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Faysal Ali Warabe Outburst At North-East Somalia. (Audio)

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In your little fantasy world, one has to realize that if the south stabilize, get their act together and refuse to give in to SL independence request, how will the world see, whoever is sitting in mogadisho, a leader who can't even step in some part of "his country"? A leader in mogadisu cant step in hargeysa as a self proclaimed leader of SLder.


Now if you're saying that:


A- the south is bigger than the Sl; yes and

B- the south has more population than Sl; yes but not that much


therefore we will do whatever we want to them, then my friend thats where you're gravely mistaken. The SNA, who had more power and more military capabilities than what Somalia has right now were thrown out of the region and yet here you are indulging yourself as a hard-headed kid who never learn his history lesson. Military wise the south and the north are practically on the same length (where did you got that fictional 4000 soldiers of SL by the way?) &(im not speaking right now where its SL that has the upper hand but rather im speaking in the future with a stable somalia)and yet here you are thinking that you could do the same thing that your uncle (AUN) failed miserably to do.



At the end of the day, the same way that eritrea achieve their independence that SL will achieve theirs but whats different this time for SL is that both regions (north and south) are almost equally the same when it comes to population wise and military capabilities. Aniga i wouldnt be surprise that garowe will be siege if war starts

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Landish the north has the least populated areas of somalia. I dont even compare the south with the north because for example look at jabuti without the south they are insignificant on the world platform. Hargeisa won't be no different.


Secondly you made mention of recognizing somaliland and how bad it will look for the president of somalia who cant step foot in hargeisa. Well last time I checked hargeisa was allied with addis ababa and so is the somalian president and meles will quickly get hargeisa into line. Why I say that? Well meles recognizes 1 somalia only and he even makes sure the hargeisa click are represented in the tfg. So buddy again you have no argument.


Lastly you talked about miltiary strength and how the snm defeated siyad barre, if that was true then why didn't you defeat him straight away why did it take till aideed stepped into the nation?


Siyad barre was being attacked from two fronts and thats only reason he lost, when he was being attacked from 1 front he never lost and was always in the nation and your so called snm heros were on ethiopian border doing hit and runs.


And as for the south and north military capabilities. Just look at the economy of the south $5 billion without a govt and just based on trade of livestock and small industries.


Population wise? If hargeisa is 5 million the south will be 10 times the size of the north and you can see from how the tfg share power who is influential and who is not. Remember this tfg is not fairy tales like ur merfish govt, this tfg is monitored by the international community and therefore RECOGNIZED.


Go and take a look at how much seats u get as clan and that just again proves how insignificant u r in somalia in terms of population/wealth/military.


Sxb manta ma ahan malin been laysku sheegayo. Just 1 sub clan of usc can take down all of hargeisa or 1 subclan of d-block and people already know this and therefore when the dust settles in hamar which is alot more important then hargeisa as the whole world prefer dead hamari then living merfish qowdhan shows again how insignificant u r the world. Its quite sad that dead guy in hamar has more worth then u whilst u r living in peace, imagine when that dead guy in hamar gets peace? your people wont be seen on the radar and infact today u r not seen whilst the south is warzone!!!


Get used dadku way kala qiimo weyn yahin and the sooner u accept it the better!!!

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