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Inaa lilaahi Wa inaa Ilayhi Rajicuun, Somali hero dies at the age of 99 years

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Former Somali President Adam Abdulle Osman's death confirmed...


Alaha Ha Unaxiirto Janadii Fardowsana Haka waraabiyo, Eheladiisana Samir iyo Iimaan Ilaah hakasiiyo.



The News:


NAIROBI: ALLAHA u naxariistee Madaxweyne Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan oo galabta ku geeriyooday Magaalada Nairobi

Posted to the Web Jun 08, 18:57



Nairobi (PP) - ALLAHA u naxariistee Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan ayaa ku geeriyooday galabta Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, waxaana sidaa u xaqiijiyay saxaafadda ehelladiisa.


Madaxweynihii 1960-1976-dii ee Soomaaliya Mudane Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan oo galabta ku geeriyooday Nairobi ayaa ku jiray isbitaal ku yaalla Magaaladaas, kaddib markii ay xanuun aad u daran uu la soo gudboonaaday, waxaana Madaxweyne Aadan Cabdulle dhawaan lagu xiray qalabka wadna dhaqaaqiisa Ilaaliya.


Marxuum Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan ayaa ku dhintay da'da 99-sano jir, waxaaan uu dhashay 1908-dii isagoo ku dhashay Gobolka Hiiraan, waxaana uu talada dalka Soomaaliya qabtay 1960-kii markaasoo ay Soomaaliya ka xorowday gumeystayaashii Ingiriiska iyo Talyaaniga oo kala haysatay koonfurta Soomaaliya iyo Waqooyiga Soomaaliya, waxaana uu noqday Madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee Soomaaliya.


Aadan Cabdulle ayaa ka mid ahaa madaxdii aasaasay Ururka Midowga Afrika, waxaana uu ka mid ahaa Madaxda 6-da oo ay Soomaaliya ka mid tahay oo ururka Midowga Afrika ku aasaasay Magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia iyadoo halkaasna xarun looga dhiga, waxaana xubnaha la aasaasay ka mid ahaa: Madaxweynihii Masar ee xiligaas Jamaal Cabdulnaasir iyo Boqorkii Ethiopia Haile Salase.


Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan in lagu wado in Maydka Madaxweyne Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan loo soo qaado dalka Soomaaliya, oo lagu aaso halkaas, waxaana uu ahaa tan iyo intii uu ka dagay xilka Madaxweynenimo ganacsade Beeraley ah oo beer uu ku leeyahay Janaale beerta.


Geerida Aadan Cabdulle ayaa waxaa tacsi u diray ehelladii Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisul Wasaarihiisa Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo xubnaha kale ee Dowladda, waxaana sidoo kale tacsi u diraya ehelladiisa dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed oo dhan.


Bahda Puntlandpost ayaa waxay dhankooda tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirayaan ehelladii iyo qaraabadii uu ka dhintay Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya iyo guud ahaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo ay uga tacsiyeynayaan Geerida Naxdinta leh ee Aadan Cabdulle.INNAA LILLAAHI WA INNAA ILEYHI RAAJICUUN


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Allah uu naxaaristo...ehelediisana samir iyo iman Allah ka siiyo.

The end of an icon, legend and a benchmark for any individual who wants in uu Soomaalida wax uu qabto.


Can I ask my fellow SOL nomads, in respect of the demise of our first President Aden Cadde (Allah uu Naxaariste) no to post any more threads ...except this condolence thread - for the next 24 hours - I pray and hope you will support me..thank you




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Allaha unaxariisto our 1st president.

First president of Somalia dies

Aden Abdulle Osman

Mr Osman was a well-respected elder statesman

Somalia's first president, Aden Abdulle Osman, has died aged 99 in a Kenyan hospital where he had been in a coma.



Aden Abdulle Osman

Mr Osman was a well-respected elder statesman


He was also the first African leader to voluntarily relinquish his post after he lost the 1967 presidential election - Somalia's last democratic poll.


Siad Barre seized power two years later and since he was ousted in 1991 rival warlords have fought for control.


Mr Osman was a well-respected leader and emerged as an elder statesman in attempts to establish lasting peace.


His family says he was very unhappy with the current crisis and his dream was to see Somalia attain peace and stability.


Mr Osman rose to prominence as a nationalist politician in the 1950s.


He was elected head of state when the former British and Italian Somali colonies joined to form the Republic of Somalia in 1960.


Some Somali leaders have remembered him as a simple, down-to-earth person.

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H.E. Aden Abdullah Osman was born at Belet Weyne (Hiran Region). After receiving education at State Schools, he acquired administrative experience in Government oficies.


He subsequently devoted himself to his own business. In Febraury 1944, he joined the Somali Youth Club (subsequently called Somali Youth League), became a member of the party's steering board and in 1946 was appointed Secreatry of the Belet Weyne section of the party.


In 1951 the Regional Council of Mudug designated him for the Territorial Council on which he served uninterruptedly (up to February 1956) as the representative of the S.Y.L.


In 1953 he was appointed Vice-President of the Territorial Council. In 1954 he became the President of the Somali Youth League and remained office untill 1956. Re-elected to the same position in May 1958, he occupied this post simultaneously with the post of the President of the Legislative Assembly until 1st July 1960.


In 1956, when the Territorial Council was replaced by Legislative Assembly, he was elected member of the National Assembly for Belet Weyne District at the general political elections, and in meantime the Legislative Assembly appointed him its President.


In the 1959 general political elections, he was again elected member of the National Assembly, which again appointed him Presedent. He maintained this post when the Legislative Assembly was converted into the Consituent Assembly.


In his capacity as President of the Constituent Assembly, on 1st July 1960, he proclaimed the Independence of the Somali Republic and following the unification of the northern and southern territories - former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. The National Assembly chose him as Provisional President of the Republic for period of 1 year, and in 1961 re-elected him to the same mandate for 6 years.


He devoted his interest to legal, social and economic studies. Besides Somali, he speaks Italian, English and Arabic.


According to the Constitution of the Republic, the out-going President enjoyed life-membership of the Somali National Assembly (Article 51, paragraph 4).


Muse Kulow

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