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Somalia: TFG Leadership Rift over Galkacyo Agreement

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omalia: TFG Leadership Rift over Galkacyo Agreement


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The Puntland State of Somalia has warned the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) against failing to honour the agreement signed by the TFG prime minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke and Puntland president, Abdirahman Farole in Galkacyo in August. The warning comes in the wake of an agreement signed by the Somali Minister Fisheries, Abdirahman Ibbi and Djibouti minister of Transport, Ali Hassan Bahdoon, this week.


The new agreement will make Djibouti the centre of anti-piracycampaign. The Puntland leadership warned against any attempt to sack the Somali prime minister. It is not secret that power struggle has erupted between the Somali president Sheikh Sharif and his prime minister. President Sharif banks on the expanded Parliament to be able sack the prime minister in the same way that the former Transitional National Government president Abdiqasim Salad Hassan sacked his prime minister Ali Khalif Galaydh in 2002. Unlike Ali Khalif Galaydh, the TFG prime minister, Omar Abdirahshid Sharmarke, enjoys support in his powerbase, Puntland, and has put a lot of effort into convincing the Puntland leadership that the TFG can be serious about federalism although the Sharia law was passed without any consultation with autonomous administrations.


“Power struggle is not good news for the Somali president and the prime minister. It will be interpreted as a repeat of the messy power struggles that affected the work of the TFG from 2005 to 2008” says Ali Ahmed , a Galkacyo based Somali journalist.


In a article in Christian Science Monitor Alexander Noyes and Richard Bennet, research associates at the Council on Foreign Relations “argue that Washington should cease direct military aid to Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government, work with regional partners to cut supply lines to the insurgency, and encourage negotiations between the TFG and the Islamist insurgent group al Shabab.”


The absence of benchmark against which to assess the work of the TFG has dissuaded the TFG leadership from starting debate on ways to restore popular trust in federal institutions. Devising a benchmark is not a simple task. Gradually the international community is taking steps to address contradictions in its Somalia policy: financing a transitional government with no governance record at the expense institution building efforts by autonomous regions.


What will happen if Puntland withdraws support for the TFG?


If Puntland-TFG working partnership breaks down, President Sharif may be forced to make peace with the insurgents from a weaker position. The African Union and the United Nations Somali Office will reexamine their approaches to working with the TFG. The TFG has always relied on the support of the international community to pressure its ‘partners’ or opposition into accepting the ‘TFG legitimacy’. The TFG president prefers putting all resources in the TFG coffers whereas the prime minister opts for sharing resources between the TFG and autonomous regions as a trust-building exercise. That is why the Somali president backed the Minister of Fisheries for signing an agreement that violated the letter and the spirit of the Galkacyo agreement. The rift within the TFG leadership is a public relations blow of which the insurgents can take advantage.


Liban Ahmad

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According to Rashid this is not true...



Sharmake oo difacey heshiis uu la galey Puntland

15 Sep 15, 2009 - 5:15:21 AM




Ra'iisul wasaraha Somalia Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma'arke ayaa difaacay heshiiskii uu lasoo galay maamulka Puntland isagoo sheegay inuusan burburin, isla markaana aysan waxba iska quseyn kii dhawaan ka dhacay Jabuuti.


Sharma'arke, wuxuu sheegay in heshiiskii Puntland uu ahaa mid xarumo ciidan looga sameynayo gobolkaas oo nabadoon, sida rugta ciidamada badda ee la dagaalamaya burcadbadeeda dhibaatada ka haysa biyaha Somalia.


"Heshiiskii Puntland lagu gaaray waa la meel marinayaa ma jirto cid diiday iyo cid diidi karta, waayo wuxuu ahaa mid qaatay waqti dheer, heshiiskii uu saxiixay C/raxmaan Ibbi ma ahan mid ka horimaanaya heshiiskaas" ayuu yiri Sharma'arke.


Dowladda Somalia iyo Maamulka Puntland ayaa [Aug 2009] heshiis ku kala saxiixday Magaalada Gaalkacyo kaasoo ay ka mid ahaayeen in wafdiyada dowlada Somalia ay xubno ku lahaato Puntland, sidoo kalena deeqaha ay DF helo qayb laga siiyo.


"Ma jiro qodob ka mid ahaa heshiiskaas oo weli la fuliyay, waxaanse socda dadaalo lagu doonayo in lagu meel mariyo" ayuu yiri Sharma'arke, wuxuuna meesha ka saaray inay jiraan khilaafyo u dhexeeya isaga iyo Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif.


Saxiixii dalka Jabuuti ka dhacay ee ay ka qaybgaleen Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif iyo Wasiiro, ayuu ku sheegay inuusan ahayn heshiis, balse uu ahaa xiriir iskaashi oo lagula dagaalamayo burcadbadeedda kaasoo ay wada dhigteen 8-dal oo ay Somalia ku jirto.


Dhanka kale, wuxuu ka gaabsaday inuu ka hadlo duqyentii shalay lagu dilay sarkaal ay Mareykanku si weyn u doonayeen oo lagu magacaabo Saalax Cali Saalax [Nebhan] oo u dhashay dalka Kenya, kaasoo toogteen ciidamo aad ah u tababaran.


Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay inay jiraan wadahadalo u dhexeeya dowlada iyo kooxaha kasoo horjeeda, isagoo xusay in ururka Xisbul Islam ay wadahadalo hoose u socdaan, kuwaasoo lagu dhamenayo khilaafka.

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Salaam Xiin,


According to people close to the both offices of Pres and PM there are no issues between the two offices regarding this matter!.



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^^^Sophist, if anyone tells you there is no rift then they are either dumb or pretending to be.

The tensions are quite high and on the Puntland site of things people are pissed with Ibbi & his attacks on the state.




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GD adigu sideedaad tense isaga ahayd, and I assume you are talking on behalf of yourself when you say it is tense on Puntland side. Laakin, now we are firing on the same side. Sheikh Hotel is useless tribalist.

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Wasiirka K.Kh.Badda ee DFKGS C/rixmaan Ibi oo wareysi u siiyay VOA si xaqiiqada ka fog uga warbixiyay heshiiskii Jabuuti ayaa waxaa Jawaab ka bixiyay Wasiirka D. iyo A.F. ee Puntland
Dr.Abdi Jimaale



Obviously there is no problem with two opposing & contradictory agreements. :D

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IBBI is nothing but a fraudulent person; his days are numbered!. Ninkaan in la isku mashquuliyo maba aha!. Anigu arinkaan maqley Duke waxa weeye in dhibaato eyna ka dhex jirin Shariif iyo Sharmaake!.




Liban Ahmed editorial uu comments kabixinayo ayuu qorey. Wuxuu kahadlayaa waxa ey saxaafaduhu ey qoreen oo kali ah.



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^^^Sophist, if Ibbi does not have the support of the Sharif why is he making all this noise?


Also the delegation that recently went to Djibouti included both Sharif's and Ibbi. Thus it makes no sense to say he is nothing, yet is confident of what he is doing.


The problem is not Sharif Hotel he is irrelevent, a man with no strategy. The problem is the presdient of Djibouti thats a man with a plan.

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Ibbi soo ma ahan ninkii in public ka yiri nin ka tirsan tfgdii hore ee geedi iyo c/ yusuf. nin xildhibaan ah ayaa naagtiisa ku yiri nin ethopian ah ayaa ku caashaqay ee caawa la seexo. It is recorded in video in youtube. Dr.Abdi Jimaale waa nin hadaladiisa ka fiirsaday maba aheen inuu xataa u jawaabo ibbi. Wuxuu ku leeyahay ma aheen heshiis lol waa confused man.

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