, bringing the 5 regions in the horn together was opposed by 3 Nations, USA, Soviet Union and Ethiopia.

Ofcourse it was initially supported by the SYL, it was in the interests of all the Somali parties and the representatives that were with the Brits. In fact even when the idea was confronted by those nations unlike the Britain and the other Somali parties who stopped caring; SYL pursued it.

The idea to bring the 5 regions together ultimately collapsed because 1) Three influential nations were opposed to it

2) THe British werent interested enough and didnt want to risk Damaging relations with Haille Selassies Ethiopia who helped them against the Fascists.


I must admit the British were better at state building then the Italians, but at the time who couldve trusted after they betrayed the ******is, fought the Darwish, Betrayed the NEP citizens and prioritized relations with Commonwealth Kenya rather than the act on the interests and welfare of the Somali citizens in those regions.


The early 1960s Somalia was supposed to be a greatly difficult time as we had adapt to industrial world, but despite all the obstacles and dirty politics that surrounded these men guuided the nation through and acted on the interests of the Somali people and while most of our famillies were nomads.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Jb don't know when to fart or when to let things be.

Miyaad yara kabbatay saaka waa maxay caydu xaaji ,,,



Comparison comes from the name adeer ,,, Youth is English while Shabaab is Arabic ,,, they both involve in the Somali politics and history ,,, one in 1943 and the other one in 2010 .....

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So, sheekada waxee kusoo dhoob dhoobantahay miyaa gumeysidoonkii Ingiriiska ahaa ayaa kan Talyaaniga ka fiicnaa?


Maxaa la iska hadlaa. Horta taariiqda soo aqri, markaas waxaan camal lasoo shir tag.


Dhacdadii Dhagaxtuur iyo halganimadii Xaawo Taako ka biloow taariiqda aqriskeeda iyo sida SYL ugu soo horjeedeen guud ahaanba gumeysidoonka, siiba Talyaaniga.


Haddaa Ingiriis moodayna in uu dhaamo Talyaani NFD xoog ugu daray Kenya, ilaa haddana xoog ku heystaan. Xataa aftiga Soomaalida dega dhulkaas laga qaaday ma xishmeen, whose vast majority did choose to reunite with their brethren in Soomaali Republic.

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