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Puntland rebukes PM Gedi's statement on Puntland Affairs

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The PM's statement on Puntland's deals with foreign companies to explore the state's resources has angered many Puntlanders. The Puntland government demands an apology from the PM and states that it will continue its work of attracting foreign investment on their own.


Boosaaso: Dawlad goboleedka Puntland oo ka jawaabtay hadal maalintii shalay ahayd kasoo yeeray raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Md: Prof Cali Maxamed Geeddi

- Monday, August 29, 2005 at 11:14


Boosaaso(AllPuntland)-Dawlad goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ayaa maanta jawaab cad kabixiyay hadal uu maalintii shalay ahayd ka sheegay magaalada Nairobi raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof: Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo ahaa inaysan Puntland soo saari karin shidaal ama khayraad haddii ayadoon dawladda lasoo marin.


Hadaba war saxaafeed arintaasi looga jawaabayo ayaa wuxuu maanta ka soo baxay xarunta madaxtooyada dawlad goboleedka Puntland, war saxaafadeedkaasi oo uu ku saxiixnaa wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga ee Puntland Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade wuxuuna u qornaa sidan;-


Markii ay dhegeysatey DGPL, war saxaafadeedkii uu BBC-da ka siidaayey wasiirka 1-aad ee DFKMG shalay oo taariikhdu ahayd 28/08/2005, kuna sheegay in DGPL aysan xaq u lahayn in ay la gasho heshiisyo dibadeed, warkaas oo aan saldhig sharci lahayn.


Waxaa shir degdeg ah isugu yimid golaha xukuumadda DGPL, uuna guddoominayey madaxweynaha DGPL, waxaa lagu go’aamiyey qodobbadan soo socda.


1. Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland waxaa la dhisay sannadkii 1998, waxayna leedahay dastuur u gaar ah, gole shacab iyo gole xukuumadeed.

2. Dastuurkaasi wuxuu awood u siinayaa in madaxweynaha DGPL in uu la gali karo heshiisyo caalami ah cid kasta oo ay dani ugu jirto DGPL, taas oo waafaqsan shuruucda u dhigan adduun weynaha.

3. Wasiirka 1-aad hoos uma eegin axdiga lagu magacaabay ee uu dhigan DFKMG ee Soomaaliya.


Qaybta 4-aad, qod. 19-aad, farqaddiisa 4-aad.

Qaybta 13-aad qod. 88-aad, farqaddiisa 3-aad.

Qaybta 12-aad qod. 89-aad, farqaddiisa 14-aad.



Oo ay intuba qeexayaan in laba sano iyo bar gudahood lagu soo dhiso dawlad goboleedyada dhiman, iyadoo markaas kadib, la qeexi doono habka wax wada qaybsiga iyo awoodaha ka dhexayn doona DFKMG ee Soomaaliya iyo Dawlad Goboleedyada dhismi doona.


Dawlad goboleedka Puntland waxay caalamka u caddayneysaa in aysan cidna marti ugu ahayn horumarinta dadkeeda iyo dalkeeda.


Dawlad goboleedka Puntland waxay ka dalbaysaa wasiirka 1-aad ee DFKMG ee Soomaaliya in uu si deg-deg ah raalli gelin uga bixiyo eedayntii meel ka dhicii warsaxaafadeedkii aan ka fiirsiga lahayn ee uu BBC-da kaga hadlay.



Raysulwasaare Geeddi oo kasoo laabtay dalka Talyaaniga ayaa maalintii shalay ahayd shir jaraa'id ku qabtay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya , wuxuuna kasheeegay in dawlad goboleedka Puntland ay doonayso inay soo saaraan shidaal ama khayraadka dalku leeyahay , taasoo uu ku tilmaamay mid sharci daro ah , wuxuuna sheegay in marka hore loo baahan yahay in lasoo maro DFKGS.


CCC Farayaamo







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Very interesting

Walaal is that all you have to offer, where is the analytical thinking and weighing up different opinions approach that you had demonstrated and contributed so many times in here, franky speaking I'm very dissappointed :D


Now back to the serious issues concerning our homeland. Although I think that PM Gheedi is wrong on the matter concerned however I would like to see a different response which is much calmer from the authorities in Puntland State of Somalia. Usually two wrongs don't make a right and the Puntland authorites should have conntected the PM privately because they know him and they have already welcomed him in the Puntland State of Somalia. Nevertheless the authorities were angry about the harsh critiscism and the medium he used, which was the BBC Somali Serivce, that had many times before broadcasted cheap propoganda and emphasised to portray Puntland in a bad light.


We Somalis don't seem to understand the concepts of federalism. Each state has got its own parliament, state president/governor, police force and constitution.


The Puntland State of Somalia can make business deals with whom they will taking into consideration that it is not against the constitution of Puntland and that prior to the "deal" that the parliament votes and approves on it. Furthermore the public have to be told, which President Cadde emphasised on midweek gone.


They don't need any other "permission" from the central government because it does not concern the central government. I remember that in the height of the conflict in Europe, the Cold War that a certain federal state in Germany went to the USSR (the enemy) for talks on some business deals and the central government in Bonn wasn't even aware of it and there was no controversy.


The State President flew to Moscow made his business deal and exchanged the documents with the head of the USSR.


My only worry is that the companies Cadde wants to deal with, that they are companies who could be traced to a country and if something goes wrong that they could be accounted and make responsible for. We don't need some dodgy third world enterprise from India trying to dig out our natural resources for us and then afterwards disapperaing when they're finished with the looting of our natural resources and there is no government to complain too or no court to go too because the company you dealt with was a bogus one that gave you false information. If the lawyers approve of the deal then I'll say go ahead with full blessing otherwise waa in laga taxaadiraa!!


Thank you folks for your concentration, keep the debate rolling....

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Sxb they the PL authorities cited couple of TFG draft articles and I thought I check them before I say anything on the issue.


What is so interesting is not so much what the PM had to say but the internal politics within the PL that now the Col. has made clear where he stands on the question of PL regional autonomy vs. TFG's attempt to impose its non-existent powers so early in the game.

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Well honestly many Puntlanders are exaggerating the PM's statement and view it as an attack on Puntland. Miscommunication occured as some Somalis still didn't grasp that Somalia is walking the federal path and that its pioneer; Puntland is determined to be as autonomous as possible.


Pictures from the press release


You can watch it on ETN; the new Puntland TV channel released on digital TV.







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You can watch it on ETN; the new Puntland TV channel released on digital TV

How sad that we can't watch it over here in the west. I hope that we can watch it inshallah in the new future.

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Somali PM Ali Ghedi is right on the money because he - as the leader of the federal government - wants Somalia to have standard foreign investment laws that apply to all the federal states before each state is allowed to make long-term deals with foreign companies. Why? Because profit from Somalia's natural resources should be shared fairly amongst all Somali citizens (with, perhaps, special emphasis on the actual region of development).


i.e. If the Puntland admin were to sign an economic deal with a foreign company, would some of the profit reach other Somalis living in, say, Bu'aale or Xarardheer? I think not! The federal government must be given time to set up standard, nation-wide foreign investment laws before federal states are allowed to make deals that could potentially alienate some citizens of Somalia.


P.S. The exchange between the PM and the Puntland admin in the media is a childish tactic that once again demonstrates the fact that Somali politics hasn't progressed much beyond the novice level.

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What is the big deal people… we have to be honest with each other; we all know that Somalia doesn’t really have oil its soil…and if it did, let us first find the it and we talk about how share the money later or should I say “Finders Keepers†my favorite childhood game should apply here!!! Haha hehehe

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How sad that we can't watch it over here in the west. I hope that we can watch it inshallah in the new future.

Insha Allah, you will. ETN is working on it and the Bosasso branch of STN-Mogadishu; STN-Bosasso also. Till then you'll have tobe content with STN-Mogadishu.



Click here for an interesting article: Geeddi ma Raalli Gelin doonaa Puntland?


There is a dilemma, someone is gonna bite the dust. Kawaran if the PM is right? Or if the PM refuses to apologise? The Puntland gov displayed some geeljire/cowboy politics. They acted as if Gedi said Puntland doesn't have the right to develop. In the meanwhile President Cadde is on another business trip 'disobeying TFG orders'.

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I think the PL authority are wrong if they rebuked the government, how could you be a role model if you are not obbeying the central government, the PM was right to make matters clear although I don't support the Megaphone diplomacy.

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Dawlad goboleedka Puntland waxay caalamka u caddayneysaa in aysan cidna marti ugu ahayn horumarinta dadkeeda iyo dalkeeda.

Buntilaan maanta dal mee noqotay? Mise micnaha "dal" ayaa u gooye qofkii qoray war saxaafadeedkaas. Horumarinta dadkeeda qof diidan ayaa iska yar, laakiin horumarinta "dalkeeda" waa mid Soomaali dhan u taalo. Hadee Soomaaliya ka go'deyna that is another story and should absolutely care about their "dal," whatever and wherever it is.

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The only thing left for them is to reconstitute the old kingdom and the king and call it a day(Hobyo is gone this time for sure). Back to precolonial days of small kingdoms and roaming nomads with no loyalty to anyone. I think I find the latter nomads best suited for my ego as I despise to be ruled by anyone :D lool.

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