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Bossaso: Assasins of MP captured within minutes

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Faahfaahin Ku Saabsan Dilkii Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Cali Cismaan


January 6, 2010Waxaa fiidnimadii xalay lagu diley magaalada Bosaso xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Cali Cismaan, dilka xildhibaanka ayaa ka dhacay isaga oo ka soo baxay Masjidka Salaama ee Bariga magaalada Bosaso, waxaana dilka geystey laba dhalinyaro ah oo hubeysnaaa kuwaas oo laba xabadood ku dhuftey, iyaga oo madaxa soo duubtey.


Kadib markii dilku dhacay ayaa waxaa durbadiiba is abaabuley shacabkii ka agdhawaa goobta kuwaas oo baacsadey ragii dilka sameeyay, waxaana goobta soo gaarey ciidanka amaanka kuwaas oo gacan ku siiyey qabashada labada nin ee shacabku iskood isugu xilqaameen in ay qabtaan kadib markii loo adkeysan waayey falalka caynkan oo kale ah ee maalin walba hortooda lagu samaynaayo.


Labada nin oo hadda ku xiran goob amaan ah ayaa warar si hoose aan ku helney sheegayaan in weli midba midka kale ku eedyanaayo, dilka xildhibaanka


Sidoo kale waxaan weli la aasin xildhibaanka, waxaana warar hoose sheegayaan in amar lagu bixiyey in nimanka dilkan geystey iyo xildhibaanka isla mar la duugo taas oo u badan in isla maanta maxkamad milteri lagu xukumo ragaan.


Mar aan weydiiney mid kamid ah laamaha amaanka oo ka gaabsadey in aan magiciisa xigano ayaa sheegay in dilkaan ay dhici karto in uu xiriir la leeyahay sadex arimood midkood


1.Aano qabiil ee hore taas oo la doonaayo in loga faa’ideystey falalka caynkan oo kale ah ee ka dhacaayey Puntland


2.In dhalinyaradan ay soo direen dad ka caraysan hawlgal Boolisku ka sameeyay magaalada Ceelaayo taas oo ay ku soo qabteen hub, shidaal iyo rag ka shaqeynaayey arimo burcadnimo iyo tahriib, waxaana dhici karta in ay doonayaan in falkaan ay amniga guud wax uga dhimaan.


3.Arinta sadexaad ayuu ku sheegay in raggaan ay xiriir la leeyihiin rag ku dhuumaaleysta buuraha gobolka bari kuwaas oo xiriir la leh al-Shabaab.

Sidey doontaba ha noqotee guusha ugu balaaran ee la tilmaami karo waa sida shacabku uga dhiidhiyeen falalka caynkan oo kale ah isla markaasna ay muujiyeen isku duubni, taas oo maamulka ku garabgashey in daqiiqado kooban gudaheed lagu soo qabto ragii dilka u geystey xildhibaanka.

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Somalia: Puntland lawmaker killed in Bossasso

6 Jan 6, 2010 - 5:39:30 AM


A lawmaker serving in the parliament of Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland has been shot dead by unidentified gunman in Bossasso, the commercial capital of Bari region.


Lawmaker Abdullahi Ali was reportedly killed outside a Mosque in the town and it is not clear the motive behind the killing.


Shortly after killing, security forces launch a man-hunt, nabbing two suspects who are currently held by the police.


Abdullahi is the second lawmaker serving in the Puntland parliament killed in recent months.


On November, gunmen assassinated lawmaker Ibrahim Elmi in Garowe. Two suspects are currently held for his killing.


Assassinations targeted on Puntland officials are increasingly becoming common in the region which enjoys relative peace compared to the choatic southern Somalia.


According to security analysts, the escalating conflict in the south has hugely impacted on the peace and stability in the region.



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2 dambiile oo toogtay mudane ka tirsan baarlamaanka Puntland oo la qabtay, midina dhaawac yahay.


Wacaal Daray ah: Bossaso, Jan 05 - Cabdullahi Cali Kaarad, mudane ka tirsan golaha wakiilada Puntland, ayaa caawa lagu dilay magaalada Bossaso.


Alle ha u naxariistee, marxuumka ayaa la sheegay in ay toogteen 2 nin oo hubaysan, xilli uu sii galayey mid ka mid ah masaajidda magaalada Bossaso.


2-da dambiile ayaa isku dayey in ay baxsadaan kadib fal-dambiyeedka ay gaysteen.


Shacabka magaalada ayaa ka gadooday fal-dambiyeedkan ay gaysteen 2-da dambiile, iyada sida ay sheegeen dad goobjoogayaal ahi shacabku ay raacdaysteen, kuna guulaysteen in ay isla goobtii ku qabtaan mid ka mid ah dambiilayaasha.


Dambiilaha kale ayaa la sheegay in uu gabaad ka dhigtay, kuna dhuuntay guri, halkaas oo dadweyne caraysani ay isku-weer ka qabteen, deetana ciidanka bilaysku ay xoog ku galeen, dabiilahana xabsiga u taxaabeen.


Mudanaha la dilay ayaa laga soo doortaa gobolka Bari.


2-da dambiile ee la qabtay ayaa la sheegay in ay ka soo jeedaan gobolka Sanaag.


Waa dhacdadii 2-aad ee mudane ka tirsan golaha wakiilada lagu dilo gobollada Puntland.


Hore ayaa wasiir iyo tiro dad indheergarad ah lagu dilay magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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Lol... Horseedmedia waxay wadaa af celin fadhi ku dirir ah. Adeer reerka uu ka dhashey ninka wax diley way iska soo bixi doontaa.


Aano qabiil. ********* wax colaad ah aano qabiil kama dhaxeyso. Ninka diley oo aanoada qabiilka ah ay ka dhaxeyso waa reer qardhood oo hada saldhiga lagu haayo. Reer ceelaayona iyaga ayaa dowlada keeney oo the last 6 months ka doodaayay sidii burcada looga dul qaadi lahaa. Laakiin war jiraaba cakaaruu iman.


warkana dadka intiisa badan sidaan ayay sheegeen.


[ January 06, 2010, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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^^^Koore, adeer it seems only is out of line here, why is that? All the other media outets are reporting that the two armed men were chased by locals and arrested by the police within minutes of the shooting.


The report in Dhahar is naming an individual who by all accounts was not even there, it seems in defence of the two arrested men, why?


Lets stick with the facts and not get carried away by emotions. The men are in custody and talking which is an important fact so far.

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You dont get point Mr. Dukey. what you reffering as all the media are the same group of media who only comfirm each other. The two men arrested are not both from Sanaag. One of the men is from Sanaag the other one who did the shooting was from Qardho. Both men are working for the PIS, everyone will tell you that.


Isla shalay waxaa Garoowe lagu diley Macalin Dugsi Quraan oo caan ah. Talow taasina yaa eeda loo saari doonaa.


Waxaa muhiim ah in dadka fidnawadayaasha la iska qabto sharcigana la horkeeno regardles of thier tribe.

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^^^I agree both men, should be executed in public.

Kooro, adeer I don’t care if they came from Mars, what’s important is that no one should get away with shooting anyone least of all a legislator in the city of Bossaso. The idea that their region or clan affiliation is important is ludicrous a criminal does not have a clan adeer. As for the news media, only the one you posted seems to be out of line, ,maybe they have better investigative journalist than the others, or are playing a different game.

Blaming PIS, wont wash, the men were caught red handed and one even ran into a house being chased by the mob, and now are talking out loud. It’s a victory adeer that cold blooded killers are caught, no need for any cover ups or other talk.

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Now the PIS is going around attacking parliament members :confused: That is ridiculous! These guys who targeted this man did it to cause instability! They were hoping that others would be blamed.



No matter what anyone wants to believe, two many were quickly apprehended and they will face justice. If this was a more organized assassination then everyone involved will be arrested.

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Duke is right. The two men who were caught were both from Sanaag working for underground groups linked to the ideology of radicalism practised throughout the world now.


They wanted to divert the attention by the killing to the ongoing feud saga between the two respected families kora named whose elders including former President Adde Muuse are in Qardho right now to settle the dispute that has engulfed the two families.


The Killers wanted to take advantage using the so well known method practised in South Somalia to shoot and kill whilst either entering or leaving the mosque during maghrib and the two other night prayers.


It totally failed and after they killed the parliamentarian entering the mosque one was injured and the other man was followed by the crowd to a house were he tried to hide but the crowd kept surveillance on the house and the man and alerted the police who arrested the man thus so far.


Trashy media outlets of those primarily from Makhir namely and specially maakhiri outlet plus their other ill run outlet of galgalanews are now trying to hide this crime but this men will be trialled and brought to justice for everyone to see.


Baseless accusations won't wash nor will the persona non grata of Jamac 'Ayaanle' Feyte (what a name for a Puntlander) who is the Dahhir Calasow of the Makhiri and his shabby run websites mainly (I won't got onto who are also the prime promoters not but certainly of Koora and other makhiri artists and thus by association to it Koora wants to paint this trashy websites as legitimate which they are not, certainly


I know that Nassir and Paragon have written a few articles on who certainly want to represent themselves in a much better light than the virus infected, whose own Dahir Calasow writes what he likes in there day in and out, certainly and thus by laasqoray' association with and the support it gave to artists like Koora, Koora now defends the undefensible, which is the trash website of


If you need futher info I can present to the gallery to the idiocy of this website and its editors and reporters namely Jamac Ayaanle Feyte.

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Before these sons of b1tches are executed, the security forces should interrogate them to get the identity of the men who sent them to commit this crime. When the identity of these men are known, let them ALL be hanged in public. This will be a lesson to those that think they can do tribally motivated murders and then after-wards conceal their tracks, by making it look like the deviants of the south were behind it.

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It is good the two men are arrested, they should be judged and executed and buried with the Xildhibaanka Alaha u naxariisto. Dhahar is just writing to confuse people with their nonsence. Are they working for alshabaab?

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War jiraaba cakkaaruu iman. Kolleey waxaan aniga ogahay in Koora Tuunshe xog sugan hayo. Website-yadana weey iska kala qaattaan wararka oo maleh war qaadyo kala madax bannaan. Wararka ay soo tabiyaanna inyar baa hubaal ah loo xaqiijin karayaa, inta kale se waa warar naqshadeeysan.


The identity of those who committed this crime is not so important as long as there is a thorough investigation. They were from 'there' and no they 'weren't', should not be what is most valued. Wherever the criminals hail from, a crime has been committed. What is of interest to law and order is that those who committed the are brought in front of a court of law and justice served.


PS: ThankfulSP's punctual presence in this thread, and commentary, only points to his poisonous intent to create a dichotomy between Puntlanders from all walks. He defends this and attacks that only to divide and not to unite. It's a sickening tendency that we may have to endure - unless he is warned off.

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All ThankfulSP did was air his opinion, which was that he felt to blame the PIS for this heinous crime is preposterous. Which I concur is a valid observation, even-though you may not agree with his logic. Now how did you come to the conclusion that he is out to, as you put it, "only to divide and not to unite"?? :confused:


These men will pay for their crime, and those behind them will eventually be found out aswell. Deal with it!

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