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General Duke

Damn the secessionists their lies: a few questions lads

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Originally posted by Castro:

^ Don't mention it.

You know,I have never said something absurd in SOL. Perhaps,one of these days i should.


*Had to write something to update the killer quote* icon_razz.gif

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I understood the argument for peace keepers but a full invasion by Ethiopia is nonsical, who will get them out? I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad..


If this happens the TFG is finished


Duke,July 19th 2006


^^ :D:D


A rare utterance from Duke indeed!

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So the TFG is finished right? We are dealing with Amxaaro now. Join the fight 'former traitors' :D . Dambi dhaaf, sidii Qanyare, shacabka weydiista smile.gif .

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Originally posted by General Duke:

I understood the argument for peace keepers but a full invasion by Ethiopia is nonsical,
who will get them out?
I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad..


If this happens the TFG is finished


Duke,July 19th 2006

The thoroughbreds my boy. Have no fear. They have your honor and ours in their hands.


Long live the resistance.

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Al Burcaawi, awoowe I agree with Duke in saying that there is conflict of interest between secessionsts' end goals and what Al Shabaab have in mind. If you can reconcile these two diametrically opposing objectives awoowe I am all ears.

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I must applaud the courage of Caurow Jr compared to the lackluster and timid responses one has come to expect from the rest of the secessionists. However he has tended to show lack of information however like Ronald Reagan once said


"I will not make age an issue …………... I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience,"

I will try my best to keepna stright face while responding to you saxib.


Now in summary


The secessionist are not only hypocrites they are confused.


Mujahid Cayrow Jr you support whole heartedly and without doubt a secessionists movement which is historically based on the colonial experience. A colonial legacy which included Christian missionaries and racial mistreatment of the locals, the colonies greatest challenge came from a religious leader who is a hate figure amongst secessionist’s circles. The fallacy of the religious arguments today, while the whole Somaliland project is based on the value the clans think they gained from the “benevolent” British rule.


Today [the junta which is pushing to make this secessionist dream a reality is led by former Siyad Barre goons, members of a regime your own myths state you have fought and is the reason for seceding.


Adeer, the last point here that defeats your whole agenda is the name you carry and the secessionist’s project. You support your leader Riyaale’s open embrace of the US and his plea to them to open a base in Berbera similar to the one they have in Djibouti. You support this and believe it will give you an advantage. Yet you carry a the name of a fallen soldier of Al Shabaab who was taken out by the US military. Thus you love Cayrow & his enemies? ;)


How do you reconcile these desperate and opposing facts?


The rest I will respond to in dues time.



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Castro et al


I do fear the Ethiopians more than any warlord and any Somali actors. A 70 million population and a tough organized army is something to take into account.


Also one must ask serious questions especially of the position one holds. My stance is based on reason and logic and not burdinternational law, the needs of the country and the interest of the


The answer to my question was The UN Security Council, the AU and the international have since then made clear that the Ethiopians involvement is no more than the Ugandan’s, Burundians, Rwandans and other AU nations. Also the US and other powers are involved and thus guarantee my states sovereignty.


Nice try though.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Castro et al


I do fear the Ethiopians more than any warlord and any Somali actors. A 70 million population and a tough organized army is something to take into account.


Also one must ask serious questions especially of the position one holds. My stance is based on reason and logic and not burdinternational law, the needs of the country and the interest of the


The answer to my question was The UN Security Council, the AU and the international have since then made clear that the Ethiopians involvement is no more than the Ugandan’s, Burundians, Rwandans and other AU nations. Also the US and other powers are involved and thus guarantee my states sovereignty.


Nice try though.

Before you know,you will say something completely opposite of this one year from now.


But,I,the anti-thesis of Duke,on behalf of all sensible people,will Inshallah ALLAH quote you on this and use it in my signatures one year from now. :D

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Again Farax brown comes rushing in delighting himself in showing yet again his limited understanding of the issue at hand.

Can you read? The Duke was showing concern for an Ethiopian invasion of his country. The fact of the matter is the Ethiopians have not invaded, annexed Somalia. They came to the side of the legitimate government of the country; they have exchanged diplomats and have given military support. This to counter the Eritrean support given to the opposition.


Again Farax Brown as I have said, you are not a big player here. Indeed you are a mere pawn being used by the likes of the secessionist who wants your clan to pay the price for their ambition.


I am also falttered that you place such effort and accord respect to the Dukes numerous messages on SOL. Keep it up.


What happened to the Mujahids?

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I am also falttered that you place such effort and accord respect to the Dukes numerous messages on SOL. Keep it up

I will keep it up. Its not flattering,its Flattening your filthy lies. Respect is not,rebuking you it is. Numerous messages its not,Nacnac it is.


Anywhuu,Lets talk in say 2months,in which time the Ethiopians will commit genocide and you start a topic about how Castro is a she-male or something like that.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Al Burcaawi, awoowe I agree with Duke in saying that there is conflict of interest between secessionsts' end goals and what Al Shabaab have in mind. If you can reconcile these two diametrically opposing objectives awoowe I am all ears.

Awoow, the ICU/Asmara group/Al Shabaab have the best interests of Somalia at heart whereas the TFG doesn't. One has more respect for the former however imperfect they may be. When it comes down to finally sitting down and thrashing out a deal one hopes to sit down with reasoned, principaled men and not sell their mother warlords. Having said that, when one chooses right from wrong, none of that comes into play.

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Lool. Adeer Farax why are you getting angry? Calm down, chill a little.

You remind me of your hapless leaders who make boasts start wars and then run, who hide behind child soldiers and use civilian homes as launching pads for their mortars and then they have you to sing about “victory” and then when they loose you are first to mention “genocide”.

It’s a simple as cause and effect; the people had their homes, their lives when the clowns ran away to Asmara adeer.


But again I am talking to Farax Brown, a good fellow though ill informed.

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