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Tacadiyo Fool Xun Oo Ciidamada Maamulka La Baxay SL Ku Hayaan Shacabka Laascaaanood

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Falal waxshinimo ah ayaa wararku sheegayaan inay ku kacaan ciidamada Maamulka labaxay Somaliland ee ku sugan Jiidaha Magaaalada Laascaanoo.



Warar ka soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in Afar kamid ah ciidamada maamulka la baxay Somaliland ee Dibada ka jooga magaalada Laascaanood ay ku kaceen falal si wayn ay uga soo horjeesteen shacabka Magaaalada Laascaanood.


Falkaas oo ah iyagoo kufsi u gaystey gabadh umula oo u dhalatay magaalada Laascaanood, isla markaana ah dadka degan aagaga ay ciidamadi deganyihiin.



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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

waxaasi wa beenti khusuusiga , laascanood maalin ay ka fiicantahay maanta ma jirto

Becare for blindly supporting illegal millitia by nullifying a victim's inflicted personal pain.

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Ciidanka qarranka iyo ciidanka boolisku amaanka magaalada iyo dalka iyo dadka shicibka bey ka ilaalinayan cadaw kasta uu dibad kaga yimada. Inay shacabkooda wax yeelan haba ka yaabin sxb

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A_khadar, be grateful that las anod is under somaliland infact it's better now then when it was under puntland, somaliland bought peace and development compared to puntland which use to just rob your resources and taxes and bring nothing in return so becareful what you say.

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Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

At the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.

Mansa, I'm sure you remember Ismail's experience on how Somalis have a habit of not coming to the rescue of each other, under the delusion that injustice far off their clan's territory might not reach or affect them later. As MLK said, 'injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere.'

"Somaliland" aggression and colonial-type behavior will only kill its image of peace and of a community who went through similar experiences. And this will also make reer SSC stronger in their resolve to remain united with their brethrens...

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Nassir, maybe sool wants to be treated like a colony since they are confused in which direction to go nor taking part of major politics , but i say somaliland is the way to go rather then the corrupt pirate state of the north east.

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^ ^ You two Sacad and Xaaji, it's clear that you're standing with your militia thugs and you support them with any kind of crimes they commit against Sool community. Stop beating the bushes with your lame arguments of we brought peace this and development that. That is a hypocrite. It's well known and documented what you brought to LA. Your militia turned upside down to a booming city and now that city of Las-anod is ghost town. If that was your ill concealed agend, job well done.


The topic here we have is about a women just bore a baby and your militia raped her and you still supporting their actions. Ooh Allah kuwina caadi maaha caqligoodu..

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Hadii wararakan jiraan ilaahay ba ka abaal marinaya qofka waxaas u geystay qof umul ah. waa wax laga naxo...


With that been said sool, sanag, and cayn will be freed from the occupation soon enough.


Saado's words "dulmi diidow dulmi doon ha noqon" is what somaliland folks must heed.


and you know what they say "a kingdom founded on injustice never lasts"...



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A_Khadar, i just think your people are making up all those lies to incite hatred between the people of somaliland, we have discussed this before and it's well known nobody is oppressing the people of sool, it's only the diaspora who make up those lies in their websites in the hope of creating instability in somaliland, wixi raban ini daadka isku diraan and don't really know the situation backhome.

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

A_Khadar, i just think your people are making up all those lies to incite hatred between the people of somaliland, we have discussed this before and it's well known nobody is oppressing the people of sool, it's only the diaspora who make up those lies in their websites in the hope of creating instability in somaliland, wixi raban ini daadka isku diraan and don't really know the situation backhome.

Diaspora people are among the people from these regions, and they have every right to voice up their concerns as you do day in and day out by bombarding us the secessionists’ agenda while discounting what many in Hargysa or Burco want? Therefore, mentioning the SSC Diaspora involvements is a cheap argument which undermines your point.

Plus no one from SSC needs Somaliland wherever they may be abroad or back home, but just few thugs acting their own self interest brought you in. Again this argument of LA people want Somaliland is another hopeless case.


For this issue at hand, you and your clanmate Xaaji should at least recognize the violations if the story is true or do favor for yourself and keep silence as many of SL die heart did. However you both chose to support your militia regardless of the reported story by swiftly portraying as it’s a fabricated story and claiming your thugs are clean like angles who commit NO crimes whatsoever.


I see many of you secessionists here need rehab. This going no where project is knocking you down big time.. God may help you.

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A_Khadar, the somaliland diaspora do not advocate for war, but rather peace and development, i can't say the same about the supposed diaspora of kusuusi, they know if they incite hatred and violence who will suffer the most so if i was them i would be taking careful steps and not let their emotionals drive them instead using their brains, take for example many reer sool are very clueless and confused and accuse somaliland of things they didn't do, but yet those who robbed them broaddaylight(puntland) they don't speak about them much which is why i said those diaspora are biased and cuqdad ridden and don't know whats best for them.

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