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UWSLF leader, members to hold discussion with residents, elders

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Front leader, members to hold discussion with residents, elders


Thursday, 06 May 2010


Dawud Mohammed Ali Gode, May 6 (WIC) – Leader and members of the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF), who agreed to abide by the Ethiopian constitution and operate peacefully after 18 years of armed struggle, on Wednesday arrived at Gode town to hold discussion with residents and elders.


UWSLF Leader, Sheik Ibrahim Mohammed, and members of the Front were welcomed by Chief Administrator of the Somali State, Dawud Mohammed Ali, at Gode Airport.


Dawud on the occasion said the door is open for any group who aspires to operate legally, peacefully and in accordance with the Ethiopian constitution.


He said UWSLF’s decision to operate peacefully will help government’s efforts to bring about peace, stability and speedy economic growth in the state.


Dawud also pledged to offer the necessary support for the success of the Front’s peaceful activities.


UWSLF Leader, Sheik Ibrahim Mohammed, on his part said the Front came to this decision as the Ethiopian government opened the door for any group who wants to operate peacefully and legally.


He said the Front has carried out armed struggle over the past 18 years erroneously and is now ready to work peacefully in consent with country’s constitution.


Similarly, the Front began its 31st regular session in Adadle woreda of Gode zone yesterday in attendance of its senior leaders and members residing here and aboard.


The conference is expected to deliberate on Front’s future action plan as well as its relation with the government and the residents.

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The Zack   

^are u also a somali? If so, why read xabashi news sites and on the top of that post their news to a somali site. It is like a palestinian using an israeli site as his news resource :D

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I am sure you visit Ethiopian news sites. The only difference between you and I is that I am not ashamed to admit it. In fact I will continue to post news items relevant to Somalis, whether it comes from an Ethiopian or an Israeli web site. There is nothing in this Forum's rules that says I shouldn't paste articles from Ethio sites. If you don't like what I post, you are free to skip it. But don't dictate me what I should and shouldn't read, write or watch. Your talibanistic attitude doesn't sit well with me.

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This has sent shock waves in ONLF land. O....n Online's mad editorial speaks volumes about the state of affair in ONLF land.

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Why would this development send shock waves in ONLF land? I thought it is a very good development for the front. It certainly is!


You will know how good it is once the fanfare dies down in few weeks.

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UWSLF have nothing to add to the region, either they become like Iley and Dauud Axmaar where they will serve the "Tigray" dominance of the State or they can dissolve because they cannot return to there previous stance considering there exposure as Ethiopian pawns.


Ethiopia a powerful state in Africa and UWSLF a weak organization? UWSLF have absolutely no leverage over Ethiopia to even make a slight policy change.There simply desperate "Cimaamads" trying to get noticed.


ONLF and there supporters are pleased to see this happen, it removes these cynical groups who have been an obstical to the struggle, hopefully many more "Pretenders" can take the same fall.


The door to peace is always open but will Ethiopia accept the terms? that is the real question.

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Jabhad, with all due respect, power is not with sophisticated guns and big scars sustained over how many battles, it's with people or people power as they say. As long as UWSLF can play its cards well enough to win over the local people through a grassroots campaign of comprehensive peace and political rights and implement them concurrent with the constitution of the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia, Sheikh Ibrahim and the UWSLF might indeed outlast the failures its rivals jealously predict or even gain popularity and prestige, beyond the election time, methinks.

UWSLF's biggest leverage is that its leader is both religious pundit and populist, therefore, his credentials can challenge the secular ONLF leadership, opposed by many Somalis for its one-clan orientation and political vision. And Sheikh Ibrahim just like Sheikh Sherrif is willing to build on the established institutions of the Somali Regional State or reform it altogether for an extended autonomy.



I believe--as many other experts--Somalia won't be truly stable until the question of ****** or western Somalia is resolved.

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Nassir brother I think your having a difficult time understanding all this hogwash so allow me to help you out here.


You say the Gun is not the way to solve problems? I agree no its not the way and i certainly wish it didnt have to be this way.But the long suffering people of the Somali region have no alternative in the present time, unless Ethiopia is willing to allow a transparent peace process to be undertaken with the auspices of the International community and other third-party observers then the status quo will continue.Its a simple process but only a tyranical regime like Ethiopia would opt out.



Your simply romanticizing here lets be pragmatic.your giving the UWSLF too much credit, i guess we all are by even discussing this group.The UWSLF commands no support from any base in the O'gaden and likewise in the diaspora.


Ibrahim Dheere and his tiny UWSLF have failed in there mandate to bring anyform of development or peace already.By accepting the Ethiopian terms, they have being institutionalized into the Ethiopian Political environment.Ethiopian Political hegemony is vested in the Tigray who control all aspects of Politcal life, The Kilils re-inforce there Tigray dominance by selectively installing favourable characters that will serve out the TPLF's objectives in that region.The Tigray Goverment despite all that is mentioned in the so-called constitution follows its own politcal doctrine which is enriching themselves at the expense of the rest of the population.We have seen the deplorable crimes that have sent shockwaves recently that the "Tigray" Goverment has committed in the Somali region.So I ask myself where does a religious/nationalist force that is advocating for the suffering Somalis fall into the Tigray equation.No where? This is why its simply all PR stuff, an election scam, the UWSLF is a spent-force.


The "ONLF" is described as your above assumption states, by only those who have pre-conceived bias who cant look at the Organisation with an open mind.ONLF has a large number of 'religious folk" among its ranks,and there have been various fatwa's that support its struggle.Sheekh Ibrahim cannot use the religion card on anyone and he knows that.He did it before and it has lead him to his current standing.


Sheikh Shariif and Ibrahim Dheere's situations are not comparable?Sheikh Shariif was the leader of a popular movement not a tiny shady group of cynical so-called "wadaads".He took the opportunity atleast because the tools to bring some form of change were there but Ibrahim dhere cannot even be promised a Kilil seat.This is a colonial possession of Ethiopia and they will not allow a man with the same history as Ibrahim to lead there client state.Even if he did become a Kilil leader he would have to conform and report to Addis.


You mention all these "rosy" words like "political rights" "peace" "constitution' but the reality as we all know is different.These concepts do not exist and cannot be attributed to this region because Ethiopia is a dictatorship, a tyranical regime that abuses its citizens en masse.


As i have said this group has no leverage over Ethiopia to make any significant change to the O'gaden.


When Ethiopia stops committing its henious crimes and comes to talk with transparency, then we will welcome it with open hands.But we will not accept this sham.


The Tigray thoroughly understand this situation because its deja vu' for them.


ninkii dhoof ku yimid bay geeridu dhibta...Inshallah "full" Xornimo.

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