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Muslim Americans say they will flex political muscle in 2004

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Rahima, I don't know the real nomad stats in the states. If I have to guess there are about 200,000. Of these about 30,000 have citizenship. It is an educated guess and I could be wrong.


Ohio and Minnesota nomads can make a big difference if they take their civic duty seriously enough and vote for Kerry. Needless to say, I don't like Bush's policies. Kerry is the lesser evil in many ways.


As to the US media, they are very biased. So biased that they are blowing each other's covers. Liberal media vs. Conservative activism is the buzz word among the shouting pundits. If you are not informed, well-rounded, avid reader and objective person, waa laguu yaabaa.


I haven't voted yet but I will when I get off the work this afternoon.


Aamiinta ducadiyo,

Alla bariga mooyee,

Arrin kale ma heynee!


Aamiinta ducadaa,

Aamiinta ducadaa,

Aaaaamiinta ducada,

iigu soo dadaala!


Mooge-led waaberi political song for 1967 election. He was *****ing for A/rashiid Ali Sharmaake. Implicit in these lyrics, is the frustration and the lack of political muscle he felt at the time. Thus appealing to the higher authority for intervention. Same here...I'm feeling this one folks :D

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Of these about 30,000 have citizenship

:eek: We don't even have that many nomads in the whole country let alone citizens.


Anyway we all await the results, Australia and Howard are after all the puppy dogs of America and Bush.

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Originally posted by Baashi:



As to the US media, they are very biased. So biased that they are blowing each other's covers. Liberal media vs. Conservative activism is the buzz word among the shouting pundits. If you are not informed, well-rounded, avid reader and objective person, waa laguu yaabaa.

I'm curious as to what you consider to be liberal media in the US? (besides radio america that is)


Walahi I think the muslim political advocacy groups in the USA are a sad bunch. In 2000 they were allergic to anything democratic because senator Joseph Liberman (zionist) was Al Gore's running mate, they mostly voted in favour of Bush. Which entails the support of extremely conservative ideals, and oh yeah and remember the poor folks? perhaps like the somali ppl living in the US, if these "muslims" had bothered to try and understand the republican ideology they would have came to the conclusion that the little people were going to be trampled upon; including palestinians on foreign policy issues. But of course they fell for the cowboys rhetoric and matter a fact I met a top PLO negotiator recently who also happens to be a US citizen, he informed us that the great majority of palestinian-americans were dubbed "conservatives" and voted for Bush overwhelmingly in 2000. I don't see how you can call yourself a political conservative one minute, and the next minute ask of the conservative leadership that you just so happen to help elect to power to act in a "liberal" manner. It simply doesn't make sense. I can respect Bush for staying true to his conservative base, but what I don't respect is these arab-americans who seem to be having an Identity crisis and are taking the poor somali community along for the ride. If Bush wins tonight, I hope they inact the Patriot act part 3, so all you skinnies can run to Canada and experience real democracy :D .

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^^And he did win as far as I'm concerned. Bush won in popular vote as well as the electoral college. Waa iska xaal aduun! Kerry should concede cuz as things stand now, he has little chance to turn the tide in his favor. The political pundits, after crunching the numbers, were saying Kerry has to overcome a "statistical fact" for him to claim victory.


If Bush wins tonight, I hope they inact the Patriot act part 3, so all you skinnies can run to Canada and experience real democracy

:D Beware Canada! skinnies are coming to borrow the phrase 'Reds are coming'


As to what I consider "liberal media", that I say all the TV Networks and most cables news except Fox TV are liberal in my book. The papers are lil different as there are many reputable conservative ones such as Wall Street Journat, Washignton Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.


I consider them liberal because they are in fact liberal in social and economic issues except Fox wich is conservative across the board. Fox serves as a conduit for conservative activist, it promotes its books, and hires partisan conservative talk radio personalities as its anchors.


One thing they all have in common is that they are all on the same page when it comes to the foreign policy. In that regard they are hwaks as they were beating the drums for this war in Iraq.


As to the Muslims' support for Bush in 2000, I agree they were naive to think Bush/Cheney ticket was the lesser evil. But at the time, Bush seemed to be simple and humble guy. If you remember, he was against America acting as the world cop. He was against what he called foreign entanglements. He was for "humility" in American foreign policy. He was against "nation-building". He was against homosexuality. And so on. You can see why Muslims considered him the better choice at the time. Foreign policy trumps everything for the Muslims in America.


What a night! Despite democrats' rhetoric that "every vote will be counted", it is over. Sad but true.

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7 of 9,

Yes and No. Yes according to the numbers. No because there are three states that have not certified the final tally. Ohio seems to be another Florida.


Kerry is expected to concede in 2 hours because he has no realistic chance to overcome the presidents lead in Ohio. Math simply did not add up.


Yes it is over and Bush has won.

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I'm extremely disappointed :mad:

I went to sleep thinking Kerry would go after those provicial (s/p?)votes (democrats led us to believe there was 250,000 unaccounted votes in Ohio) why haven't they?

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^^ Last I checked, Bush was leading by about 130,000 or so votes, and the provisional ballots were believed to be around 135-170,000? Even when those ballots are counted, we can't expect Kerry to get over 90% of those votes!, it's 4 more years!

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Howard is back.

Bush is back.

Now all we need is for Blair to be re-elected then we can truly call it a wonderful day :D


What a wonderful world I see trees of green, red roses tooI see them bloom from me and you But I think to myself what a wonderful world

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