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Southern Somalis Given 3 Days To Vacate Sanaag Region

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Dadka Ka Soo Jeeda Koonfurta Soomaaliya oo Saddex Maalmood Loo Qabtay inay uga Baxaan Gobolka Sanaag


Baran (RBC) Wareegto uu soo saaray taliyaha ciidanka Puntland ee gobolka Sanaag C/laahi Cumar Canshuur ayaa muddo saddex maalmood ah u qabatay dadka ka soo jeeda koonfurta Soomaaliya inay uga baxaan degmooyinka gobolka.


Wareegtadan ayaa ka dambeysay olole dad qabqabasho oo maalmahan ka socday magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Garowe ee Puntland halkaasi oo dad ku dhow kun ruux oo reer koonfureed ah laga musaafuriyey.


Taliyaha ciidanka Puntland ee gobolka Sanaag C/laahi Cumar Canshuur ayaa dadka ka soo jeeda gobolada koonfureed ee dalka u sheegay in loo sugi doono saddex maalmood ka dibna lagu qaadi doono olole tarxiil ah haddii ay ku bixi waayaan mudada loo qabtay.


Wararka laga helayo dadka degaanka ayaa sheegay in manta markii ay soo baxday wareegtada degmooyinka Bariga Sanaag ay ka bilaabatay in dadka ka soo jeeda koonfurta Soomaaliya ay si iskood ah gawaari uga raacaan iyagoo u safraya dhinaca magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Dadka manta ka baxay degmooyinka Sanaag qaarkood ayaa waxaa ku jira dad barakacayaal ah oo ku noolaa degaanad Sanaag oo ay miciin bideenamaan ahaan iyo dad ganacsato ah oo shaqooyin u joogay halkaasi kuwaasi oo ay cabsi weyn soo wajahday ka dib markii manta la shaaciyey wareegtada taliyaha ciidanka Puntland.


Warar xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in dadka reer koonfureedka qaarkood oo u badan qoysas ay u guureen degmada Ceerigaabo oo xarunta gobolka Sanaag halkaasi oo maamusho Somaliland isla markaana aan loo diidin dadka.


Gobolka Sanaag waxaa uu u kala qeysan yahay Puntland iyo Somaliland, sidaasi darted ayaa dad badan u guureen dhinaca Somaliland oo ay hadda u arkaan inay uga amaansan tahay maadaama Puntland ku baaqday in dadka reer koonfureedka ay degaanka ka baxaan.


Waqtiga wareegtada ayaa ku eg maalinta Sabtida ee soo socota, waxaana intaas ka hor la filayaa in boqollaal qoys ay ka guuraan qeybta Puntland maamusho ee gobolka Sanaag.


Ololaha musaafurinta dadka reer koonfureedka ayaa sidoo kale maalintii afraad ka socda magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Garowe ka dib markii dowlada Puntland ay sheegtay in dadkaasi ay iska saareyso sababo la xiriira amaanka.

RBC Radio

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Hear Hear Xudeedi :D Erigavo District is fully under somaliland.



"Warar xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in dadka reer koonfureedka qaarkood oo u badan qoysas ay u guureen degmada Ceerigaabo oo xarunta gobolka Sanaag halkaasi oo maamusho Somaliland"

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This silly entity is getting pathetic. Tee loo tarxiili? How can you get deported from you own country. Another reason why federalism doesn't work for Somalis. Ku walbo wuxuu isku maleyn dal dhisan oo xuduuda u gaar leh. Shameful blaming their problems on innocent IDPs instead of getting off their azzes and doing something about it.

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Libaahe: Miskiin, adeer Ceerigaabo is under Somaliland administration under Makhiri leadership. The police, millitary and civil services is led by Makhiri locals adeer. I only disputed your fake claim that the triangle clan has a place in Erigavo.


Cowke, this news is fake and was not reported by local media outlets. Somali southerners have lived in Sanaag for decades and Puntland's position won't be tolerated. Again, supreme authority in Sanaag, Haylaan and Western Bari is the elders and Raxanreeb reportings is trully fabricated.


Sanaag welcomes Somali's of all corners and the administration in Garoowe does not have that power in the said regions.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

Sanaag welcomes Somali's of all corners and the administration in Garoowe does not have that power in the said regions.

This is why they will have difficulty when someone from Sanaag eventually becomes president of Puntland. If they refuse to respect the administration in Garowe now or when they broke away from Puntland 2 years ago, no one will respect them when they become president. Everyone will say that Ilko-Jiir or whoever it may be has no power! They will be only have power in Sanaag and western Bari! It's quite simple, if they refuse to follow the government direction now under President Faroole, then when they are in charge no one will follow their direction.

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Xudeedi , i have no issues with makhiri somalilanders and those who respect somaliland's law & order.

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waxaa fiican inay dadka kala saaraan, qofaan danbi galin maxaa loo kaxaynayaa, laakiin Bosaso really needs to reduce its population, meel marki kartid ilaa inuu qof ku riixayo some people khayr baaba ugu jira in la tarxiilo intay Yemen ku dhiman lahaaayeen.

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